Inspirational story

Opportunity begins with respecting others

An ant was blown into the pond by the wind, and on the eve of the night, the pigeons on the tree saw the scene and quickly threw the leaves into the pond.

The ants climbed the leaves, the leaves floated to the pool, and the ants were saved. "She is very grateful for the help of the pigeons.

After a while, the ants saw a hunter aiming the pigeon on the tree with a gun, but the pigeon did not notice it at all. Just as the hunter opened fire, the ants climbed the hunter's foot and took a bite.

Under the hunter's pain, the bullets were smashed, the pigeons escaped, and the ants reported the help of the pigeons.

Small ants can also help a lot at critical moments!

The animal world is like this, so is humanity.

Everyone, regardless of his position, status, wealth, or ability, has the meaning and role of his existence, which cannot be ignored.

In daily life, people may easily respect their superiors, respect those who are famous, and respect those who are high above them.

However, they tend to ignore some people around them, such as cleaning cleaners and handymen. They feel that they are dressed in a rudimentary manner and face vicissitudes. They are too lazy to take their eyes to them, let alone respect them; even feel that They greeted and talked and lost their identity.

However, one day, these snobbish behaviors will pay a price.

A lady took her child to the company, and the child had a runny nose. She took out a paper towel and wiped his nose. After wiping the nose, I dropped the paper towel on the clean floor.

At this time, the old man who was cleaning the side came over and picked up the paper towel and put it in the trash can. He said nothing.

The woman dropped a piece of paper on the ground again, and the old man quietly picked it up and put it in the trash.

When the woman once again threw the paper towel on the ground, the old man still put it in the trash can without saying anything.

But the lady glanced at the old man and said to her son: "If you don't study hard, you can't find a job when you grow up. Just like that person, you have to do these dirty work and be looked down upon!"

The old man came over at this time and said, "This is a certain company. Only company employees can come in. How did you come in?"

The woman is very proud to say: "I am the manager of the marketing department of the company!" The old man listened. He took out a phone and dialed a phone call. Then he came out with a young man. The old man said, "I suggest you reconsider the manager of the marketing department. is it suitable."

The young man replied with respect: "Okay, I will carefully consider your suggestion." It turned out that the cleaner is the president of the company!

Finally, the old man kneels down and smiles and says to the child: "Children, people should not only know how to study hard, but more importantly, they must respect everyone around you!"

Don't look at people with colored glasses and learn to respect everyone around you.

Don't think that there is no need to show elegance in front of them, and there is no need to embody self-cultivation. Maybe one day your bad behavior will be seen by those who are important to you.

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