Inspirational Quotes > Famous Quotes

Psychologist's famous saying

1. Relocating a child is not true love, but harm. If you want to cultivate a rogue, then go to "indulgence" him and "accomp" him. If you want to cultivate a great child, then in the face of the child's initial unreasonable requirements, you must adhere to the principle of love. The reason for love rejected him.

2. Good words, three winters and warmth; bad words hurt people in June. Adults can make people and destroy people. If the purpose of parental discipline is to create people, then don't beat the children.

3. Love is unconditional and non-utilitarian. Healthy, perfect and humane love, can not be because the child has a good time, to add their own love and love.

4. Westerners love son philosophy: My happiest time is when I spend time with my children. My child gave me strength to make me through the storm. I really know what love is when I have children, and my children make my life full of sunshine.

5. There are always difficulties and twists and turns in the path of life. No matter what happens, you will never hurt yourself and never hurt others.

6. You criticize him in front of the class, you hurt him, you praise him in the face of the class, you hurt the class.

7. If there is a healthy state of mind, a person in a wheelchair can live happily and happily; but a person whose limbs are healthy and whose mental health is seriously damaged can only be painfully delayed.

8. A famous psychologist said: Parents let children express all their feelings - positive and negative - and give them the best gift.

9. What is freedom? Freedom is doing what you want to do without affecting others.

10. Never hurt yourself and never hurt others.

11. Parents who do not love, do not show love, or do not show enough love, will certainly cause children's psychological barriers and defects to varying degrees.

12. What do people live in the world for? Know yourself. Only by knowing yourself can you change yourself.

13. If you have love in your heart, you can discover love, and you will find a "sticky" child, like a lover in the eyes of a lover.

14. Learning psychology must first change itself.

15. Children need to be human dignity. Children are the most emotionally vulnerable, the most unstoppable people... Children can bear more than adults, not that they are not angry, but that they know their incompetence.

16. Young students have no early love, only first love. First love is the most beautiful, purest and most romantic of human beings... It is the most beautiful emotion of human beings that is most worthy of human beings expressed in the best language.

17. A child with no problems is the biggest problem, and a class with no problems is the class with the most problems.

18. Everything will not happen unless you have a dream first. Carl - scatter

19. A person's life is a journey to learn to love yourself. Only by learning to love yourself can you extend your love to everyone you encounter in your journey.

20. If you don't have a mountain that you can't go, you can't go through it. Why don't you go with yourself?

21. Praise, affirmative and cordial attitudes to improve children's self-perception; criticism, accusation and indifference, reducing children's self-perception.

22. The teacher is also a person. The teacher also has joy, anger, sorrow, and fear. But as long as we are teachers and face students, all our joys, anger, sorrow, and fear are for the students we face.

23. Between husband and wife, between lovers, parents and children must take a glance and close their eyes.

24. Life experiences are not necessarily wealth. Only by knowing your life experience can you become your wealth.

25. Everyone needs praise and needs to be recognized; adults are like this, not to mention children. Just discovering the strengths and strengths of your child is not enough, and you have to express your praise without any regrets. The best way to mobilize your child is to give them praise and tell the child that he is the best!

26. There is no way out of the world, only the way you dare not go.

27. All ideological education, moral education, and psychological education must be based on extensive and solid scientific knowledge.

28. French educator Lu Jun once said: Self-confidence is a miracle to the cause. With it, your talents can be inexhaustible and inexhaustible; a person without confidence, no matter how talented he is, will not seize an opportunity.

29. The first education that should be accepted in life is the education of love.

30. The way to relate a good feeling to something is the most effective way to change a person's behavior without forcing it.

31. The students are telling the truth, but not necessarily the truth.

32. American psychologists have studied the character of 150 accomplished people and found that they all have three excellent qualities: one is character resilience; the other is good at accumulating results for achieving their goals. The third is very confident and not inferior.

33. After investigation: the child benefited less than 5 times in 100 parental disciplines.

34. The difficulty of a person's psychological barriers to a person's life is far greater than the difficulty of a general physical defect.

35. Knowing yourself can help others.

36. Be the first element of the teacher, the eyes will always look at the students; the second element is to treat the students equally.

37. Everyone has his own life experience, and only a positive attitude can be seen, it can become your wealth.

38. Don't criticize your child in public. This way seriously hurts your child's self-esteem. The really effective way is: public praise, behind criticism.

39. Love is essentially giving rather than acquiring.

40. A true ideal is by no means a mysterious force on the individual. It is a powerful expression of unconditional affirmation of the self. Any ideal that violates the principle of affirming self is proved to be not an ideal, but a pathological goal.

41. Giving is the highest performance of potential.

42. Greed is a kind of hell that can bring infinite pain to people. It exhausts the energy of manpower to meet its needs, but it does not bring satisfaction.

43. One must learn how to hear and understand the call of conscience in order to act according to conscience.

44. The will is free, the realization of his will, and the realization of himself, and this self-realization is the greatest satisfaction for the individual.

45. Respect for life Respecting others and respecting one's own life is a companion in the course of life and a condition of mental health. Fromm

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