Inspirational Quotes > Famous Quotes

Reasonable words

1. You can't stop the sad birds from flying over your head, but you can stop them from building nests in your hair.

2. Why are you not happy? Because 99% of what you do, what you say, and what you think are for yourself.

3. When you comment on some people, you are not evaluating them, you are evaluating yourself.

4. One of the big secrets of life is that it has no big secrets, no matter what your goal is, you can get there if you work hard.

5. Everything is done the first time or the last time, and your life will be beautiful immediately.

6. If you can see value from every stone, your life is full of gems.

7. You can pay for the most expensive dog, but there is no guarantee that it will happily wag your tail.

8. If your scores yesterday are very impressive, it means that you are not doing well today.

9. If you want to see the rainbow, don't worry about it raining.

10. The chemical composition of tears and sweat is similar, but the former can only exchange sympathy for you, but the latter can win success for you. When the pain comes, don't always think: "Why is it me?" Because of the happiness, you have not asked this question.

11. Those who can work in reality and live in ideals are the most successful.

12. There is no pause button in life, no rewind button, and no replay button.

13. A successful person can use someone else to lay a solid foundation on his bricks.

14. There are many things in your life that can catch your eye, but only some can grasp your heart and pursue these things.

15. There is no long work in the world, only work that you are reluctant to start.

16. Some things will be believed after you see them, and some exceptions will be seen later.

17. The thunder of thunder is scary, but the real disaster is caused by electric lightning.

18. Remember what to remember and forget what to forget. Change what can be changed, accept what can not be changed.

19. A person should never be ashamed to admit his mistakes. Admitting mistakes is just a sign that today is more sensible than yesterday.

20. One of the best teachers is time; the best textbook is the world; the best pastor is his own conscience.

21. I am not afraid of the storm because I am learning to take the helm.

22. Don't let the thoughts of mediocrity shake you. You have dreams, they think you are crazy; you succeed, they think you are lucky; you pursue wealth, they think you are greedy. Don't pay attention, they just don't understand.

23. The most successful people are those who have been stabilizing and accumulating until they succeed. They are moving forward step by step, more and more open-minded, and gradually better able to control the situation. They unswervingly grasp what they think is useful and concentrate on it. Such people will certainly achieve extraordinary achievements.

24. Courage is a special kind of knowledge that knows how to fear things that should be afraid, and how to not fear things that should not be afraid.

25. The reason why a river can reach its destination is because it knows how to avoid obstacles.

26. What has been lost may be lost, at least not waiting.

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