Inspirational Quotes > Famous Quotes

a famous saying of philosophy of life

1. Every step forward in learning is closer to this truth step.

2. Learning is light. - Gorky "The Fallen People"

3. The ideal book is the key to wisdom.

4. Books are the nutrition of the whole world. There are no books in life, just like there is no sunshine in the earth. There is no book in wisdom, just like birds have no wings. - "Shakespeare's Drama Collection"

5. The giant's masterpieces defeat the vulgarity of the people. - Roman Roland "Beethoven Biography"

6. Fairytales are not real, but they have profound meanings!

7. Every book is like a first-level ladder. I climbed up the stairs and rose from animals to people. I have a clear concept of a good life and I am eager to achieve this kind of life. I read a lot of books and felt like a vessel filled with water of life. - Gorky "How do I read"

8. The more you read, the stronger your spirit will be. - Gorky "The World's Famous Quotes"

9. Reading is good, but it must be remembered that a book is just a book, and you have to use your own brains. - Gorky "in the world"

10. Although the sage is trampled longer and faster, the more youthful the waste, the easier it is to disappear. - Shakespeare's "Henry IV"

11. A fool thinks he is smart, but a wise man knows that he is a fool. - Shakespeare's "All Happy"

12. Wisdom is much richer than the meaning of knowledge. - "Tiger's Biography"

13. Remember: Only one time is important, and that is now! It is important because it is the only time we have made a difference. - Tolstoy "Three Questions"

14. The fastest and slowest in the world, the longest and the shortest, the most mundane and the most precious, the most easily overlooked and regrettable is time. - Gorky "The Foreign Celebrity Quotes"

15. A person who still can't know himself is busy studying something that is irrelevant to him. This is ridiculous to me.

16. Health is the best gift, contentment is the greatest wealth, and trust is the best character.

17. The road to success is to do what you can do, do what you do, and not be greedy.

18. Sudden luck has created an activist or instigator, but the tempered luck has created genius.

19. For humans, survival itself is travel. - Dongshan Kuiyi

20. No matter how you feed the wolf, its heart is always toward the forest. - Turgenev

21. Without simplicity, kindness, and truth, there is no greatness. - Tolstoy War and Peace

22. Life and death are only slaves at the feet. - Tagore's "Captured Heroes"

23. Genius is not born for genius, but for human beings. - Hugo "Shakespeare"

24. 27. I am like a sieve. You can dump any garbage on me. I can always screen you out. - Gorky "The career of Artamonov's family"

25. Geniuses look for obstacles and obstacles create genius. - "Roman Roland Biography"

26. I have always believed that any natural or born genius cannot be accomplished without a combination of perseverance, modesty and immersion. - "Biography of Dickens"

27. Making life numb is never a pleasure. - "Hugo Biography"

28. The way each life is a way of being a force in nature. Some people's lives are like quiet lakes, some seemingly empty clouds like white clouds, some like rich and rich plains, and some like intermittent mountains. I think John Christopher's life is like a river. - Roman Roland "John Christopher"

29. A young man, when he is cold, his mind will become healthy. - Balzac "Morister Mignon"

30. The conscience of young people is as clear as a sunny day. - "Pushkin in Exile"

31. The petals of spring are blowing,

32. Not for the fruits of the future,

33. Just for a moment of revival. - Tagore "Flower Collection"

34. Every time a child is taught, one scum is reduced.

35. A horse never forgives a stupid rider to appease it, and does not give it a tight cinch. - Roman Roland "Mother and Son"

36. No one can be taught with a whip. - Gorky "Childhood"

37. Education should not only be intellectually focused, but must strive to make educated people more acute, civilized and more tolerant. - "Tiger's Biography"

38. Education should create a harmonious link between students and their society and the natural environment. - "Tiger's Biography"

39. The greatest science is never satisfied with the seeds of ignorance and suspicion, which is more fertile in the minds of the strong than in faith.

40. A true scientist should be a visionary; whoever is not a fantasist can only call himself a practitioner. - Hugo "Marine Labor"

41. The wider the knowledge of the person, the better the person himself is.

42. Knowledge is the real knowledge only when it comes from positive thinking, not from memory. - Tolstoy's "The World's Famous Quotes"

43. When a person does not learn, there is no difference between a cow and a cow. Instead of bringing a yoke, it is a slaughter of meat. It also shakes its tail. - Gorky "The World"

44. The more the bowstring is pulled, the farther the arrow of life is shot. - Roman Roland "Mother and Son"

45. A person’s life is short, but it is too long to live this short life. - "Shakespeare's Drama Collection"

46. ​​The most beautiful gift is talent. - Balzac "The Race of Sai Pirodo"

47. The path of glory is narrow, one can only move forward, not backwards; therefore you should continue to move forward on this narrow road, because countless competitors are behind you, one is following one. - Shakespeare's Troy Ross and Cressida

48. Those who enjoy love and honor will feel the joy of survival. - Shakespeare's "Charles II"

49. Fame is like toxic substances like some special bright flowers. - Balzac "Morister Mignon"

50. To overcome it, you must first understand it.

51. A person who is happy and comfortable to do today's work, and happy and comfortable to meet tomorrow's work, should be praised and encouraged by people. - Dickens "The Beauty of the United States"

52. Being able to use our talents in reality is happiness. - Balzac "Loanie"

53. Whoever works, who is the master. - Gorky "Little Citizen"

54. Labor is a creation. - Gorky "The Literature of the Soviet Union"

55. The cause is the railing, and we hold it on the edge of the abyss. - Gorky "The career of Artamonov's family"

56. When order becomes chaotic, chaos is used to maintain order. -Roman Roland "Gola Brennion"

57. Society is a mud pit and we have to stand on the high ground. - Balzac "The Old Man"

58. The real difference between human beings is this: people in the light and people in the dark. - Hugo "Les Miserables"

59. Grandma invented the monster to scare the child and invented the Lord to scare the adult. - Hugo "Les Miserables"

60. Panic is wonderful. In all inventions of mankind, the most beautiful invention is the kind God!—Roman Roland, Mother and Son

61. If all human beings are full of energy, they will all be concentrated in one head. If the whole world is gathered in one's mind, the situation will continue to be the end of civilization. - Hugo "Les Miserables"

62. I created, so I survive. - Roman Roland "John Christopher"

63. God finds himself in creation. - Tagore "Flying Birds"

64. People can be immersed in their strong will. - Hugo "Marine Labor"

65. Regardless of the future, no matter what happens, we do not lose hope: hope is a virtue. - "Hugo Biography"

66. Even if you are eager to fail, the pain of craving is still sweet. - Tagore "The Gift of Lovers"

67. When you are angry, close your mouth so as not to increase your anger. - Socrates

68. Being angry is to punish yourself by doing something wrong with others.

69. If there are no friends in life, it is like there is no sunshine in life.

70. The hope of tomorrow will make us forget the pain of today.

71. If life is stripped of ideals, dreams, and fantasies, then life is just a pile of empty shelves.

72. Illumination is not a patent for the sun, you can also shine, really.

73. The fool uses the flesh to monitor the soul, and the wise man monitors the flesh with the mind.

74. The only way to achieve happiness is to cherish what you have and forget what you don't have.

75. Greed is the most real poverty, and satisfaction is the most real wealth.

76. You can get the world with love, and you can lose the world with hate.

77. The value of man is determined at the moment of temptation.

78. Young is the only time we have the right to weave our dreams.

79. Once youth is "pawn", it will never be redeemed.

80. Without the language of love, all the words are boring.

81. True love should transcend the length of life, the breadth of the soul, and the depth of the soul.

82. Once a person is enlightened, he will give up searching for things outside his body and begin to pursue the true wealth of the inner world.

83. As long as you have confidence, people will never be defeated.

84. No matter when you start, it is important not to stop after the start.

85. No matter when you end, it is important not to regret after the end.

86. If a person is weak, he is his greatest enemy.

87. If a person is brave, he is his best friend.

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