Work Summary > Trade union work summary

Summary of the Work of Women Workers in Trade Unions in 2019 and the Ideas of Women Workers in 2019

Under the correct guidance and cordial care of the company's trade unions, the company's women's work committee and the factory party committee, the women's workers' committee of the factory in XX, in accordance with the work requirements of the women's labor union of the oilfield company, took the production and management of our factory as the center to promote women. The focus of employees is to become talents and meritorious deeds. In order to maintain the rights and interests of female employees and improve the quality of female employees, the work of women workers is carried out in depth.
1. Focusing on production and management, in-depth development of labor competition activities, and effectively promoting women workers to contribute to the production and operation of the whole plant
In XX, we closely focused on the work of the whole factory production and operation center, combined with the “three innovations and three evaluations” labor competition activities carried out by the Women’s Workers’ Committee of the Oilfield Company, and carried out the “Competition Learning, Creating Achievements and First-class” Labor Competition Activities among the female workers in our factory. . Organize female employees to stand on their posts, study hard, tap potential and create results, and constantly create new achievements in their positions, and make positive contributions to the task of increasing the reserves of the factory, reducing costs and increasing efficiency.
Selecting the carrier, setting the goal, setting up the stage for the creation of the magazine to make the labor competition truly fulfilled, we launched the "three competitions", namely: "Technology and efficiency competition, cost reduction and synergy competition, skill creation In the competition, employees have clear directions and goals in the labor competition, and they have their own stage for display. The science and technology innovation platform is mainly based on geological and technological personnel, closely surrounding the characteristics of low pressure, low production, low permeability, low oil recovery, low recovery and complex geological conditions of our plant, in order to restore the stop production block and improve the inefficiency. The low-speed block of the well, the potential for tapping the remaining oil, and the improvement of the recovery rate are the main directions, and the competition activities are carried out in depth, and the technical personnel are encouraged to give full play to their technical expertise to develop the spirit of innovation, dare to attack hard and create good results. Female science and technology workers at the Institute of Geology of the Institute are committed to increasing their reserves and production, and are highly motivated to participate in activities. Their innovative work concept has played an important role in the fields of tapping potential, exploration and development, and comprehensive management. At present, through various technical means, the female employees of the institute have implemented digging potential measures, effective wells, effective measures, and cumulative oil increase of 10,000 tons. Zhang Xuemei, deputy director of the Horqin Room of the institute, provided accurate geological data for the scientific and rational development of the mass. She led all the staff of the department to start the basic research work on the block from the improvement of basic data such as electrical test interpretation and well deviation. In just one month, the comparative stratification of the well was completed, and the reservoir section map, the oil layer and other thick maps were constructed, and the structural map was provided, which provided scientific and accurate data for the development of the mass. The cost reduction and efficiency increase and the downfall are based on the management personnel, and the competition activities are carried out around strengthening management, reducing costs and increasing efficiency. In order to digest the cost gap and effectively use the production and construction funds, the Women’s Working Committee of the factory organ put forward the “eight-character” policy of “optimizing, simplifying, controlling and tapping potential”, starting from the source, refining the responsibility, strengthening the control, and reducing the enterprise. This synergy contributes. Li Xiubo, the director of the Infrastructure Office, was meticulous in his work. In the acceptance of the project, the “Measures for the Acceptance and Management of the Project of the Ciqi Oil Production Plant” was strictly implemented, and the site acceptance of each project was involved. A problem was found in the project, and a thorough rectification was carried out to save money. yuan. Zhou Guifen, the budgetary office, conducted a strict budget review. In the first half of the year, he participated in the review of various projects and reviewed the funds of 10,000 yuan, which made positive contributions to the company's cost reduction and efficiency. The skills and efficiency of the platform are mainly based on operators and service personnel, and carry out competition activities such as oil well management, repairing old and waste, saving potential and small reforms, and promoting grassroots employees to stand on their posts, inwardly, and tap potential to achieve This is effective. The Women’s Working Committee of the Sanjing District of Oil Production launched a “fantastic plan” activity to encourage women workers to carry out small inventions, small innovations, small renovations, small designs, and to find benefits from small links. Wang Yali, a female worker in the district, proposed that when there is no hot wash, The fire in a hot wash tank is turned off, so a seemingly simple little suggestion can save the cubic meter every day. The female employees of the whole factory actively participated in the labor competition. Up to now, the female employees of the whole factory have put forward reasonable suggestions and implementation articles, and participated in the creation of more than 10,000 yuan.
Strengthen publicity, focus on assessment, and promote the competition to develop in depth.
In order to create a strong atmosphere of activities and promote the in-depth development of competitions, we have strengthened the promotion of competitions through TV stations, factory newspapers and the Internet. At the same time, in order to promote the exchange of learning between various units and units, we sponsored the special issue of the labor competition "Qingying Spectrum" in the form of the factory-organized and the grass-roots trade unions, and published the units, grassroots teams and women workers organizations in the labor competition. Good practices and advanced individuals and models that emerged from the competition. Issued to the grassroots class station, and posted to the factory trade union website and factory home page, to facilitate the reading and learning of women workers. At the same time, it will strengthen the assessment and inspection of the competition activities of women's organizations at the grassroots level, and regard the development of the activities as an important assessment content of “green management”. Taking advantage of the opportunity of centralized management of green management in each quarter, we checked and supervised the activities from the aspects of activities and activities, which effectively promoted the vigorous development of the activities.
Second, in order to improve the overall quality of female employees, in-depth development of "women's quality engineering", and effectively improve the entrepreneurial ability of female employees in accordance with the requirements of the "development, harmony, innovation" theme of the oilfield company's party education activities, combined with the company's trade unions to carry out "creation learning The deployment of the class-type station, striving for the skill-based employees, continued to carry out the "female quality project" activities among female employees, and continuously promoted the improvement of the overall quality of female employees.
Actively carry out post training activities to promote the improvement of the technical quality of women workers.
In an effort to improve the technical quality of female employees and enhance the ability to create effective results for the development of enterprises, in XX years, using the opportunity of the construction of the "five small" engineering small training, extensive training activities were carried out among female employees, using the well field training platform and furnace area. Training platform, safety knowledge training platform, oil measuring gas and process identification training platform and pipe valve identification training platform, etc., taking "a day of study, a week of training, a month of fine, a year to the next level" step by step The way to conduct comprehensive and in-depth technical training for grassroots female employees. At the same time, in order to promote the enthusiasm of women's engineering technology and business, our joint factory training center held technical competitions in four types of oil production, gathering, electrician and automobile driving in the month, especially in the oil production technology competition. Among the winners of the former name, women workers took the name. The factory attaches great importance to this activity, and gives the rewards of technical modelers and technical experts brand-name laptops and digital cameras respectively, which has created the highest record of the rewards of our factory in the establishment year. It has caused great sensation among the employees of the whole factory and greatly stimulated the women. Employees learn technology, learn knowledge, and long-term enthusiasm.
Actively carry out the "three ones" activities to promote the improvement of the cultural quality of women workers.
In XX, we promoted the cultural quality of women workers by carrying out a meaningful event every year, holding valuable lectures every season and reading a good book that is influential every month. We launched the "Happy Three-Color Ball" campaign, sent the three-color ball to each female employee, and held a three-color ball competition. This activity also strengthened the body's coordination function and was strengthened. The welcome of female employees. The "female school" was opened, and one class was held every season. At present, two classes were held. First, the women workers were watched by Li Jian, who was the subject of "time management" and "Who is going to win" CD. The psychologist, Mr. ×××, was invited to give a lecture on “Approaching Psychology”, and the third class is currently being prepared. At the same time, this year, women workers were given or recommended "Give Women's Advice", "Details Determine Success or Failure", "No Borrowing Excuses" and other books, enriching the spiritual world of women workers and improving the cultural taste of women workers. In addition, volleyball competitions, "fifty" poker competitions, tug-of-war competitions and other indoor and outdoor cultural and sports activities were held, attracting female employees to participate in various activities that benefit the body and mind, improve health and promote healthy and active amateur life.
Actively carry out green civilization family creation activities and build a gas station for Aigang Leye.
Only when everyone has a stable and happy family can they devote themselves to their work. In the process of creating a green civilized family, we advocate the concept of “lifelong learning, cherish family, and work together” and strive to create a positive, warm and harmonious family atmosphere.
In order to promote the construction of a green civilized family, the signature campaign of the theme of “I love my family, cherish oneself, cherish the family, and cherish the family” was launched. Many employees wrote their own names on the signature banner and wrote down their names. I have a message from my loved one. At the same time, the lectures of "female school" also conveyed to people the ways to promote parent-child relationship and husband-wife relationship, and promoted the construction of happy and warm families. Recently, we will also hire a psychology doctor from Shenyang Normal University to hold a lecture on "Running a Happy Family" to further promote the construction of a green civilized family. In addition, we will also conduct a green civilized family evaluation, and households are recommended as green civilized families.
At the same time, the Women Workers' Committee of the Factory Union actively assisted the Discipline Inspection and Supervision Section to carry out the “Family Assistance to Clean and Clean” activities, actively creating a healthy and clean family-friendly and friendly atmosphere, and made it an important part of creating a green and civilized family. Organize leading spouses' spouses to watch anti-corruption films, hold a family-friendly symposium, record the "Housekeeping Integrity Diary", and carry out "I send a clean message to my spouse" and other activities, and guide the families of leading cadres to be good at promoting anti-corruption "", "supervisor" and "goalkeeper".
Third, in order to safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of female employees, give full play to the role of women workers organizations, and earnestly do good things and do practical things for female employees.
In-depth popularization of relevant legal knowledge, legal rights.
This year, in addition to strengthening the "Women's Rights and Interests Protection Law", "Regulations on the Protection of Women Workers", "Marriage Law", "Labor Law" and other related laws and regulations, we have increased the regulations on oilfield companies and factories. Propaganda and learning, such as the "Administrative Measures for Various Holiday Systems of Liaohe Oilfield Branch" and "Administrative Measures for Difficult Staff and Workers in Liaohe Oilfield" through the trade union website, so that the majority of female employees fully understand the regulations closely related to their own interests. The system will better protect its own rights and interests, and at the same time further strengthen the legal awareness of leading cadres at all levels and consciously safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of female employees.
Effectively help the difficult female employees, to warm people.
Poor mothers and single mothers are special groups of women workers who need more care and help. This year, we have further improved and improved the files of female employees and single-parent women. At present, our factory has the name of a poor mother, the name of a single mother, which is the name of a different name. In the daily work, we take the help of “anytime visit, information sharing, small-scale grassroots help, and big-scale factory management”, and do a good job of “one-on-one” assistance to help them solve practical difficulties in working life. This year, the ancestor ××× coordinated the work in the street office, and in the “Golden Autumn Aid” activity of the oilfield company, he applied for a scholarship for his daughter who went to college to help him successfully complete his studies. At the same time, with the help of the company's women's work committee, the family subsidy was applied for the poor mother ×××, so that they enjoyed this treatment in advance. She also enthusiastically encouraged her to stand on her own feet, help her to set up a paving of fruit, create convenient conditions for them, and actively coordinate and reduce various management fees, making her life better and better. Up to now, we have visited the poor mothers and single mothers to help them solve the practical difficulties, and the amount of assistance is 10,000 yuan. In addition, during Mother's Day, the activity of “helping poor mothers, each person donating one dollar a month” will continue. Although this is the third donation, it still received positive feedback from the employees of the whole factory: there are a total of employees in the factory, and the famous employees participated in the donation, accounting for the total number of employees.
Pay attention to the special interests of female employees to benefit the people.
Female employees have special characteristics in their bodies and in their lives. As a women's workers' organization, we must pay attention to and protect the particularity of women workers. This year, taking the special disease insurance for women workers carried out by the Provincial Ministry of Women's Workers as an opportunity, we actively carried out the organization and work of women workers' special illness insurance. The female employees of the whole factory were insured and the participation rate was high. At the same time, the joint factory family planning office conducted a comprehensive physical examination of the female workers in the factory, including breast, thyroid, cervical cell shedding detection, etc., and participated in the inspection. Through examination, it was found that the number of people with breast hyperplasia accounted for the number of people surveyed, and the number of gynecological diseases such as pelvic inflammatory disease accounted for the number of people surveyed. At the same time, we actively carry out follow-up treatment for female employees with severe illness, and regularly go to the factory hospital for medication. In addition, we will do a good job in the distribution of health care products for female employees, so that the number of people to be distributed will not fall, and the number of issues will be a lot.
Fourth, to strengthen the organization's own construction as a support, consolidate the work base of women workers, and effectively improve the work level of women workers organizations.
Strengthen the training of female workers and improve their working ability.
To do a good job of women workers, the quality of women workers cadres is extremely important. We have increased the training of female workers and cadres, and adopted the forms of training, training courses, symposiums, and distribution of women workers' work, to continuously improve the business level and work ability of women workers. At the same time, the director of the women's work in our factory participated in the training class organized by the Women's Working Committee of the company. Everyone deeply felt the benefits, and I hope that there will be more such training and training opportunities in the future.
Improve the working system of women workers and improve their influence.
Seriously publicize and implement the newly revised Regulations of the Women Workers' Committee of the Trade Union, and distribute it to the hands of every grassroots female worker director to organize the female work director to study hard and provide a theoretical basis for the work of female employees. In the work, we adhere to the quarterly reporting system, regularly exchange work experience of women workers, promote the in-depth development of various tasks, and improve the influence of women workers.
Above, I made a brief summary of the work of female workers in our factory. There are still many shortcomings in our work, and there is still a big gap between the requirements of female workers and sisters and the company's female workers' committee. I hope that all leaders will criticize and correct, we will continue to improve in the future work, so that women workers work on a new level.
The preliminary work plan of XX year is to focus on safeguarding the legitimate rights and interests of female employees and improving the quality of female employees, and to carry out various activities as a carrier to better mobilize the enthusiasm and creativity of the majority of female employees, and to make sustainable and effective development for enterprises. Contribute. Specifically:
First, in-depth implementation of the entrepreneurial project, to give full play to the role of the majority of female workers in the production of "half the sky."
Carry out the activities of “post-innovation, merit-based work” for female employees, support and encourage the female employees to innovate, create excellence, and create first in their posts, in order to seek status, to survive by ability, to develop by quality, to cultivate a group to adapt to new The form of learning, innovative, and composite type of meritorious service.
In order to implement the activities, we will carry out the “Ten Innovation Four Ones” activity, that is, “establish a goal, propose an innovation, make an improvement, and make a proposal” in the post, and quantify the content of the activity so that the female employees can stand on the post. , make bigger achievements.
Second, in-depth implementation of quality improvement projects to develop female talent resources for enterprise development.
In order to improve the quality of professional skills as the core content, to promote the position of talents as the main target, to carry out the "learning four one" activities: "intensive reading of a business book, learning a new knowledge, mastering a new skill, reaching a new "Level" is the carrier, establish and improve the motivation mechanism for lifelong learning and whole-process learning of female employees, effectively promote the quality improvement of female employees in post practice, and strive to improve the scientific culture, technical skills and professional quality of female employees, and enhance women. The innovative ability, competitiveness and entrepreneurial ability of the staff enable the female employees to have the skills and abilities to be qualified for their jobs.
Third, in-depth implementation of the love assistance project to effectively protect the legitimate rights and interests of female employees and special interests.
Do a good job of helping female employees with difficulties, especially care for poor mothers and single mothers, and continue to implement five major support actions: job seeking entrepreneurship assistance, self-employment assistance, love helping students, difficult life assistance, major disease medical care Help and help them solve the double difficulties encountered both economically and spiritually.
At the same time, continue to increase the "Women's Rights and Interests Protection Law", "Female Workers Protection Regulations", "Marriage Law", "Labor Law" and other relevant laws and regulations, so that the majority of female employees fully understand the various aspects closely related to their own interests The rules and regulations are better to protect their own rights and interests, while further strengthening the legal awareness of leading cadres at all levels, and consciously and automatically safeguarding the legitimate rights and interests of female employees.
Fourth, in-depth implementation of civilized family creation projects, and strive to build a harmonious and stable home.
The family is the cell of the enterprise. Only the employees and the family sing the sound of harmony, and the employees can fully participate in the work, and the enterprise can achieve stable development. Through seminars, "Holiday Love Songs and Singing Concerts", "Parent-child Concerts", and other activities to enhance the communication between husband and wife, strengthen the marital relationship, and create a warm and harmonious family atmosphere.

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