Inspirational Quotes > Famous Quotes

Responsible words

1. I am not afraid to forget the country. - Song, Lu You

2. The rise and fall of the world, the husband is responsible - the meaning of the Qing Dynasty Gu Yanwu language type Liang Qichao

3. The world is full of worries and worries, and the world is happy. - Fan Zhongyan

4. Living only for the family, this is the selfishness of the beast; it is despicable to live alone, it is a shame for living alone. -- Ostrovsky

5. Do your best, die and then Zhuge Liang

6. Spring silkworms go to the dead silk, and the wax torch begins to dry. - Tang, Li Shangyin

7. Son: You can't be Hongyi. There is a long way to go, and Ren believes that his own responsibility is not the same. If you die, then you are not far behind? -- Confucius

8. We should not waste our lives and should be able to say: "I have done what I can do." - Mrs. Curie

9. Society is like a boat, and everyone has to be at the helm. —— Ibsen

10. It is better to reform yourself than to ban others. —— Lu Xun

11. We serve the motherland, and we cannot all use the same method. Everyone should do everything they can according to their qualifications. —— Goethe

12. For a person, what is expected is nothing else, but only that he can go all out and dedicate himself to a good cause. —— Einstein

13. We are the masters of the country and should be considered for the country everywhere. —— Lei Feng

14. The purpose of all human efforts is to obtain happiness. - Owen's noble, great price is responsibility. - Churchill [English]

15. Although responsibility is sometimes annoying, it is only a coward and a waste that does not fulfil its responsibilities. ——Lewis [beauty]

16. Everyone is asked by life, and he can only answer this question with his own life; he only answers life with “responsibility”. Therefore, “capable of being responsible” is the most important essence of human existence. - Victor Ferran [English]

17. If a person does not have enthusiasm, he will accomplish nothing, and the basis of enthusiasm is the responsibility. - Lev Tolstoy [Russia]

18. To make a person show his essence, it is the most effective way to ask him to take responsibility. - Maugham

19. Liang Qichao: “This society respects those who do their part for it.”

20. Goethe: Responsibility means having a love for what you ask to do.

21. Wilson: Responsibility is directly proportional to opportunity.

22. Truman: "The responsibility ends here."

23. Gu Yanwu: "The world is rising and falling, and the husband is responsible."

24. Real managers must have a spirit of not shirking responsibility. - Anonymous

25. The world is rising and falling, and the husband is responsible. ——Gu Yanwu

26. Although responsibility is sometimes boring, it is only cowards and uncompromising waste that does not fulfil its responsibilities. - Lewis

27. Everyone is asked by life, and he can only answer this question with his own life; he only answers life with “responsibility”. Therefore, “capable of being responsible” is the most important essence of human existence. - Victor Ferranke

28. If a person does not have enthusiasm, he will accomplish nothing, and the basis of enthusiasm is the responsibility. - Tolstoy

29. The noble, great price is responsibility. - Churchill

30. Do your best and die. - Zhuge Liang

31. The industry is diligent and diligent, and it is ruined; - Han Yu

32. No matter how advanced, I can't make the people around me progress. This person's contribution to society is extremely limited. I will never satisfy my loneliness and progress. I must bear the responsibility and make everyone progress. At least Make the people around you progress. ——Zou Yufen

33. “If a person has no enthusiasm, he will accomplish nothing, and the basis of enthusiasm is responsibility.” “With or without responsibility, it will determine the life, family, work, learning success and failure. This is also in all relationships between people. Nothing." - Tolstoy

34. When he is fully free to act with his will, he can take full responsibility for his actions. - Marx

35. Responsibility is directly proportional to opportunity. -- Wilson

36. People with conscience have a sense of responsibility and dedication. - Suhomlinski

37. Work means responsibility, and achieving goals means dedication.

38. A responsible person is a mature person.

39. Responsibility is often more important than ability.

40. For one person, what is expected is nothing else, but only that he can go all out and dedicate himself to a good cause. —— Einstein

41. We are the masters of the country and should be considered for the country everywhere. —— Lei Feng

42. The purpose of all human efforts is to achieve happiness. - Owen

43. Everyone should have the confidence that the responsibility that man can bear, I will be able to bear; the responsibility that man cannot bear, I can bear. In this way, you can temper yourself and seek higher knowledge and enter a higher realm. - Lincoln [US]

44. Life needs to know the responsibility of responsibility, in order to know the fun of doing responsibility. ——Liang Qichao [China]

45. If a person does not have enthusiasm, he will accomplish nothing, and the basis of enthusiasm is the responsibility. - Lev Tolstoy [Russia]

46. ​​Responsibility is directly proportional to opportunity.

47. Responsibility is a love for what you have to do.

48. Once a person is driven by a sense of responsibility, a miracle can be created.

49. Responsibility tends to be able to take responsibility. If a person has such a good attitude, his career will be easy to succeed.

50. Responsibility awareness will make us perform better.

51. This society respects those who do their part for it.

52. How successful a person can be, how much success can be achieved.

53. The real responsibility is to believe in yourself.

54. Friendship is a responsibility.

55. There are many things in the world that must be done, but you don't necessarily like to do it. This is the meaning of responsibility.

56. A successful mindset: a noble, great price is responsibility.

57. Real managers must have a spirit of not shirking responsibility.

58. To make a person show his essence, it is the most effective way to ask him to take on a responsibility.

59. To make a person show his essence, it is the most effective way to ask him to take responsibility. - Maugham

60. The world is rising and falling, and the husband is responsible.

61. When I fell asleep, I dreamed that life is a beautiful person. When I woke up, I found that life is a responsibility.-----Hu Shi

62. "What kind of ingredients, what to fill." If it is a radish, ask for a juicy and crispy radish; if it is a cabbage, try to make a porcelain-like solid cabbage.-- ---杨绛

63. Responsibility is a kind of love for what you are going to do.------ Goethe

64. Be sure to do something you don't want to do every day. This is a valuable guideline that will enable you to develop a serious and responsible habit.-----Mark Twain

65. Article 1 of all responsibilities: Do not become a coward.------Roman Roland

66. Once a person is driven by a sense of responsibility, he can create a miracle.----Menken

67. Responsibility often corrects people's narrowness. When I am lost, he will become a reliable guide.----Premchang

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