Inspirational Quotes > Famous Quotes

Sartre's famous sayings

1. I started my life in the pile of books, just like undoubtedly ending my life in the pile of books. - Sartre's famous sayings

2. He is two years older than me - he has earned a lot of benefits from these two years. - Sartre's famous sayings

3. There is a necessary love between us; but at the same time we also realize that we need accidental love. - Sartre

4. I claim to be a savior supported by the people. In fact, I am saved for myself. - Sartre

5. I feel poor and feel useless, prompting me to seize the heroism and let me down. - Sartre

6. How long this relationship lasts should not be influenced by factors other than feelings, such as law. - Sartre

7. Think of art works as the result of transcendence, thinking that the creation of each piece is beneficial to the world. - Sartre

8. You can pretend to be serious, but you can't pretend to be witty.

9. If you try to change something, you should accept a lot of things first.

10. For violence, I only have one weapon, that is violence.

11. Loyalty, even deep loyalty, will never be pure and innocent.

12. For violence, I only have one weapon, that is violence.

13. Loyalty, even deep loyalty, will never be pure and innocent.

14. This thing of youth is really wonderful, the outside glows red, but the interior does not feel anything.

15. Newspapers, like the sun, have a common mission to bring light to people.

16. Everything in life, people will never give up life.

17. True friendship arises from the common love

18. The world is ridiculous, life is painful - Sartre's famous sayings

19. People are first and foremost a creature that advances itself toward a future and knows that it is exactly what it does.

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