Inspirational Quotes > Famous Quotes

Strict self-discipline

1. False sincerity, more terrible than the devil - Tagore

2. Credit at work is the best wealth. Young people without credit accumulation cannot become losers - Ikeda Daisaku

3. The people do not believe in standing - Confucius

4. Take the path of honesty and honesty, there will be a conscience--the home of Gorky

5. To be honest with people, people should be honest and honest - Cheng Hao

6. Life cannot make brilliant flowers from lies - Heine

7. Only Cheng can break the falsehood of the world, but it can break the world's emptiness - Xue Yu

8. If you don’t believe it, you can’t do it – Mozi

9. People do not know the name of the letter - Liu Xiang

10. Honesty is a symbol of strength, it shows a person's high self-respect and inner security and dignity - Irene Kaser

11. No honesty, dignity - Cicero

12. When credit disappears, the body has no life - Dumas

13. Lost, you may stand up right away, lose faith, you may never recover - Franklin

14. The truth is that half is often a big lie - Franklin

15. Sincerity is a kind of open mind - La Roche Fuco

16. Life cannot make brilliant flowers from lies - Heine

17. Only Cheng can break the falsehood of the world, but it can break the world's emptiness - Xue Yu

18. If you don’t believe it, you can’t do it – Mozi

19. People's letter is not famous - Liu Xiang

20. Honesty is a symbol of strength, it shows a person's high self-esteem and inner sense of security and dignity - Irene Kaser

21. Hypocritical sincerity, more terrible than the devil - Tagore

22. Credit at work is the best wealth. Young people without credit accumulation cannot become losers.

23. The people do not believe in standing - Confucius

24. Take the path of honesty and honesty, there will be a conscience--the home of Gorky

25. People who are sincere in feelings, people should be honest and honest - Cheng Hao

26. No honesty, dignity - Cicero

27. When credit disappears, the body has no life - Dumas

28. Lost, you may stand up right away, lose faith, you may never recover - Franklin

29. The truth is that half is often a big lie - Franklin

30. Sincerity is the opening of the mind - La Roche Fuco

31. Honesty is the foundation of people - Lu Xun

32. Sincerely, the stone is open - Wang Chong

33. Do not believe not to stand, not to be honest - say it

34. Don’t bully inside, don’t bully outside – Master Hongyi

35. Treating people with sincerity, not being beneficial to others, benefiting others

36. If you want others to be honest, you must first be honest – Shakespeare

37. Honesty is the lifeblood of life and the foundation of all values ​​- Dreiser

38. Honesty is the noblest thing a person can keep - Chaucer

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