Work Summary > Summary of the work of the class teacher

Class teacher's work summary

Class teacher's work summary

This year, I took up the class teacher's work in the first class. I worked as a class teacher for the first time. In the face of these first-time students who are full of hope, hope and desire, I will do my best to teach these students to know themselves and improve themselves. The mission of the teacher is to educate every student, and the mission of the class teacher is to make the healthy growth of the student a top priority. If a class teacher can't put the student in the first place in his heart, then it is not a class teacher, not a teacher. The task of the class teacher is sacred and glorious. I summarize the work completed during this semester as follows:

First, attach great importance to the mind, strictly observe the daily behavior of students, and cultivate good study habits. The work of the class teacher can be said to be quite trivial and complicated. It needs a mask. Every progress made by the students is the greatest comfort to me. I have to work hard and I think it is worthwhile. In the work, I always grasp the main line of management - the regular management of the school. At the beginning of the school year, I first strictly observed the daily behaviors such as student habits, discipline and labor hygiene, and personally guided and worked as a model. Through a period of hard work, students have made great progress in their daily behavioral norms. Then my work focus shifted to the classroom, and according to the "Standards of Daily Behavior of Middle School Students", "One Day Practice of Tongde Middle School" and other rules, the class rules supplemented and highlighted the daily behavioral norms in some aspects. Take the quantitative assessment of daily behavioral norms. After hard work, our class students have formed a strong sense of time, cultivated labor awareness, enhanced competition awareness, and developed good behavior habits.

Second, seriously complete the tasks assigned by the school on time. I have been paying attention to students from the very beginning and have clearly defined their priorities. Make good use of each class training class to educate students. I focus on the formation of the class. In order to establish a good class style and study style, students are strictly required from the beginning, and attention is paid to enhancing class cohesion through activities. For example, I actively mobilized and instructed students to participate in school sports competitions, achieved the best results in the school, strengthened the collective sense of honor of the students in the class, enhanced the cohesiveness of the class, and gradually formed the class.

Third, attach importance to the construction and management of the cadre of the cadres, cultivate their comprehensive capabilities, and give play to their vanguard and exemplary role to influence and promote the development of various tasks in the class. Class cadres are the effective thief of the class teacher and the backbone of the class management. In order to let them play the main role, I will affirm their responsibility and enthusiasm for work in a timely manner, and always ask them to lead by example and learn to shape their own cadre image. To establish a prestige.

IV. Insufficient work and future direction 1. There is a lack of management in students: there are often conflicts between student groups and individuals, which affects learning, because supervision is not in place. 2. The regular management of the class is not perfect. The initiative of a few students to study in thought is still very poor, and good living and learning habits are still not formed. 3. Less contact and communication with parents. Students should be informed of the problem in a timely manner.

The semester's work as a class teacher has taught me a lot and my abilities have been strengthened. However, due to my lack of experience, my heart is not enough, some work has not been done, and I have not done enough. There are still some problems to be resolved. Please understand the understanding. In order to better develop students, we hope to continue to work hard in the next semester, learn from experienced class teachers, do a good job in teaching, and do a good job in class, and strive to achieve better results in all aspects.

In short, this semester's work has enabled me to make progress and strengthen my ability in all aspects. However, due to lack of experience, some work has not been done, and it has not done enough. There are still some problems to be solved. In the future, I will continue to work hard to sum up the experience and lessons of the old class teacher, and constantly enrich myself and strive to do better.

Class teacher's work summary

In this semester, under the unified organization of the Department of Political Education and Education, with the strong support and cooperation of the teachers, all the work was carried out smoothly, and the study and life were all smooth. The work of this semester is summarized as follows:

First, cultivate excellent study style, class style, strengthen class management, and comprehensively understand students.

On the one hand, I have mainly intensified the training of students' self-care ability. Through various means, they not only instruct students to conduct self-education, but also make students develop an enterprising spirit based on self-awareness and gradually form a good quality of thought and behavior; Pay attention to how students manage themselves, develop their multi-faceted abilities, let them design themselves, organize their own educational activities, and integrate education and entertainment into their activities. Also pay attention to the ability of students to develop self-service, let students learn to plan, cook, regulate themselves, so that they become the builders of the class collective in the collective. On the other hand, I myself have been responsible for myself, trying to be a role model for students, with class work, effective management methods, class style, and strong learning style. My class has achieved good results in various management evaluations of the school. Several monthly exams during the semester, and various management have also achieved good results.

Second, cultivate students' good moral qualities, purify the students' minds, and strengthen the ideological and political work for students.

Work hard to train qualified students. In order to cooperate with the work of the Political and Education Department, I often use the class to conduct physical and mental education for students, to help students clarify the fuzzy understanding of the mind and improve the students' ideological realm. I also make full use of my spare time and the students to talk about the situation, and timely targeted education for students.

Third, proactively contact teachers of various disciplines, coordinate the educational strength of all aspects of the school, and play a good role.

In the interaction with the teachers, I respect their status and respect their opinions. At the same time, they regard them as the masters of the class and regard them as their companions and confidants. Everything is actively negotiated with the teachers to listen and adopt their opinions. Being able to handle the relationship between students and teachers in a prudent manner, avoid dealing with conflicts between teachers and students. In this respect, I usually pay attention to educating students, making them polite, respecting the work of teachers, and establishing the prestige of teachers. To enhance the friendship between teachers and students.

Fourth, do a good job in the transformation of students with poor foundations, and strive to make them come with losers and winners.

In this respect, as the head teacher, I first treated them with a correct attitude, thoroughly investigated the bottom of the investigation, and figured out why they became poor students. They have taught students in accordance with their aptitude, treated them with sincerity, and patiently helped them. Intimate friends, the most reliable friends. Reinforce psychological counseling in time to help them eliminate or alleviate all kinds of psychological concerns and let them realize their value. At the same time, I also created conditions and opportunities for his doors to express their strengths and strengths, so that they can enjoy the joy and joy of success.

Fifth, actively carry out good cultural and sports activities, do a good job of inter-class exercises, eye exercises, protect students' vision, enhance students' physical fitness, and improve students' learning efficiency. High school students have a heavy learning task. Carrying out appropriate physical activities is not only beneficial to the improvement of students' physical quality, but also conducive to the improvement of learning efficiency.

In short, in this semester, through the above efforts, the class work is basically stable, there are no big problems, and I hope to achieve better results in the next semester.

Class teacher's work summary

In the last semester, under the wise organization of the school leaders, with the full support and cooperation of all the teachers, all the work carried out smoothly, and the learning and life have achieved outstanding results. In order to be able to take the work to the next level in the new semester, the work of this semester is summarized as follows:

First, strengthen the students' ideological work, cultivate students' good moral qualities, purify the students' minds, and strive to cultivate qualified talents needed by the society.

Students in the middle school are energetic, energetic, impulsive, self-willed, self-controlled and self-disciplined. In line with the work of the school youth league committee and the political and religious department, our class has actively carried out many activities that are conducive to the healthy development of students' physical and mental health. I often use the class and class to educate students about physical and mental education, to help students clarify the fuzzy understanding of the mind and improve the students' ideological realm. I also make full use of my spare time and the students to talk about the situation, and timely targeted education for students.

Second, strengthen class management, cultivate excellent study style, class style, in-depth and comprehensive understanding of students, and strive to train class collectives.

With the increase of class hours and knowledge complexity, it is easy to create polarization, and some students may even feel confused and lose confidence in the future. In this semester, on the one hand, I mainly increased the intensity of self-care ability for students. Through various means, they not only instruct students to carry out self-education, but also make students develop self-consciousness and gradually develop a good The quality of thought and behavior; also pay attention to how students conduct self-management, cultivate their multi-faceted ability, let them design themselves, organize various educational activities, and integrate education and entertainment into the activities. Also pay attention to cultivating students' self-service ability, let students learn to plan, cook, and empty themselves, so that they become the builders of the class collective in the collective. On the other hand, I effectively use the weekly class to carry out some special activities, which greatly promote the formation of good study style and class style.

Third, provide a stage for display ability, mobilize the enthusiasm of students

First of all, we must find out the individuality and specialty of each student. First select the class cadres, set the target and post responsibility system, and provide guiding opinions. Use class meetings, labor, practical activities, etc., so that students can participate actively in time and space. Its talents, not only the process, but also the results, for the excellent students, also pointed out its shortcomings, for poor students, it is to find its shining point and stimulate its progress.

Fourth, actively carry out the transformation work of the backward students, and strive to make every student a talent.

The education and management of the undergraduates have always been the difficulty of the work of the class teacher, and it is of vital importance to improve the quality of education and teaching throughout the class. In this respect, I first treated them with a fair attitude, thoroughly investigated the actual situation, and found out why they became poor students, tried their best to teach them in accordance with their aptitude, treated them sincerely, put patience, and made them real. The most reliable and intimate friend. Give them psychological counseling in time to help them eliminate or alleviate the psychological burden and let them realize their value. At the same time, we must create conditions and opportunities for them to express their strengths and strengths, so that they can enjoy the joy and joy of success, thus enhancing their self-confidence.

Fifth, strengthen students' self-management and cultivate students' self-discipline.

According to the rules of the school discipline, after stipulating the goals, students should be fully convinced, let the students self-awake and self-examination, identify the deficiencies, and formulate improvement measures to normalize and institutionalize the routine management of the class, and cultivate the ability to self-manage and become talented. The main task of the daily rotation staff is to be responsible for the supervision and persuasion of daily class attendance, hygiene, pre-class preparation and classroom discipline. Make the class form a good class style, and create a good learning environment for the students. And timely find the problems in the class, formulate corresponding solutions, and timely inform the relevant students to correct, so that every class in the class is fully aware of their important role as a member of the class, and consciously strive for self-discipline for the class to win honor.

6. Proactively coordinate the relationship between teachers and schools in all aspects.

Respect the opinions of the teachers in each subject, and at the same time regard them as the masters of the class, and regard them as their companions and confidants. Everything actively consults with them and listens and adopts their correct opinions. Being able to handle the relationship between students and teachers in various subjects, I usually pay attention to educating students, making them polite, respecting the teacher's labor, establishing the teacher's prestige, and enhancing the friendship between teachers and students.

In short: In this semester, I have made great improvements in class work through various efforts, and the overall quality of students has been continuously improved. In the next semester, I will continue to work hard to make persistent efforts to sum up lessons and lessons in a timely manner, and strive to achieve more brilliant results.

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