Inspirational Quotes > Famous Quotes

Courage or success

1. The difficulty involves victory, and the failure is a success.

2. Failure is the mother of success. High but not the bottom plate.

3. Failure to learn lessons and success in gaining experience.

4. A successful businessman is a tiger, a failed businessman is a wolf, which one of you is dealing with? - Feng Xiaocai

5. Foreigners do not need Chinese, and Chinese do not need foreigners. At this point, I stand with the Boxers at any time. The Boxer is a patriot. They love their country better than the country that loves other nations. I wish them success. The Boxer advocates driving us out of their country. I am also a boxer. Because I also advocate driving them out of our country. --Mark Twain

6. The unsuccessful success is like an uncooked dish, you can fill your stomach, but there is no good taste. - Joe Petno

7. The opportunity is extremely rare, but he has three successful conditions, that is, "the legs that run like a deer, the leisure time of walking the road, and the patience of the Jews. - Balzac

8. The husband wants to control his wife, far less than the lover thinks about approaching the situation - the number of women is too many; the forbidden child thinks of closing the door, far less than the prisoners think of the number of escapes; so the difficulty is so much, the lover and the prisoner should still succeed. - Balzac

9. The elements required for successful business operations are: enthusiasm for the output of the goods, the exact knowledge of the finished product, the sense of responsibility and the effective assignment of duties. Managers must be able to give full play to their subordinates' ability to work independently and to take on full responsibility within the organization; each individual in the organization must also be seen as part of a common goal. - Lord Ford

10. When a person goes to bed, he can say to himself: I have not broken down on other people's works, I don't know who to believe, I don't use my intelligence and wisdom as a knife to stir up innocent people's hearts; The happiness of others is that the people who are deceived by chaos do not interfere with his happiness. They do not make trouble to those who are really talented. They do not bother to use the wittic words to gain easy success. In short, they never violate my beliefs... Can you say this to yourself? Great comfort? Balzac

11. There is only one success – you can spend your life in your own way of life. - Christopher Morley

12. The conditions for success are courage and self-confidence, and courage and self-confidence are derived from sound thoughts and healthy bodies. - Coron

13. There is no difficulty in the world, only the word of perseverance is the key to success. ——Huang Xing

14. You should understand the truth: work hard, work hard, and work harder; if you don't succeed, you must work hard, work hard, and work harder. ——Wei Hickson

15. When you want to be successful, be a good friend. - Edison

16. Nineteen failures, to the twentieth success, this is called persistence. - Anonymous

17. Many people are victorious and successful because they persist in the last five minutes. - Anonymous

18. Working with the support of a lofty purpose. Even if it is slow, it will definitely be successful. - Einstein

19. Perseverance is the trick of success. - Disraeli

20. Success = hard work + the right way + less talk. - Einstein

21. To succeed in a career, you must spend your entire life. - Levin Hook

22. Smart qualifications, internal enthusiasm, hard work attitude and perseverance are all other conditions that are necessary for scientific success. - Beveridge

23. What people lack is not talent but ambition, not the ability to succeed but the will to work hard. - Partial Wei

24. The secret of success lies in the firmness of the goal. - Disraeli

25. The secret of success is never changing the intended purpose. - Rousseau

26. Success is the inner creation. - Ralph M. Ford

27. When you are filled with joy and happiness, you have no time to decadent. - Frank Meyer

28. If you have the courage to start, you will have a successful passion. - David Wescott

29. Only 15% of a person's career success is due to his professional skills, and another 85% depends on interpersonal relationships and foreign skills. Soft and hard are relative. Professional skills are hard skills, and the communication skills that are good at dealing with relationships are soft skills. - Carnegie

30. Every successful man has a woman behind her silent support.

31. As a scientist, my success ...... most important thing is: love of science: the infinite patience of long-term thinking on any issue: in fact observe and collect diligent author: considerable inventiveness and common sense. - Darwin

32. Planting pines must be fierce, not fierce and unsuccessful.

33. I dare not let go of my fear of failure and will never succeed.

34. Be brave, things will succeed; hard work, happiness will come.

35. Three people save energy, four people are more relaxed, everyone is united, and Pepsi can succeed.

36. Successfully succeeded and reached out.

37. If you don’t do it, everything goes wrong.

38. A bold attempt is only half the battle.

39. Success is the reward of hard work.

40. Pride is the enemy of victory, and hard work is a successful friend.

41. What a successful person knows, besides hard work, is humility.

42. There have been many failures and it is rare to succeed.

43. There is no danger in front of the warriors

44. When the wind and the sea are in a fierce battle, only the brave and calm sailors arrive at the other side -----

45. People who have never encountered hardships, do not need anything but quantity

46. ​​I admire courage, perseverance and confidence, because they have always helped me cope with the dilemmas I have encountered in earthly life. —— Dante

47. The crown of world glory is woven with thorns. —— Jia Lai

48. Miracles are mostly found in bad luck. —— Bacon

49. Our courage is our best God

50. With courage, you can crush bad luck.

51. Even God will help honest and brave people.

52. The road does not go to grass, and the chest does not have a back.

53. In the period of entrepreneurship, you must make a living on your own. The hardships are the only way to go through this path.

54. Once you meet, there is no other way to fight against the head. If you cringe and retreat, you are equal to self-improvement. —— Zou Yufen

55. What is the road? It is from the place where there is no road, and it is opened from the place where only the thorns are. —— Lu Xun

56. A great mind should show such a spirit

57. Use smiles to meet the tragic misfortune and use a hundred times of courage to cope with all the misfortunes. —— Lu Xun

58. The virtues of luck are temperate, and the virtues of bad luck are perseverance... —— Bacon

59. If you are timid on the day of trouble, your strength is small (Bible)

60. Difficulties can only intimidate lazy cowards, and victory always belongs to the people who climb the peak. —— Mao Yisheng


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