Work report > Investigation report

Investigation report on drunk driving and drunk driving

In recent years, there have been tens of thousands of traffic accidents caused by drunk driving of motor vehicles in China, and the deaths caused by drinking and driving account for a considerable proportion. In this regard, the author investigated the problem of drunk driving and drunk driving.
First of all, the author consulted the relevant books and got the following information:
1. Article 91 of the Law of the People's Republic of China on Road Traffic Safety stipulates that if a motorized vehicle is driven after drinking alcohol, the motor vehicle driving license of one month or more and three months or less shall be temporarily detained, and it shall be under 200 yuan to 500 yuan. Fine; if driving a motor vehicle after drunkenness, the traffic control department of the public security organ shall be bound to wake up, detained for fifteen days or less and temporarily detained a motor vehicle driving license for three months or more and six months or less, and is in charge of more than five hundred yuan and two thousand The fine is below the yuan. After driving and operating a motorized vehicle after drinking alcohol, a three-month motor vehicle driving license shall be temporarily detained and a fine of 500 yuan shall be imposed. If the motorized vehicle is operated after drunkenness, it shall be bound by the traffic control department of the public security organ to wake up, and shall be under 15 days. Detained and temporarily detained a six-month motor vehicle driving license and imposed a fine of two thousand yuan. In the past two years, the first two paragraphs stipulate that driving a motorized vehicle after drunkenness. If it is punished more than twice, the motor vehicle driving license shall be revoked and the motor vehicle shall not be driven within five years.
Second, drink driving can be divided into two kinds of illegal behaviors: drunkenness or drunk driving. The definition of the two: the alcohol content of the motorist driver is greater than or equal to 20mg/100ml, and the driving behavior of less than 80mg/100ml belongs to Driving after drinking; the driving behavior of the motor vehicle driver's blood alcohol content greater than or equal to 80mg/100ml is drunk driving.
Third, the harm of wine: the main component of alcohol is alcohol, alcohol into the human body, acting on the nervous system, can produce anesthesia. When the concentration of alcohol in the blood reaches 50mg/100ml, it is characterized by a happy spirit, a sense of fluttering, and easy impulse; when the alcohol concentration reaches 150mg/100ml, there will be behaviors such as excitement, movement disorder, and hands and feet out of control; In the case of hyperopia, the stereoscopic effect of the object is inaccurate, and the reaction time is increased by two to three times. In this state, driving a motor vehicle is highly likely to cause a traffic accident. The rate of accidents caused by drunk driving is 16 times that of no drinking, and the probability is as high as 27%.
The specific effects of drunkenness:
1. Reduced tactile abilities. After drinking alcohol, due to the anesthetic effect of alcohol, the touch of the hands and feet of the person is lower than usual, and the throttle, brake and steering wheel are often not properly controlled.
2. Decrease ability and operational ability. After drinking alcohol, the response time to light and sound stimulation is prolonged, and the time of instinct reflex action is also prolonged accordingly. The coordination function between sensory organs and moving organs such as eyes, hands and feet is impeded. Therefore, distance and speed cannot be correctly judged.
3. At the same time, the field of vision is greatly reduced after drinking, the vision is blurred, the eyes are only staring at the target in front, and the pair is in visual impairment. After drinking alcohol, the vision can be temporarily damaged, the vision is unstable, and the ability to distinguish colors is reduced. Therefore, it is difficult to find and correctly understand the dangers of traffic signals, signs and markings on the edge of the line, and it is prone to accidents.
4. Psychosis. Under the stimulation of alcohol, people sometimes overestimate themselves, often disregard the advice of people around them, and often do something that is not enough.
5. Fatigue. Drowsiness after drinking, manifested as irregular driving, poor spatial vision and other fatigue driving behavior.
Next, in order to understand the actual situation, the author produced the following questionnaire and conducted an investigation.
Questionnaire content:
Have you ever experienced drinking and driving? ?
A, there is B, no??
Do you think that driving after drinking is dangerous?
A, dangerous, must not drive B after drinking, the problem is not big, drink less, nothing you have heard, accidents caused by drunk driving?
A, I heard that B, I have never heard of the traffic police to confirm that you are driving after drinking, are you considering escaping? ?
A, no B, sometimes C, often?
Have you heard of drunk driving?
A, no B, I heard, suppose you drive to the feast, drink, how to go back?
A. Drive back to B, take a taxi back to C, find a friend to drive D, and find a representative of the driving company to receive 30 valid questionnaire answers. The survey results and analysis are as follows:
Question A, 27 people B, 3 people A, 11 people B, 19 people A, 28 people B, 2 people A, 10 people B, 15 people C, 5 people A, 20 people B, 10 people A, 9 people B, 8 people C, 11D, 2 people

Finally, the author inquired about the company that provided drunk driving service in Zhangzhou, and found only one small company with this business. It is understood that the driving service has entered China since recent years, and the market prospects have not been very optimistic. The number of people who choose “drunken driving” is very rare. ≤ The first model network to organize the article, the copyright belongs to the original author, the original source all ≥

Here, the author puts forward his own rationalization suggestions.
1. Vigorously promote the harm caused by alcoholism and drunk driving. It is necessary to use radio, advertising, and television to vigorously promote the dangers of alcohol abuse and drunk driving in institutions, enterprises, schools, hospitals and other units.
2. Formulate relevant laws and regulations and increase the punishment for drunk driving drivers: clearly stipulate that it is strictly forbidden to drive after drunk driving and formulate relevant penalties, such as light warnings, driving licenses, and serious detention until they are investigated. criminal responsibility.
3. Strengthen the supervision of the transportation department: The transportation department should strengthen the education of drunk driving in the driver training process. Set up signs on important road sections to remind drivers and friends not to drink and drive.
4, if you have entertainment, do not drive after drinking, you can find relatives and friends to drive, or choose a certain size and reputation of the company to seek a driving service.
Remember: drive without drinking, drink without driving.

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