Work Summary > Summary of the work of the class teacher

Summary of the work of the class teacher

Summary of the work of the class teacher

I have been a class teacher for ** class for a year now. In this year, I personally feel that the work as a master is not only large and cumbersome, but also covers a wide range. Teaching, so I feel deeply, here is the summary of the work during this time:

The first is to build a teacher-student dialogue platform. The communication between teachers and students is very important in the teaching process. It is very important for the class teacher to have a deep understanding of the students' dynamics and ideas. It’s true that “Strict teacher is a high student”, but this is not enough. The work of the class teacher is based on the promotion of the healthy development of students. In the process of accompanying the student's life development, the class teacher is responsible for the work of the guide person, and his role is the role of the mentor and friend. Therefore, in the work of the class teacher, it is necessary to dilute the traces of the role of the educator and to have an equal dialogue with the students. Establish a friend-like relationship between teachers and students to achieve mutual acceptance between teachers and students. In the student's life stage of development, the development of self-awareness has become a core in the development process. The class teacher is the promoter of the student's self-development. The secondary school students are about to go to the society. Waiting for them is a colorful world. Where are the roads under their feet? Where are they going? The class teacher is the guide for them to go to the ideal road. For the secondary school students, what they need is not the majesty of the sound, not the chattering. They need to be able to understand, trust him, talk to him on an equal footing, lead the way with him to grow up, and confuse people.

The second is to let students manage themselves. Students and students are at the same level, and the understanding of the problem will be closer, so they are more likely to communicate. As a class teacher, we should be good at putting problems in front of students, guiding students to come up with ideas and thinking about ways. This not only enhances students' ability to participate and solve problems, but also achieves the purpose of understanding and implementing the intention of the class teacher. The class teacher should reduce the power and decentralize as much as possible, and regard the class management as a matter of the students themselves, not the class teacher. From the design of organizational structure to the division of responsibilities and permissions, from the organizers of activities to the education of student cadres, we should infiltrate this idea. We must manage this activity through class management to develop students' ability to manage themselves.

It is absolutely important to pay attention to the difference of each student again. There will always be differences in students at any time and under any circumstances. This determines that as a class teacher, accepting every student is unconditional. Students at school want to be respected, cared for, cared for, helped and educated by the class teacher. The class teacher's equal and fair treatment of students is the common psychological needs of students, and is also the basic requirement of teachers' professional ethics. The love of the class teacher is a broad, deep love. It is like the sun, sprinkling on every corner of the earth. It is the performance of the class teacher's narrow education concept that he loves the top students and discriminates against the students. There is a philosopher in the West who once said: One person, a child who loves oneself is a person; a child who loves others is a god. We may wish to borrow: a class teacher loves a good student is a person; love is a god. Of course, more education is required for the education of the underachievers. However, as long as the class teacher has a sincere love, he will find that there are many cute things in the postgraduate students. There are also many bright spots. If you take the opportunity to educate and guide, you can promote They are constantly improving.

Finally, it is to let the class management scientifically solve the problem before it is solved. This is the management of “removing the sheep”. If you want to manage a class well, you can't do it at random. You must pay attention to science and pay attention to methods so that you can prevent it from happening. In scientific management, many class teachers have created a number of effective systems and methods to make themselves constantly improved. For example, the cadres in the class take turns to sit in the village, compete for posts; teachers and students agree, and the class is good, class; set up practical and feasible class rules; establish a class quantitative assessment management system; carry out the competition of “comparing, learning, rushing, helping, super” Activities; play a typical demonstration role, carry out various class star evaluation activities. In addition, we can also choose the theme, hold regular class meetings; correctly use the praise and criticism of this weapon, establish a collective review system for problems; hold teaching sessions or individual talks according to the type of students; establish a home-school contact system.

As the head teacher, especially the head teacher of the secondary school students, they do not have the age of the university, but they are not the pressure of high school students to go to school. They have to face employment, so the management is more skillful and can be handled with ease. Class teacher.

Summary of the work of the class teacher

Although I just became a class teacher, I developed my own work plan during this semester. The work plan for this semester is:

First, improve knowledge, clarify responsibilities, and strengthen sense of responsibility

The class teacher is the specific executor of the school education plan. He is the assistant of the principal, the academic affairs and the academic management, and the bridge between the school and the student family. The work of each class directly affects the school education management.

Therefore, it is necessary to raise awareness, strengthen the sense of responsibility, and master the work rules of the class teacher.

1. Strive to do a good job in student ideological education. Many students are lazy in their living habits. They are often late for class and late for early training. To make them form a habit of getting up early, ideological education is very important.

2. Guide students to study hard and take effective measures to improve their academic performance and learning efficiency. That is to encourage students in this aspect, enhance their self-confidence, and thus be able to study hard.

3. Care for students' life and health, and organize students to participate in various cultural and sports activities.

4. Coordinate the education and teaching work of the teachers in this class, take the initiative to learn from them the classroom discipline of the students, learn the results, and form a unified educational force.

5. Establish contact with parents of students to coordinate education and management of students.

Second, love students and learn more about students

In order to guide students to develop in a good direction and overcome the bad aspects, we must first understand each student's physical, mental and original knowledge, understand their hobbies, personality traits and family situation, and then analyze them. Comprehensive.

Third, implement class management and form a good class style

1. Formulate the work plan of the class teacher and strengthen the work plan

According to the school work plan requirements, contact the actual class, set the semester work plan, and then have a specific plan every week, the plan must be clear, the task is clear, the measures are specific, practical.

2. Cultivate a class that is active, diligent, and united.

The development of the class generally consists of four stages: loose period, growth period, maturity period and perfect period. The first two stages are crucial for class construction. In the first year after entering the new school, it is necessary to grasp this critical period and formulate The corresponding class goal. The class goal should be in line with the actual situation of the class, can be accepted by the students, has a certain inspiration, and students can achieve through certain efforts.

3. Choose and use cadres.

Whether the class can become a hard-working, united, friendly and collective, and form a good class style depends to a large extent on the work ability and exemplary role of the class. In the last semester of 2009-2010, classmates were unfamiliar with each other, and they chose to work through the active competition of classmates. However, due to insufficient ability of some classes, some of the classwork was lagging behind. Therefore, in this semester, we will choose the class 4 by voting, and organize and carry out group activities to cultivate good qualities such as team spirit and solidarity.

5, to form a correct public opinion, establish a good class style, and do a good job in the construction of class rules and regulations. Daily behaviors and ethical behaviors should have a common standard in the class, forming a paradox. When incorrect behavior occurs, it will be criticized, resisted, and helped to form an atmosphere. The class should establish a target management system, such as organizational discipline, environmental health, attendance records, learning situation, rotation system, daily affairs, etc. to conduct quantitative management evaluation, form public opinion supervision within the class, and promote the formation of good class style.

6. Strengthen class culture construction

Class culture is an important part of campus culture, including the arrangement of class environment and the development of class activities.

Imperceptible environment

The theme class will be an important way and method to unify the class goals.

In short, it is not good to be a class teacher in a vocational school. But I will work hard. The work experience of the class teacher for so many years has provided me with great help. How can I help students and maintain good relations with students? I am proud of my achievements.

In the future work, I will work harder, let the students improve their minds, form good habits, and let them learn something.

I believe that the class teacher is good at grasping the cultivation of study habits, which is conducive to forming a joint effort with teachers of various subjects to jointly promote the development of learning good habits, and thus contribute to the overall development of class style.

Summary of the work of the class teacher

I. Overall survey of the overall situation of the class

This class is a foreign student. When you take over, there is no previous file material for the students. However, in the investigation of the two materials files and the face-to-face or telephone contact with the parents of the students, the personality, grades, hobbies and specialties of each classmate are quickly added. I have a general understanding. On this basis, the primary task of the class teacher is to let them learn the student code of the secondary school and understand the rules and regulations of the school. The study here will determine that I will be studying and working in the future, so that students have a sense of urgency in the secondary school and there is a certain pressure on learning.

From middle school to secondary school, many students have considerable problems in study, life, and family. Reflected in the work of our class teacher, it is difficult to manage mainly in the following aspects:

a) There is no pressure to go to school, there is no motivation to learn, and there is no learning atmosphere. The foundation is not good, there is no learning goal, learning is not interested, and there is no enthusiasm, so slowly it does not love learning, laziness, and interest changes to other bad directions. The attitude determines the action, and such an attitude will inevitably lead to the attendance, discipline, and performance of the class being difficult to keep up. To solve this problem, re-train the students' interest in learning, set learning goals, and set a personal learning plan to become the task that the class teacher should supervise.

2) The idea is relatively simple and vulnerable to the influence of bad social atmosphere. Many secondary school students dress up as if they are very avant-garde and mature. In fact, many of their thoughts are too simple, so popular entertainment things are easy to invade them, they will not selectively imitate. It seems that small things, small details, in fact, can largely reflect the failure of students to learn about the school rules and regulations or the failure of the class teacher's routine education.

c), did not establish a correct outlook on life, values. Through the usual observations and class investigations, many students did not follow the teacher's steps, the homework was not completed or copied in time, the class was speech, drowsiness, the class was alive and alive, or the papers were sent to the opposite sex students to fall in love. Explain that this part of the classmates do not have a correct attitude towards life. It is obviously necessary to correct the living habits of these students. Cultivating a correct attitude towards life and developing a good living habit requires discipline and ultimately enables students to earn a lifetime.

2. Establish a positive and progressive work style.

The class is the organizational form of the collective learning activities of the students. In the process of education, the class has an organizational function. It is a huge educational force for individuals in the group. It has irreplaceable unique and subtle educational functions. Develop and develop individual functions in collective construction. It can be seen that a good class atmosphere can promote the healthy development of students, and conversely, it encourages students' bad habits.

Establishing a good class style is one of the important tasks of the class teacher after the start of the freshman school. It is not easy to let a piece of loose sand condense into a positive and upward force. First of all, it is imperative to formulate a set of conventions that restrict students' bad habits and correct the unconventional atmosphere. "The state-owned country law, the class has a class rule." The regular situation of the classmates will be quantitatively evaluated, and the regular ranking will be used as one of the basis for the final level of performance and evaluation. Under the constraints of the class conventions that have been developed, most of the students still care about their regular scores in the class, thus forming a style of chasing after you. Second, make full use of each class meeting. The class meeting is a good form in which the whole class collectively exchanges ideas and complements each other's strengths. My classmates are often very active during class. Forms include individual or group presentations, debates, competitions, games, etc. The content is centered around the school's political and educational moral education, with reference to the daily learning of students, the more concerned or sensitive topics in life. Such as: quickly adapt to the importance and benefits of the environment; pay attention to small things; make jokes; secondary school students should fall in love; what are people living for; good at time management; how to face challenges; who should be eliminated; do people should love face too much Interpersonal relationships... These issues are closely related to their lives and can be of interest to them. The students think and communicate, not only exercise their eloquence, but also let them know how many opinions in the class are the same "confidante" and how many "dissidents" are opposite. The class teacher can use this class to understand whether the individual students' psychology is healthy and whether the dominant class mainstream is a good mainstream. The bad mainstream should be contained and reversed into a good mainstream.

The attitude is correct, the study keeps up, the extracurricular activities are attended, the awards are won, the students are slowly stepping up and moving forward, uniting and forging ahead, you are chasing the way, learning at school becomes a kind of enjoyment.

3. Cultivate the concept of "My way, I am coming, I am my own master"

Class is the place where students grow up, and the core of education is to help students grow. As the leader of the management class, the class teacher should study and understand the students from the development needs of the students. On the one hand, the class teacher should study students, on the other hand, be good at mobilizing students and let them learn to manage themselves and develop themselves. This requires the class teacher to be good at observation, good at communication, and good at motivating students.

I often tell my classmates, "How do you go, walk straight and bend on your feet." Students learn well, whether they can get a place in extracurricular activities, and rely on their own efforts. The most important thing is whether you can seize the opportunity, the opportunity is gone, you don’t even know if you can succeed or fail. The students of the original 04 class are generally more enthusiastic about extracurricular activities. For example, Wu Kunjiang won the third prize in the city-level web design in the freshmen; the spring and autumn school games won the first group and the spiritual civilization award in 20 classes; the professional life speech contest was carefully prepared to win the second prize and Two third prizes; the class won the second prize in the class in the art performance, Ren Ren also won the special award of the male lead; Zeng Lingli won the first prize of the national essay and so on. The achievement of this one award all gathered the sweat of the students. When they took the award back, the class was like a warm home and they celebrated their celebrations. When the failure comes back, the class will welcome them back, help them analyze the reasons for the failure, and encourage them to "make their failures a successful mother."

4. Tolerate poor students with a tolerant heart.

Respect for people is the basic psychological needs of people, and no student is willing to be inferior. Students with poor grades or discipline have to bear the pressure of being ignored by the teacher and rejected by the classmates. Compared with the average classmates, they need more spiritual support and psychological encouragement.

The class teacher respects the students and enables the students to have a satisfying and enjoyable psychological experience. Treating poor students fairly and equally, respecting their personality, understanding their difficulties, and thus stimulating them.

This is also the first step for the head teacher and poor students to get close.

I once told you in class class, "Yesterday is history, today is an opportunity, will you progress and succeed tomorrow?" Poor students do not perform well in terms of performance and discipline, but they have their own advantages in certain extracurricular activities. This class teacher often ignores it. How to win their trust, let the teachers help them courageously overcome their shortcomings, give play to their advantages, cultivate their healthy personality, and develop to a good situation is one of the tasks of the class teacher. It’s hard to be in love. However, treating them only with a development perspective, I believe they will progress. The trust of the class teacher in them can bring hope and strength to them.

V. Communicate with teachers and students in a timely manner, and keep close contact with parents.

In addition to face-to-face with the class teacher, the students spend most of their time with the teacher. Teacher Ke is a supervisor outside the class teacher. From another aspect, he can observe the problems of students in habits, discipline and learning. The class teacher must be able to communicate with the teachers in various departments in a timely manner. The feedback from the teacher of the department has a great effect on the class management. In the past year, class 04 was once taught by Xu Lizhu, Liu Linling, Xu Yuanying, Shao Huifen and other teachers. Learn about the students' situation and discuss the students' problems so that the entire class can solve the problems of discipline and learning in a school year. Students who can't communicate with the teacher or the teacher can not communicate with the classmate and the class teacher can feedback and solve it through the third party.

About 40 students in the 04 class stayed. The management of accommodation students is also one of the important tasks of the school. I often go to the dormitory, cooperate with the student management teacher, and with the help of the class information staff, most of the students in the accommodation can abide by the school's accommodation regulations. One of the students in the dormitory often took a mobile red flag.

In addition to the teacher's guidance, students also need parental constraints. "Wang Zi Cheng Long, Wang Nv Cheng Feng" is the urgency of every parent. The students also care about the teacher's feedback to the parents about their performance at the school. Most of the parents of this class are in the field, call to timely feedback on the performance of the students in the school, so that parents often call and care for them. The class teacher can manage the entire class without the active cooperation of the parents.

Looking back at the year of the 2004 class, I was cautiously groping for the year as the class teacher. After one year, the overall development of the entire class was good, and the classmates’ sense of collective honor was strong, and the teacher-student relationship was good. Although the fall failed along the way, and the pain has passed, but "the pains of the people are not lost", it is a bit of a hard work. Think of the lovely children, the tears and sweat that once flowed are also worth it. The main thing that can be done today is the opportunity given by the school to exercise, the training of the class teacher by the Political and Education Department, the teaching of the old teachers, and so on.

I would like to express my special thanks to Zeng and Hong, the two ministers, Mr. Huang Wenhui and Mr. Wang Wei for their guidance on education and teaching.

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