Work report > Investigation report

Investigation report on the development of agriculture and rural economy in the village of Erlang Town

Investigation report on the development of agriculture and rural economy in the village of Erlang Town

I. Basic situation Erlang Town ** Village is located in the northwest of Hechuan City, belonging to the Longduo Mountain Platform area, 4 kilometers away from Erlangchang Town, and the cultivated area is 1336 acres, including 520 acres of land and 812 acres of soil. The population is 1,513 and the labor force is 774. In 2001, the total rural economic income of the village was 2.117 million yuan, of which pure agricultural income was 933,000 yuan, accounting for 44% of the total income, and the per capita net income of farmers was 1,730 yuan, which was lower than the per capita income of farmers in the city. 199 yuan, 10.3% lower. It is a typical agricultural village.
2. Unfavorable factors affecting the development of agriculture and rural economy in the village
1. The agricultural infrastructure is weak and the ability to resist natural disasters is poor. Judging from the overall situation of agricultural production in the village, it is still in a state of relying on the weather, and natural disasters are one of the main factors affecting its agricultural production. For example, in 2001, the encounter with the spring drought and drought in the Longduoshan platform caused a large-scale reduction in crop yields in the village. The corn and rice harvests were only about 40% of the normal annual crop. The main reason is that the village's water conservancy facilities are not perfect. There is only one reservoir. So far, there are no irrigation and drainage channels. Only the 6 farms benefit from the farmland. The other five communities have difficulty in draught and even draught. rainwater.
2. The agricultural structure is unreasonable. First, the structure of the planting industry is unreasonable. The planting area of ​​the whole village is 2,140 mu. The grain crops such as corn, rice and red glutinous rice account for more than 95%. The vegetables, fruits and other polyculture crops are rare, and the varieties are aging, distributed scattered, low quality and poor efficiency. Second, the aquaculture industry is developing slowly and the degree of marketization is not high. Traditional pig and duck farming cannot keep up with the improvement of varieties, the degree of intensification is low, and there is no scale. In addition, farmers do not know much about “market” knowledge, and production is blind and sometimes loses. For example, the "lace duck" cultivated by most farmers in this year's ** village, due to poor quality, the current market price is only 2.5 yuan / kg, not enough feed costs.
3. The comparative benefits of agricultural production are low, and it is difficult for farmers to increase their income. First, the traditional “grain and pig” dual structure has low production efficiency, which seriously affects the development of the village's agricultural economy. The blindness and low efficiency of agricultural production seriously dampen the enthusiasm of farmers for agricultural production, resulting in the village labor force. A large number of outings, according to survey statistics, the village's 774 laborers have long-term out of 174 people, accounting for 22.5% of the total labor force, and there are more than 20 households out of the family, the result is that some of the land is abandoned, extensive farming, agricultural taxes and fees Can not afford to wait for a list of problems; Second, grassroots organizations have less ways to increase farmers' income, and the measures are weak. How to lead the peasant people to get rich, how to adjust the structure, increase the income of farmers is not much; Third, due to the continuous changes in the relationship between supply and demand of agricultural products, the increase in the general sense of agriculture does not increase farmers' income. For example, the breeding of ducks in this village has increased significantly this year compared with last year. However, due to the low market prices, not only did not increase income, but there were different degrees of losses.
4. The peasant culture has low quality and the scientific and technological content of agricultural production is not high. In our investigation, we found that most farmers do not understand basic agricultural skills, let alone scientific farming. For example, the village has a large area of ​​corn and rice this year, such as sheath blight, aphids and other pests and diseases, few farmers know how to prevent and cure. There is less knowledge about farming, epidemic prevention and control, and the feed preparation is not understood. It is still traditionally raised and relies on luck. As a result, there is often a phenomenon of “buy more, live less, and completely eclipse”.
Third, the future development of agriculture and rural economy in the village
1. Increase the construction of agricultural infrastructure and enhance the ability to resist natural disasters. First, we must speed up the construction of water conservancy facilities, make full use of the existing Slagkouzi Reservoir, repair the irrigation and drainage channels as soon as possible, and strengthen the construction of small water conservancy facilities, such as pools and small ponds, to enhance the ability to resist natural disasters; Strengthening the construction of transportation and information networks is mainly to strengthen the maintenance of village-level roads and the construction of closed-circuit television networks in the whole village.
2. Focus on adjusting the structure of agricultural industry and improving the efficiency of agricultural production. According to the geographical location of the village, transportation and soil composition, it is recommended that: First, increase the internal structural adjustment of the planting industry, mainly to optimize the quality. It is necessary to make full use of the unique geographical advantages of the Longduoshan platform to plant high-quality rice, special wheat and High-quality corn, vigorously develop small grains such as mung beans and high-yield grains; secondly, develop high-quality fruit trees appropriately, develop two-year-old Fuyue fruit in Ershe, Sanshe and Liushe with relatively good water source conditions; third, realize livestock breeding Scale and commercialization. Make full use of Erlang "Duck Town" brand, expand and strengthen the duck industry, achieve scale farming, further optimization in varieties, choose marketable, good quality varieties, raise the level of breeding, and gradually achieve production Integration of supply and sales.
3. Implement rational circulation of land and promote the development of agricultural industrialization. Judging from the current situation of the village, the degree of reasonable land circulation is low. Although some of the land is uncultivated, it is impossible to concentrate on expanding the production land. Implementing the rational circulation of land is the key to realizing the intensive management of agriculture. While increasing the introduction of the owners, the village community must make great efforts to carry out the rational circulation of the land, implement the large-scale planting and breeding based on the “owner system”, and accelerate the agriculture. The process of industrialization promotes rural economic development and increases farmers' income.
4. Increase the promotion of practical technology in rural areas and comprehensively improve the cultural quality of farmers. Judging from the situation of this survey, farmers have an urgent need for practical technology in rural areas. Ninety percent of the people strongly urge relevant departments to strengthen the training of rural practical technologies, especially the training of aquaculture technology. Therefore, it is necessary to further increase the promotion of practical technologies in rural areas and pass advanced and practical technologies to farmers in different ways. At the same time, it is necessary to continuously guide farmers to carry out healthy and civilized recreational activities and further improve the cultural quality of farmers. Farmers can learn advanced cultural knowledge and practical agricultural technology through the establishment of village night schools, village libraries and training sessions.
July 14, 2002

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