Inspirational Quotes > Famous Quotes

Classic philosophical quotes

1. Running for happiness, we are searching hard. However, where is happiness? Happiness is a cool oasis in the desert? We are in the mountains and rivers, looking at the eyes, but only see a few bushes of sea buckthorn; happiness is a shining pearl in the sea? We are involved in the river Exploring the sea, searching for traces, but only a few shells at the end; happiness is a comfortable castle on the journey? We hungry for thirsty, night to dawn, but only find a diverticulum; happiness Is it a peach orchard flower orchard on the other side of the mountain? We are so painstaking and panting, but at the end we only see a few curved weeping willows and a few clumps of grass. In fact, we should not make happiness too idealistic. There is no complete happiness in the world. Everything that can stimulate the machine is beautiful. There is only one enemy, that is selfishness, which makes the spring of life become turbid and exhausted, and it can make the sky of the mind narrow and dark. It can make the ideal stars dark and fuzzy. Work hard to inspire the light and power in your heart and inspire the joy of selfless love and devotion.

2. Open ancient poetry, you can taste the deep thoughts and feelings of the poets, and then think and understand. Read Wang Wei, Meng Haoran, you know what is love of mountains and rivers; read Du Fu, Bai Juyi, you know what is the worry of the people; read Xin Qiji, Lu You, you know what is patriotic feelings. Reading and writing, you have already integrated with the poets, and have improved your moral character and aesthetic taste in the subtle.

3. Someone unscrupulously slammed the reputation, and the result was disgraced; Lei Feng never made a name for himself, but he was well-known in China; some people wanted to write the words that lived in the world, and the results were quickly forgotten; Lu Xun was willing to succumb to the eternal glory. Ask a few articles in the world to keep it? Starry sky, only take a new moon. Some people try their best to pursue longevity, and the result is a life. Wang Boying died young, but he left behind the ages. How many people in the world have spread their reputations? The number of the rivers in the Ganges is only a diamond flash. Asked a few people from the past to the present, the big waves are sanding, only a few real gold is left. What kind of book is life? Some people are plain and faint, but his life is rich and delicate; some people are so bumpy and hard, but his book of life is fascinating; some people Fei Huang Tengda, Qingyun has a road, but his book of life is not overwhelmed.

4. The color of spring is cold green, such as blue waves, such as tender bamboo, full of infinite hope. The color of autumn is a hot red, such as the setting sun, such as red leaves, marking the ultimate of all things. The color of autumn is warm yellow, such as the golden spikes, such as stilts, swaying the joy of harvest.

5. The lazy people's messy footprints, backwards, is a confession written on the road of life. The hard-working people's solid and powerful footprints, bravely forward, is the lyric poetry carved in the peak of danger, how unrestrained. You can't control the weather, but you can change your mood. You can't change your looks, but you can master yourself. You can't foresee tomorrow, but you can cherish today.

6. Honest people, regard life as a continuous mountain peak and work hard to climb; the sly people regard life as a ship, see the wind and rudder to grasp the direction. Awkward people may lose their true self for life, but honest people may find their true meaning in life.

7. What is history? The vicissitudes of a piece of land can be a history. The rise and fall of a nation can be a history. The joys and sorrows of a family can be a history. A person's ups and downs can be a history. History can be long and long, how long it takes for a journey of life, how long it is, how old it is, how old it is, how old it is, how big it is, how vast the world is, how vast it is, how the universe has How vast it is, how vast it is. Everything in the past is history.

8. Summer has summer grass green red, winter has winter Qiongzhi jade leaves. In the summer, the rivers are filled with water, and the sky is clear, and after the rain, the boat can always make people feel relaxed and happy, and they will never forget to return. In winter, thousands of miles are frozen, thousands of miles are snowing, and the lake is skating, which makes people fly and enjoy. Although the specific experiences in the journey of life always seem so trivial, so ordinary, so long, and that is not so annoying, but it is precisely they constitute a real wonderful life. This is the most precious state of life.

9. Life is like wine, or aroma, or strong, or sullen, or light, because of integrity, it becomes mellow;

10. Life is like a song, or high, or low, or mournful, or cheerful, because of integrity, it becomes pleasing;

11. Life is picturesque, or bright, or bleak, or elegant, or rich, because of integrity, it becomes beautiful.

12. Although the meteor has fallen, it has pierced the night sky with beautiful light. Although the music is over, it is inspiring with passionate melody.

13. Fielding said: "A bad book is like a bad friend, and it may hurt you." This is true. But you don't have to go to the other extreme to exaggerate the influence of books on people's character. More of the situation is: a good person is still a good person after reading a bad book, and a bad person is still a bad person after reading a good book. Friendship is a savings that has benefited a lot in life. This saving is the help of the afflictions in the troubles. It is the anti-earth loyalty on the wrong road. It is a sincere help when it falls. It is a spring breeze that wipes away tears when it is painful.

14. Trust is a precious savings in life. This savings is a kind-hearted gaze that is thrown at you when it comes to you. It is a firm companion to you on the road ahead. It is the support of all-out efforts when you encounter difficulties. It is a heart-warming drive when you suffer from shackles.

15. The reason why dripping water can wear stone is at least two reasons: one is that their target is specific, each drop of water is in the same direction and falls on a fixed point; the second is that they persist, and in the long years, they This effort has not been interrupted. From this, we can think of scholars who have achieved success in ancient and modern China and abroad. They all embody the words "special" and "constant".

16. The love of the mother and the child, the feelings of the brothers, although there is also a strong altruistic color, but its premise is based on blood and family ties, can not be said to be selfless dedication. Only by transcending the blood of affection and surpassing the altruism and sacrifice above personal utilitarianism, is it a selfless dedication. This kind of selfless dedication is different from the moralist's definition and the philanthropist's good deeds. It does not seek and perceive spiritual conscience and spiritual comfort from the meaning of "small self", but promises and practices the responsibility and mission to the country, society and people in the sense of "big self". Books are like a ladder, which guides us to the hall of knowledge. Books are like a key that will help us open the window of wisdom of the soul. Time is like a good doctor. It can teach us to heal bloody wounds. Time is like a kind mother, it will help us to heal the wounds of the soul.

17. Some people live richly because he has the ability to control life; some people live in mediocrity because he lacks the courage to overcome life.

18. Within ten steps, there must be grass. Heroes, of course, are often difficult to measure by the density of distance or time.

19. Only the rough sea can create the smoothness and softness of the beach, and the calm lake has to be surrounded by sludge; only the storm can wash the muddy water of the sludge, and the drizzle can only leave the sand; only the endless forest In order to create the green and beautiful of the earth, the lonely trees have to be devastated by the wind. What is love? Love is the wind, love is the rain. Because of love, we are willing to live in peace and quiet; because of love, I dare to go to Jin Ge Iron Horse, Ma Ge wrap the body, what is the interest? Interest is hot, interest is love. Because of interest, we have abandoned the enjoyment beyond interest; and because of interest, we explore mysteries and harvest results.

20. The book is my spiritual food, which reshapes my soul. When Jane Eyre said: "We are equal, I am not a machine without feelings." I know how to be a woman's self-esteem; when Datukfi said: "If you are free, both can be thrown," I understand. As a human value; when Lu Xun said: "I don't break out in silence, I will die in silence." I understand the spirit of resistance that people should have; when Bai Langning said: "With love, the world will become a grave." I understand how important it is to give love to others.

21. Since the goal is a distant horizon, it should be more calm and calm. The fruits of autumn are all relying on the hard work of spring; they are the blood of the sea, and they rely on the stream to rush around day and night. Perhaps, sweating may not necessarily harvest the dream that matures; perhaps, the blood is not necessarily possessed by the fiery scenery; perhaps, the struggle in the dark does not necessarily ushered in a brilliant dawn. .... But I am not sad. Although I have quietly cultivated and have not heard the echo of life, I who love life will definitely win. There is no need to dress up the young mind. The vicissitudes on the surface, the external seriousness, can not make you rise to a philosopher; leaving all friends, you can only have a lonely back. Since I can't get deep now, then I will make myself easy. How can people who are crying and sorrowful can hear the sound of blooming flowers; how can people who pretend to be able to understand the excitement in the frogs?

22. You don't need to immediately judge that you can't do it, but you are mixed into the sea of ​​people, too lively, and you don't shine a glimpse of the burning lights of life. My shout may be a little weak, my steps may be a little blind, but my blood is roaring from beginning to end. There is nothing terrible about fate, and the sea that is turbulent is not a common sail!

23. There is no need to cry for a small setback. Life is full of ups and downs, and there is no wounded pearl shell, how can there be sparkling and charming crystal. It’s a common occurrence to drop a few times and fall a few times. If you turn over the boat in a gutter, your life must be pale, and it will never be vivid. If I lose, I can start all over again. If I win, I can harden the cornerstone under my feet. Needless to say: "The sunset is infinitely good, just near dusk", the eternal singer of the past tastes bitter and sorrowful. The pointer to my life is at eight or nine o'clock. It is a wonderful moment for the rising sun. As long as I work hard, I will see my figure in every corner of the world. In this world, I don't know if it is a bit cold, but I would like to use my own meager strength to give every friend who feels cool a warm, bright light.

24. Stupidity is a trick of the villain, which is worshipped by small politicians and philosophers. Today we should be able to speak out today's ideas, and tomorrow we should speak out tomorrow's opinions, even if it is completely contrary to today's views.

25. People tend to be weak and love sorry: he dare not say "I think" "I am", but to quote the words of some saints wise; he will also bear the burden of a blade of grass or a rose. He is either awkward or tired of recollection. In fact, the virtues and the origin of vitality are unruly and unrecognizable; why should you look at people's tracks, look at people, listen to people's commands - your behavior, your thoughts and characters should be completely different.

26. The fate of a scholar is exalted to outsiders. It seems to be bleak for the readers themselves. In the eyes of some powerful people, reading is a pastime, and pastimes are dispensable. It does not matter. Therefore, only the readers themselves can appreciate the bitterness and suffering.

27. The true light is never the time when there is no darkness, but it is never hidden by the darkness; the true hero is never a low-spirited sentiment, but it is never surrendered by the humble sentiment. So, before you defeat an alien enemy, you must first defeat your inner enemy.

28. There are only two kinds of people in the world: for example, a bunch of grapes is handed, one person picks the best first, and the other leaves the best to the end. As usual, the first person should be happy, because every one he eats is the best of the bunch of grapes in his hand; the second person should be pessimistic. However, in fact, it is counterproductive. The reason is that the second kind of people still have hope. The first type of people only have memories. Although life is only a few decades, it is never a dream like disillusionment. As long as the truth is pursued, it will have eternal life. Life is not a burning candle, but a torch that we must burn, and it must be burned to the next generation.

29. Experience nature is wealth. The wind is a transparent brocade, the rain is a myriad of crystal pearls, the forest is like emerald embroidery, and the bay and lake are blue gems.

30. Family friendship is my wealth. I am a white cloud, my family is a blue sky for me; I am a green tree, my family is nourishing my land; I am a flying bird, my family is sheltering my forest; I am a clear spring, family It is the mountain that embraces me.

31. Personality needs to be "expensive": self-reliance is the dignity of the tree, self-confidence is the spirit of the people, self-study is the talent of the elders, self-love to see the lofty, self-motivation to grind people's will, self-policing to show people's wisdom Self-improvement to show the personality of the people, self-seeking to develop only to the people, self-improvement to the great cause of adults. Failure is to destroy valuable things to others; success is to package valuable things for people to see. The secret of success is not afraid of failure and not forgetting failure. The winners are all coming out of the failed purgatory. Success and failure cycle and form a wonderful life. The ruling of success and failure is not at the beginning but at the end.

32. Life is like a river. It is rich in experience and can be long-lasting. A great life, like the Yellow River, ups and downs, as magical and magnificent as the Yangtze River. Life is like a mountain, and it is a great experience to experience strange things. A great life, like the Huangshan Mountain, is as majestic as Taishan.

33. Experience is the rock of life, the edge of life is shining in the temper; the experience is the ore of life, and the vitality of life is released in refining.

34. Experience is experience, experience is accumulation. Without experience, there is no quality of existence; without accumulation, there is no wisdom to survive. The true meaning of life is explored in the experience, and the value of life is realized in the experience. Beauty, can be in the splendid palace, or beside the blown bridge; beauty, can be in the fragrance of flowers, can also be in the wind in the candlelight; beauty, can be on the extraordinary statue of Venus It can also be in the smile of ordinary girls.

35. The beautiful scenery supported by the immortal "person" has both the persistence of "not understanding the fact that I have not changed", and the ups and downs of "my generation is a basil"; The noble pursuit of "Blooming Xuanyuan" also has the arrogance of "Dare to teach the sun and the moon for a new day."

36. I am a bee, flying in the garden of the motherland, tirelessly brewing sweet honey for the motherland; I am a purple swallow, in the blue sky of the motherland, through thousands of households, to the motherland Reporting the news of the spring to the people; I am a drop of rain, in the wilderness of the motherland, descending from the sky, moisturizing the thirsty seedlings; I am a pine, standing proudly in the frontiers of the motherland, showing a solemn posture.

37. No matter how perfect the bird's wings are, if you don't rely on the air, the bird will never fly high. Imagination is the wing, and the objective reality is the air. Only when the two aspects are closely combined can we achieve remarkable results. Some people are willing to lend you an umbrella on a sunny day, but when it rains, he quietly walks away with an umbrella. Some people, when you have the power and power, turn around around you, and you leave your job, or have no power and no power, but he is far away. Some people, in the face of your deep affection, the expression of language is like a clear, sweet river, but under the riverbed, there is a dirty undercurrent. Some people, while you are sowing hard, he stood by and refused to give a drop of sweat, and when you harvested, he shared your fruit for no reason. Some people pay attention to the appearance of the decoration, and the wear shows a kind of luxury, but the depths of the heart are full of emptiness. Full of ignorance and ignorance, the uncultured form is often unconsciously revealed in his speech acts.

38. Reading others is actually reading yourself. While reading the truth, reading the good, and reading the beauty, I also read the hypocrisy behind the appearance of the shore, the ugliness behind the beauty, and the blackmail behind the smile. The most important thing is to read how to be a person. Reading people is to be a real person. Therefore, when reading a person, you must learn to be tolerant, learn to be generous, and then you can read something that is good for you, in order to read the noble, to read the joy, and to read happiness. Big things get smaller, and small things get bigger. “Big” and “small” often translate to each other under certain conditions. Large losses will be reduced due to timely remediation. Small achievements will increase as a result of continued efforts; so is “more” and “less”. Many problems will be reduced due to timely consultation, and less knowledge will accumulate. increase.

39. Faith is the support point of life's leverage. With this support point, it can become a strong and powerful person; faith is the door of career, there is no correct belief, and it is impossible to make a great cause. Labor is the source of all knowledge. Only hard work can ignite the raging fire of wisdom. Labor is the ladder of business. Without hard work, it is impossible to climb the peak of business success.

40. If life is a beautiful piece of music, then pain is one of the indispensable notes; if life is an endless sea, then frustration is a sudden wave; if life is a blue sky, Then the frustration is a floating white cloud.

41. Education requires passion, passion makes education show endless vitality; education requires poetry, poetry makes education full of romantic feelings. The pursuit of passion, passion makes the pursuit of the main melody powerful; the pursuit of poetry, poetry makes the pursuit of the palette of radiance.

42. The painter draws flowers and draws a single flower, which is intended to leave some heaven and earth, let the appreciators go to their own imaginations; musicians play, sway, sometimes “soundless and vocal”, let the audience feel their own way; poets write poetry, pay attention to subtlety, say yes Endlessly, let the readers appreciate it; teachers give lectures, concise and concise, deliberately lead and not leave, leaving students room for thinking.

43. What is bravery? Brave is a holy fire, and bravery is a hurricane. Because of bravery, Hong Xiuquan held high the holy fire to kill the demon, but also because of courage, the insurgent army swept away from pollution and decay.

44. A wise man can seek freedom in his freedom, or he can be free in freedom. Looking around, how many rushing pedestrians, running around with a prison in the eyebrows.

45. When you stand by the sea, the waves of the sea may be the most beautiful; when you are trekking in the desert of Gobi, the mirage may be the most beautiful; when you feel lonely, family may be the most beautiful; when you are immersed in the casino, Money may be the most beautiful.

46. ​​In the universe, how small is the individual's life; in the fierce conflict between the pursuit of the ideal life and the harsh reality of the living environment, in the confrontation with nature and society, how powerful individual strength is. But the process of life is not the result but the process. The whole meaning of life lies in the pursuit and struggle for the highest realm that life can achieve. A good poem, often - just give you a spray, asking you to imagine the vastness of the sea; only give you a hook and a moon, asking you to imagine the tranquility of the night sky; only give you a dew, let you imagine The freshness of the dawn - always maximizes the stimulation and mobilization of your imagination.

47. When the squally wind whispers in your ear, you only have to breeze it; when the rain falls in front of your eyes, you only drip it in the eaves; when lightning strikes over your head, you only pass it through the fire. Man must never yield to adversity.

48. A person who faces and overcomes his weaknesses needs ten times more courage and a hundred times more strength. Some people will be arrogant because they are smart and capable or "blood noble". He has to overcome this weakness, I don't know how many times to go back, how many times to criticize, how many times to reflect deeply, they are marathons on the journey of life. champion. In order to overcome the disease and the disability, some people endure the mental and physical pains, fearlessly declare war on the god of death, perseverely fight against the fate, lift and push down the heavy weight of the doom, so that the heavyweight weightlifting will also be awe-inspiring. Respect. There are those who fight against selfishness and self-denial, those who overcome self-control by inertia, those who fight violently and constantly anger, and who constantly strive for self-motivation. They are all strong people in life. Where is the difference between celebrities and mortals? The things that celebrities have used are artifacts. The things that mortals have used are wastes; celebrities do something wrong, writes about celebrity anecdotes, mortals do wrong things, talk about them and say that he is It’s silly; a celebrity’s strong words are called eloquence, and a mortal singer is a sophistry; a celebrity is dressed up without a trim, called an artist’s temperament, and a mortal who does not trim the margins is fluent.

49. I am not a pine with a frosty snow, nor a bonsai that is dedicated to the hall, but a small grass on the vast land – dotted with picturesque nature. I am not a dazzling pearl, nor a fleeting star, but a row of waves in the sea - dressed as brave and fearless explorers.

50. Spring is like a little girl who is walking lightly. She carried a magical flower basket and sprinkled colorful flowers on the hillside and sprinkled it into the wilderness. She accompanied the cheerful stream, sang the songs of singing to Qingshan, and sang to the shepherd boy. Autumn is like a skillful Danqing hand. She picks up a huge drawing board and sprinkles golden gouache on the field and sprinkles it on the village. She lifted the magical brush, dyed the treetops with the colorful colors, and dyed the hawthorn. A small grass may never be a towering tree, but it may be the greenest and strongest grass; a drop of water may never run like a river, but it can be the purest drop in all water.

51. What kind of age is the best? What kind of life is the best? What kind of youth is the most brilliant? Flowers say that I am open to the age of thousands of shows, the moon said, my transparent mind is the most open, the seagull said, life and wind and wave fight The most magnificent. Life is not doing a great job, but what is done well, saying, seeing the dense forest, you only need to do one of them in an innocent way; seeing the Yangtze River in the Pentium, you only hope to be innocent in the spray. A drop; seeing the boundless blue sky, you only ask innocent to make a peaceful one in the clouds. Although it is a tree, it can fight the wind and rain. Although it is a drop, it can nourish the seedlings. Although it is a flower, it can dress up the blue sky. This kind of life is enough. People yearn for the empty valley, because it is independent and independent, high and clean, not for the dust of the world, but the environment can be met after hard. Therefore, people praise lotus more, because it does not stain the sludge, it is clear and not demon, people should understand the self-purification of the soul like a lotus.

52. What is the motherland? The simplest answer is that it is a piece of land that is related to you and the people who live in it. However, when Su Shi said that “Da Jiangdong went”, when Yue Fei’s “Eight Thousand Miles of Clouds and Moons”, when Wen Tianxiang sighed “Sighing in the Ocean”, when Mao Zedong sang “Jiangshan is so beautiful” "When Yu You Ren sorrows "On the mountain, the state has a shackle", the answer to "What is the motherland" will be so simple?

53. The ideal is stone, knocking out the fire of the stars, the ideal is fire, the light that is extinguished, the ideal is the light, the road that illuminates the night, the ideal is the road, leading you to dawn.

54. Political rights have a beneficial effect. Some people have a motive of interest hidden behind political rights. This is the motivation for some people to use their political rights to trade for their rights. It is also the motivation for some people to use their power for personal gain. A drop of water is only a tiny point in the universe, but it reflects the entire sun. This means that the entire sun is "compressed" into a drop of water. So, when we faced the string of dew on the green leaves in the morning, it seemed as if we saw countless suns dancing in the breeze; when we stared at the clear eyes of the autumn pool, we seemed to see a mysterious universe.

55. What connects the Chinese people of the world together? It is Chinese culture. The dragon boat of the Dragon Boat Festival, the moon cake of the Mid-Autumn Festival, the ascending of Chongyang, the red Spring Festival posted on the gate of the Lunar New Year; the word "Hi" in the double, the "Fu" word that is affixed, the old birthday star that stands out in the forehead, the face of the stage... ...all of this evokes the strong nostalgia of the wanderers, and the dreams surround the Chinese.

56. Time is a magical and ruthless carving knife that creates miracles between heaven and earth. It can split the boulder into dust, the seedlings into large trees, and turn the desert into a city and a garden. Of course, it can also decay the bustling capital into a wasteland and ruins, so that the shiny metal is covered with green rust and tarnished. The wrinkles on the forehead of the old man are carved out, and the rosyness on the girl's face is depicted. The reproduction of life and the movement of the world are guided by it. In the age of hunger, the ideal is food and clothing; in the age of food and clothing, the ideal is civilization; in the age of turmoil, the ideal is stability; in the stable years, the ideal is prosperity.

57. Spring is not only the noun of the beginning of the four seasons, but also spring. After a long and rigorous winter, people hope that the spring will last forever; listening to the martyrdom, people feel like sitting in the spring. Chunhui adds a bright color to poetry; spring rain makes the picture lively.

58. If life is like a song, there should be more high-pitched melody and less languid notes; life as a poem should have more passionate lyrics and less bitter sighs; life as a painting should have more brilliant colors. , less gray shades; life is like a tree. There should be more fresh green, less withered withered.

59. The flower of life is supported by enjoyment. Life is vast and rich, and there are endless things to enjoy; life is very short-lived, and many meaningful things will be fleeting. Some people say that enjoyment is gold, some people say that enjoyment is earth. The difference between a great man and an ordinary person is that there is no time when there is no self-confidence in the chest of a great man, but he can adjust himself when he is not confident, and thus walk out of self-confidence to achieve a strong state of self-confidence.

60. When a person keeps his destiny in loyalty to a person and puts it on all principles and morals, he becomes a humble person, an insignificant pawn.

61. Life is constantly wounded, constantly restored, constantly created, and constantly created. There is no eternal thing in the world, and so is trouble and pain, because life does not stop.

62. You can deceive some people at all times, and you can deceive all people at certain times. You can't deceive everyone at all times.

63. Life is a book, and every page is a new story. Looking back, it is to review the hardships of the past, and to inspire the day of the fighting, not to defend a success, to sing the old tune; not to be a failure, worrying.

64. Life is a series of one-way vehicles moving forward, each day is a new starting point. Looking back, it is the road that the checkpoints have passed, and the beautiful future; not to immerse a beautiful scenery, to chew and chew, all kinds of lingering; not to think of a smooth road, stop to think, thousands of kinds of admiration. Only by relentless pursuit and to achieve results today is the new feeling of bitter and happy life; only by working hard, is the true feeling of enriching life. Therefore, we must say goodbye to yesterday. Yesterday's experience, there are sweet and bitter, successful glory, but also the bitterness of failure; there are warm comfort, but also cold and frustrated. Life has gone a long way, and the scenery is different after all. This part of the wind is smooth, and the rain is mad. The journey of life is the wind and rain. It is to say that once owned, not to say that it has been lost, what is lost is not lost forever, what is not obtained forever, everything is developing and changing, and constantly bid farewell to yesterday, with confidence to invest in each one. A brand new today.

65. Birds love beauty, not only need the beauty of feathers, but also the beauty of singing; the beauty of fish, not only the beauty of scales. Still need to float and lively beauty. People love beauty, not only the beauty of the clothing room, but also the beauty of spiritual character.

66. Write a book with friendship, a thick book. In the book, friendship is like a pearl. We wear together and form a string of necklaces. Friendship is like silk, we cut together and sew it into a beautiful piece of clothing. Friendship is like oil painting. We paint together and paint a picture. A wonderful picture. It’s terrible to be obsessed with it when it’s smooth. It’s sad to be frustrated when it’s frustrating. It’s not only respectable to succeed after success. It’s gratifying to make up for it after the defeat.

67. Looking up to parents, we are “independent” and cannot be repeated; we are the only ones who are supreme and supreme for children; in the face of friendship, we are the most precious wealth of close friends; in the face of career, we are indispensable masters.

68. Commitment is not a white cloud in the sky, happy, elegant; commitment is not a wave on the green wave, light, chic; promise is not a leaf duckweed on the water, drifting uncertain; promise is not a flower in the night, fleeting . Commitment is like a pearl. Its crystal is the price of awkward pain, and it is also the glory of blasphemy; the promise is like a golden grain, its fullness is the crystallization of the hard work of the peasants, and the hope of the peasants; the promise is like honey, its sweetness is the bee The industrious crystallization is also the pride of the bee; the promise is like a meteor, its splendor is the tragic sacrifice of the meteorite, and it is also the glory of the rock; the promise is like the dewdrop of the green grass in the morning, bright and short.

69. Powerful words, like a row of bullets shot in the gun, violently slamming the human heart, like a blockbuster falling on the side of the person, causing the human mind to be shaken violently; kindly words, like a calm lake There was a slight wind blowing, which made people's hearts sway a grateful embarrassment. Like a silent rain in the spring night, the green bud of hope was born in the heart. If you can't make a big river, you can make a small stream. If you can't make a big tree, you can make a little wild grass. If you can't be a hero, you can be an ordinary people. As long as you continually rush, grow, and work hard, you will also walk through the mountains and rivers, and you will be as green and bright as you are.

70. I am not a giant pine in the mountains, nor a bonsai in the court, but a grass on the vast grassland - a smile on the magnificent mountains and rivers. I am not a music movement in the city, nor a piccolo in the countryside, but a string of camel bells in the desert - to lift loneliness for the brave trekkers.

71. Coddled with the cradle of low-energy children, the alpine cold soil makes the pines and cypresses more straight. Sima Qian was sentenced to death by the palace, and the article was sung by the word; Li Hou was imprisoned, and the word was one of the new; Tang Minghuang was so addicted that the soul was smeared; Cheng Kejie was corrupted and finally ruined. "Being born in sorrow, dying in peace" is really a famous saying! Understanding is the sun of life, it will bring endless warmth to people; understanding is the engine of life, it will give people endless power; understanding is life Fine wine, it will bring people an intoxicating aroma.

72. Sincerity is like a flower full of branches, always able to bear the fruit of friendship; sincerely like a clear stream, the heart is the source of the stream.

73. Money, you can buy good food, you can't buy a good appetite, you can buy books, you can't buy knowledge. Money, can buy roses, can't buy love, can buy greeting cards, can't buy friendship.

74. Although bees and butterflies are flying between flowers, one is creating, and the other is vain. The creator is dedicated to a sweet life, and the vain person is left with the garbage of life.

75. Perhaps, there will never be that day, the future is as dazzling as the morning glow; perhaps, there will never be that day, success is as brilliant as a light; perhaps, it can only be like this. The climb does not reach the peak; perhaps, it can only be so rushing but despising the waves. For the sake of meeting, we raised a crystal wine glass, but we did not know the life of the past. In fact, it was the preparation for this encounter. In the night, open the black cockroach; the moon, sprinkle the gentle Qinghui. The hurricane was slight. It’s the tide that flows into my heart, and the tears that overflow my eyes.

76. Don't be humble to proud people, and don't be proud of modest people.

77. The world is like a rose, a pessimistic person who only thinks that its thorns are terrible; optimistic people only think of its fragrant and lovely. The world is like fine food. People only eat in a small amount of time, and most of the time they are digesting. Being alone is digesting the world.

78. Political struggle is a very complicated matter. It must not be ruined, and there must be no urgency. The patience is tolerant, the toughness is tough, and the compromise is compromised. When you are patient, you can silence for a long time. When you fight back, you must have a strong offensive and do not give your opponent a chance to breathe.

79. In the era, many ordinary names were coated with a layer of gold powder, and many shiny names were lost. And all the times and all the history are constantly accepting the creation and domination of people.

80. In real life, who can tell us in advance that knowledge that seems seemingly useless, or something that we are neglected because of commonplace, will one day become a lifelong inexhaustible wealth? Or, if anyone says Pebbles are gems, and how many people can hear them in? After all, many people will be fascinated by the immediate interests.

81. The arrogant people do not like to listen, they will only be arrogant, greed and arrogance obstruct their view; the recluseed people do not like to listen, they will only sit and watch the sky, shallow and ignorant hinder their progress; the people who are eager for quick success I don't like to listen, they only taste it, and impetuousness and short-sightedness restrict their understanding. Therefore, only the people who like to listen are the people who are wise.

82. A person's life is like gold. To be righteous, the personality must stand upright; the life of a person is like a wood, to be full, and the connotation must be profound; the life of a person is like water, to be flexible, and to be easy-going; the life of a person is like fire, to be passionate. The attitude should be sincere; the life of a person is like earth, it must be true, and the style should be simple. Reading is also a lucrative savings in life. This saving is the key to discovering the future, the ladder of pursuing the truth, the foundation that transcends the predecessors, and the strength to participate in competition.

83. The language of the motherland is as splendid as a star, as precious as a pearl, as beautiful as a peony, as fragrant as a plum; the language of the motherland stands at the Everest, engraved with the Great Wall, stretching through the Kunlun, flowing through the Yellow River; , Tang and Song poems, Jin Yuanqu drama, Ming and Qing novels; there are palaces and phoenixes, 阆 葩 葩 葩 竹 竹 竹 竹 竹 竹 竹 竹 竹 竹 竹 竹 竹 竹 竹 竹 竹 竹 竹 有 有 有 有 有 有 有 有 有 有 有 有 有 有 有 有 有

84. Convincing yourself is a sensible victory; being touched by yourself is a sublimation of the soul; self-conquering oneself is a kind of maturity of life.

85. Try to be the kind of brave bird that can go straight to the sky when the clouds cover the sun; try to be a boat that goes straight ahead when the waves rise. For the brave, the attempt is a new way of life; for the weak, the attempt is a high wall of iron. The metaphor is the paint in the hands of the painter, adding color to the scene; the metaphor is the poet's imaginary wings, adding color to the lyrics; the metaphor is the spark of the philosopher's wisdom, lighting the lamp of truth that always motivates people to move forward. The clever metaphor can draw difficult scenes, but it can be difficult to say.

86. Drinking wine is just half a squat, and the flowers are half-shifted; the half-sail fan is turned over and the horse is half-smooth. Half a little but awesome, half more tired of entanglement. A hundred years of bitterness and half-phase blending. It will take only half the price.

87. Those who live in their lives and who are steadfast in their lives are respectable, but those who can stop at rest and appreciate the scenery around them are not only respectable but also more lovely.

88. Being brave is a spirit of struggle. In the face of evil and difficulties, a brave person must fight without fear and struggle; courage is a creative spirit, facing the future, hope, a brave person should not create and develop without any withdrawal; brave is a sacrifice Spirit, for justice, truth, a brave man must sacrifice without hesitation to sacrifice.

89. The sail clearly knows that sailing on the sea will inevitably be blown by the wind and may be swallowed by the sea, but these dangers will never cause the sail to lower its high head! Because the sail has already given life to the sea, Give the death to the sea. Sail knows: If you leave this boiling sailing business. Even if the sail is alive, it is not just an idle rag. When you are rewarding for your achievements and honors, you should think that others are like you, have success, have strengths, so you must not be complacent and self-satisfied; when you feel inferior because of setbacks and failures, you should think: you and Like others, there are also failures and pains, so you can’t be arrogant and self-defeating.

90. To put it bluntly, it is the river that gave me life and vitality; the river said that if there is no forest, maybe I have been annihilated. The forest said that it was the Mother Earth who raised me.

91. It is said that the autumn wind is ruthless, complaining that it blows off the leaves, blows off the fruit, blows off the seeds, and says it blows away a world of vitality. People, have you ever thought about this? If it wasn’t for the autumn wind to blow the leaves down, wouldn’t the leaves be shredded by the harsh winter? If it wasn’t for the autumn wind to unload the fruit, the fruit would not be Is it ice and snow to devour? If it is not the autumn wind that blows the seeds down, isn't it supposed to be frozen and frozen? It is the autumn wind, introducing the leaves to the roots, so that it finds the way to continue life; it is the autumn wind, the fruit is brought into the The warm home makes it preserve the embryo of life; it is the autumn wind, hiding the seeds into the thick soil, so that it has a hotbed of spring. A big country with a history of 5,000 years has finally stood up. It is no longer a small grass that people trample on, but a tall, tall tree. It is no longer a young swallow that can't stand the wind and rain, but a flying eagle. It is no longer that. A weak cat and a lion, who is awakened and roared.

92. The authority in the hands of the leader can not only benefit the people but also cause trouble to the people; it can become a sword for the leader to build a career, or a shovel for people to dig graves. Those who master the destiny of others, even if there is a little evil thought, a trace of negligence, a loss of duty, will be cast into the sin of the ages.

93. The child is holding a high flying kite. No, it is not a kite. It is a dream of a child flying. The black sky is inlaid with stars. No, it is not a star. At that time, the mother looked forward to the child’s eyes. In the rainy days, the mother opened the umbrella for the child. No, it was not an umbrella. At that time, the mother cared for the gentle hand of the child. Some people are dressed in strange costumes and strange behaviors. Some people use the imitation of stars and indifference to treat people as free and easy. Some people use their own way and cynical to be free and easy. Some people use the gang to send gangs and call them brothers and sisters free and easy.

94. The germination of spring, the hard work of summer, the maturity of autumn, the crouching of winter, naturally continue its life in seasons, and the season is every passage in its reverberation.

95. We always hope that everything is perfect. We always hope that all the opportunities will appear at the same time. We always hope that the whole road will be beautiful and beautiful. But I did not expect that the pursuit of perfection is itself an imperfection.

96. The lotus symbolizes purity, she is clear and white, and her temperament is elegant; the lotus symbol is strong, she is not dying, her character is stubborn.

97. Maybe you can't have a deep blue sky, but you can make flowing white clouds; maybe you can't have the vast sea, but you can make a quiet stream; maybe you can't have a vast grassland, but you can be a persistent green wall.

98. As long as you are full of confidence and good at discovering, you will feel the meaning of life. What is the most precious thing in the world? The politician said: "It is the supreme power." He said: "It is a delicious food." The businessman said: "It is a steady stream of profits." The patient said: "It is healthy and strong." The body." The prisoner said: "It is a free life." ... It seems that there is no unified answer to this question. We can only say that the most needed and favorite of a person is the most precious.

99. Your unrestrained decision is your boldness, your calmness determines your collapse, your flexibility determines your tolerance New, and your inner show determines your fineness. In short, your personality determines your lifestyle and attitude.

100. Some pioneers are natural adventurers. He turns thin fields into fertile soil and turns the desert into an oasis. Some pioneers are shallow-bottomed frogs. He builds a small building in the vast desert, plowing a few Divided into poor farmland. Some pioneers are lonely ascetic monks, who bear the love and walk on the yellow sand. Some pioneers are debauchery poets. He is wandering around the world, taking the heavens as the bed and taking the land as the bed.

101. You may not be the most beautiful, but you can be the cutest; you may not be the smartest. But you can be the most diligent; you may not be the richest, but you can be the most fulfilling; you may not be the best, but you can be the most optimistic. Around the successful people, surrounded by flowers and applause; before and after the defeated people, soaked in sweat and struggle. The song of success is a piece of music composed of flowers and applause; the song of failure is an inspiring battle song written with sacrifice and struggle as a sign.

102. For the Yuanbo friends, such as reading different books, for the Fengya friends such as reading celebrity poetry, for the loyal friends such as reading the sages, for the funny friends such as reading legendary novels.

103. The emotional connection with the establishment may be as fascinating as Huangshan Yunhai. Maybe it is as thick as the Great Wall. Maybe it is as crystal clear as Kunlun Snow. Maybe it is as vast as the Dongting Lake. Maybe it is as mellow as Maotai, maybe like Longjing green tea is as sweet as it is.

104. The trees that grow in the North are able to survive the winter cold, not only because of the slight sunshine in the winter, but also because the earth can supply them with constant warmth. People who are in trouble are able to break through the difficulties, not only because of the help of the outside world, but also because of the inner belief that they must win the infinite power.

105. I cherish the life nourishment extracted from the vast sea of ​​people, moisturizing my life and stimulating my spirit; I cherish the experience of success and cherish the lessons of failure; I cherish the painful memories and cherish the joyful time; I cherish life. Every fragment, every process; I cherish every bump in my life, every time I struggle. Success and failure, pain and joy, will melt into my flesh and blood, accompany me to write a more fulfilling life. Thinking is the key to opening the door to wisdom; thinking is the arrow that breaks through the unknown obstacles; thinking is the bridge to success. If one does not think, it is impossible to enlighten wisdom, seek truth, and succeed.

106. I dreamed of driving through the vast deserts of Saibei, feeling the feelings of the long river in the hurricane hunting; I dreamed of being in the small town of Jiangnan Xiaoqiao, in the drizzle, I tasted the water village. Feelings.

107. The power of time should be left on the earth. The wheel of the years should be crushed between the lanes. It doesn't matter if there is no ruin. Yesterday, there is no such thing as today and tomorrow.

108. There was no ark to go to infinity. However, if it is forbidden, it is attractive, as if it is next to the abyss. Where the feet cannot reach, where the eyes can reach, where the eyes cannot reach, the spirit can fly. No matter how small or incompetent humans are, no one does not want to try. Every stage of life, and every step is beautiful. The choice may be great and ordinary, the process may be lonely and painful, the ending may be plain and ordinary, the dream may end up with nothing, but it can prop up a blue sky in your heart. Together they compose a magnificent poem of life.

109. A person's life is very limited. If a person cannot repeatedly and decisively abandon something that should not be devoted in his life, he is eager to get everything. From time to time, he is working hard everywhere. The result can only be to let himself Disappointed. Therefore, life needs to be counted frequently.

110. Some people think that silence is numbness, sinking is contempt, and sinking is lethargy. No, it’s not like sinking. Silence is a fetus in the mother's abdomen before labor. Silence is a boxing fist full of strength before the game. Silence is the new green sprouting in the spores of the cold. Silence is the magma that runs underground before the volcanic eruption.

111. Nature is rich and varied. It is either a spouting spring, or a pool, or a waterfall, or a waterfall, or a river. It is a mountain, or a land, but it is a show, or a sky; A tree, or a green leaf spit, or a root and a cracked stone; the same is a Dongting Lake, or "yin wind anger, turbid wave emptying", or "spring and Jingming, waves are not shocked"; the same is a Yangtze River Chibi, or "Egret is across the river, the water is shining," or "the mountain is high and the moon is small, and the water is falling out."

112. It is Bole, let him go to the horse; if it is Kenting, let him go to solve the cattle; Luban, let him go to get the axe; it is Hua Tuo, let him go to cure. This is to make people do their best. On the contrary, it is Bole, let him go to solve the cow; it is Kenting, let him go to the horse; Luban, let him go to cure the disease; it is Hua Tuo, let him go to get the axe, that is to ruin the talent.

113. Once frustrated, the understanding of life is deepened; mistakes once add a first step to the awakening of life; unfortunately, once the understanding of the world is matured; once hard, the content of success is thoroughly understood. In this sense: To be successful and happy, to be happy and happy, you must first understand setbacks, failures, misfortunes and pains. When the spring breeze blows open the buds that are waiting to be released, when the baby slams into the world, it walks quietly, and laughter can't stop it; when the autumn wind falls and withers, the elders are silent. When you look at the people, it walks silently, and the lament cannot make it look back. This is the time.

114. Books are an inexhaustible treasure of life. This treasure is a comfort to the bottom of life, a kit for solving difficult problems, a breeze on the top of a glorious mountain, and a magic weapon for creating new knowledge and new fruits.

115. Sports witnessed history, history recorded the rise and fall of sports; sports wrote brilliant, brilliant contributed to sports innovation; sports made heroes, and heroes cast sports souls.

116. I think that I am accepting the "Tiananmen" "review" and have no right to "review" "Tiananmen". It is a long-term mindset that objectively encourages some people to think that they have the right to "review" like "Tiananmen". Everything, and the reviewers did not have the idea and habit of "reviewing the rights of Tiananmen" at the same time.

117. People are not happy. And one of the reasons for the exhaustion of the enormous energy for success is due to resentment, which is the poison of the poisoning spirit.

118. The space of the human spiritual world is limited. There are more good thoughts, less evil thoughts; more beliefs, less wear and tear; more pursuits, less boring. Silence is a temperament, a form of grace, and a character.

119. If there is no silence, there will be no gestation, there will be no shock, and there will be no breakthrough. After the silence of the winter, the moth finally turned the dream of flying into reality; after the silence of the sea, it finally launched the spectacular view of the storm.

120. Flowers are the promise of spring, the tide is the promise of the sea, and the farth is the promise of the road. The world is solemn and affectionate because it keeps its promises.

121. In autumn, the leaves are yellow and dry, and they are about to fall off. The yellow leaves left the branches, fluttering in the wind, and left with a feeling of indifference to the golden autumn season. If I were a fallen leaf, I would like to land on the ground very quickly, and quickly melted into water, then plunged into the black and fragrant soil, and embraced these large, small, thick and thin roots.

122. If you think about it carefully, you will understand that distrust of the other person is actually a distrust of the self. When speculating on the other person's heart, the person gaze as if he or she reflects his life in the mirror, and then projects it on the other side, thereby deciding to trust or not trust the other party. Everything that can stimulate the machine is beautiful. There is only one enemy, that is, selfishness, which can make the spring of life become turbid and exhausted. It can make the sky of the mind narrow and dark, which can make the ideal stars dark and fuzzy. Work hard to inspire the light and power in your heart and inspire the joy of selfless love and devotion.

123. Youth is a blooming flower, paving the way of life with its beautiful petals; youth is a wonderful movement, using its jumping notes to write the melody of life; youth is a flying eagle, fighting with its strong wings Tianyu; youth is a rushing river, using it to smash the old shackles.

124. It has been said that life is full of heavy and boring, and that even occasional relaxation is fleeting. I think that life is not like this. I think it is worthy of praise and fun, even if I am in the coveted years. Our lives are greatly rewarded by nature, and it is incomparably superior. If we feel that we are unbearable or we are ignoring this life, we can only blame ourselves.

125. Destiny is actually fair. It follows a little-known principle of compensation: it favors the hard-working strong, and the most powerful losers in life. In what position, what kind of person, how to feel what kind of words and deeds, what kind of words and demeanor, let people feel harmonious and complete at first sight. This is the life of art.

126. Superstition is the result of a fool who encounters a liar. ————

127. I saw someone stretching and inflating himself, so someone called: "Look, a great man!" But what is the use of all bellows! Finally the air comes out from inside. ——

128. I want to stop and indulge in a deep affection, but the boat that I used to drive has no iron anchor; I want to go back and relive the old dream, but I have no way to return. Because the pendulum of time has never stopped, so life has given us the constant turbulence in the turbulent tide.

129. Life is not a record that rotates forever; youth is not a face that is never old. Love is an eternal story. From winter to summer, from green to yellow; walking is a canoe carrying destiny, driving from the south to the north, and from the near to the far. Happiness is a kind of sentiment of life, a personal experience. Perhaps happiness is the kind smile of your servant when you walk into the house; perhaps, happiness is a warm greeting when you are bored in bed; perhaps, happiness is the words of consolation when you are frustrated repeatedly; perhaps, happiness is you The applause that was appreciated when it was hard to succeed. The key point is that you have to have a heart that loves life, to have a goal of active and progressive, and to have an unswerving pursuit. In this way, you can feel happiness.

130. A friend, give you a seed of youth, hope that it is a bright street lamp in the downtown area; in the wilderness, it is an upward spring seedling, on the embankment of the river, it is a jubilant wave; at the top of the cold peak It is an optimistic snow lotus.

131. Waste is the tears of the earth, how many precious resources have flowed away? Trust is the bridge of friendship, how many closed hearts are communicated?

132. The sound of the rain made me feel gentle and peaceful, and it was lingering and endless. The sound of the rain made me feel lively and vigorous, and it seems to bring some new turn and new hope. The sound of heavy rain made me strong, and majesty and horror called for pride.

133. God is unfair, so there is poverty and wealth in the world, good and evil, beauty and ugliness, success and failure, happiness and misfortune. God is fair, it gives you money, and often takes away your sincerity and kindness; it gives you maturity, often takes away your youth and innocence; it gives you beauty, often it takes Take your wisdom and perseverance; it gives you success and often takes away your health and happiness.

134. This winter, I will use all the cruelty of this season to temper my tender will. I will use all the kindness of this season to heat my cold heart. I will use all the mellowness of this season to fill my life. Watching. The sea is a dictionary of water, the waves are the radicals, the sound of the waves is the sequence, the fish and shrimps, the seagulls are the words of the sea; the growth is a play of life, birth is the opening, death is the end, and the youth and the prime are growing. climax.

135. The Yangtze River is like a warrior who is arrogant, rushing over the mountains and rushing to the sea. The Yangtze River is like a kind and gentle mother, with a little milk, nurturing a generation of Chinese children to thrive.

136. Taishan, like an old man who has experienced vicissitudes of life, has a hard time and rain, and silently read the Spring and Autumn Period. Taishan, like a man standing in the sky, smashing the iron bones, inspiring a group of Yanhuang descendants, and bravely marching forward.

137. Destiny is the most material because it is too powerful. The capital "human" is like a small star and a vast universe. It is difficult for people to be prophets of destiny, but fate can easily illuminate you, just like a small boat in the waves of the sea.

138. Whether it is the Banzi father and son who wrote the "Han Shu" by two generations, or the Balzac who worked hard to complete the "Human Comedy" for a lifetime; whether it is walking through the Qin Da River in the Antarctic, or walking around the world by wheelchair, Beckhamson, Their experience tells us that only by constantly fighting can we succeed. Whether it is the anti-Yuan Weiguo, Wen Tianxiang who has gone through thousands of swearing to return to the South, or the loyalty and unyielding, it is difficult to make the history of Jiangdong; whether it is death or death, throwing his head in the reform of the new Tan Sitong, or dedicating himself to the revolution, sprinkling blood on Huang Huagang’s Lin Juemin, they The life tells us that loyalty is the country, not afraid of sacrifice, but the hero. All seasons, the scenery is different and the characteristics are different. In every season, we have a feeling of nature in our hearts: spring breeze, raising your thoughts; summer rain, wet lonely eaves; autumn wind, falling red leaves; winter snow, looking forward to a new year .

139. The heart is as good as the coffin, the fascination is not as hot as the dream, the bitterness is better than the white soup, and a cry is better than sorrow and joy.

140. If you are a big river, why care about others saying you are a creek; if you are a peak, why care about others treating you as a flat land; if you are spring, why sigh for the fading of a flower; if you are a seed Why do you have to worry about not having fruit yet? If you are you, then smile quietly and silently. Friendship, you are the charcoal fire in the harsh winter, you are the shade in the heat, you are the stepping stone in the turbulence, you are the navigation light in the fog, you can not see the air, you can not catch the sunshine.

141. In life, we need to be sublime. With it, we will get rid of mediocrity and emptiness, and even numbness. Moreover, once you have this understanding, you will find that sublimity is by your side: it may be a mountain, let you feel embarrassed; it may be a sea, let you understand the broad; it may be a monument, let you Feel the stalwart; it may be a big river, let you comprehend the majesty; it may be a symphony, let you comprehend the agitation. He may be a person, let you understand greatness and purity.

142. Sustainability is a kind of sincerity, a kind of understanding and understanding that is made with heart; tolerance is a kind of cultivation, a kind of temperament and frankness that is not shocked, not chaotic; the endurance is a kind of power, a kind of excretion and promotion, and the promotion and expansion of righteousness. Sustained like a cup of old wine, mellow and clear; bears a shrug-like flower, bears the shackles; bears a local accent, is simple and profound; bears the whisper of a philosopher, implicit and timeless. People, in fact, have a soul. If a person loses his soul, then there is only one empty shell left. It is very boring and boring to live. The "soul" thing can't be seen or touched, so sometimes it loses its soul, but it still doesn't feel it.

143. Sometimes we feel that life is a painful suffering, when it fully demonstrates darkness, envy, despicability, and hypocrisy; sometimes we feel that life is a happy enjoyment, when it is most fully Show the time of light, purity, sublimity, and sincerity. Life seems to always be staggered between the two poles. In every section of its extension, it seems that comedy and tragedy are always the same, and suffering and happiness coexist.

144. Life is like a song, the pitch is ups and downs, the melody is ups and downs; life is like a book, full of ups and downs, recording joys and sorrows; life is like a game of chess, full of danger, and spreading opportunities; Life is like a road. There are mountains and heavy waters, and there are also smooth roads. The life is like a river, sometimes nine songs, sometimes a thousand miles. History is a mirror of reality. The reality should be based on experience and lessons to avoid the bumpy and uneven recurrence of the past. Others are their own mirrors, and they should avoid unfortunate reappearance in the lessons of others' successes and failures.

145. Ideal is not ready-made food, but a seed that needs you to sow and cultivate; ideal is not a magnificent picture, but a blank piece of paper that needs you to paint and render; ideal is not an oasis of greenery, but a desert. I need you to open and renovate.

146. Compassion is a kind of living water of human emotions. Sometimes it breaks soft waves, sometimes it hurts pains; grief is a kind of rain in the human heart, which can nourish the dry heart, and can purify the dirty worldly love. The sunshine in the harsh winter makes the people who are in poverty feel the warmth of the world; love is a spring flowing in the desert, which makes the thirsty people feel the regeneration of life. The Spring and Autumn and Warring States Period is an era of constant disputes. It is an era in which talents come forth in large numbers and is an era in which hundreds of people contend.

147. The Tang Dynasty is a time of national peace and prosperity. It is an era of stars and an era of constant innovation.

148. He, he took out a cup of bitter wine, not too little, not too much, to be drunk, to the world, so that the drinker can cry, can sing; also wake up, also drunk If you know, if you don't know, you want to die, and you will live for the rest of your life.

149. Spring rain, squatting underground, raindrops falling on the lake, like pearls falling on the jade plate, splashing on all sides; raindrops falling on the dry soil, a small pit on the ground, like the smile on the face of the prairie girl . It’s good to have a good rain, and the pastures are good, and the lives of the herdsmen are good.

150. A good language artist, always like a sponge, absorbs a lot of life-filled words; always like a fountain of water, good at speaking beautiful words; always like a great shooter To make the arrow of his language accurately hit the "target of meaning".

151. Life is the song, singing it; life is a dream, understanding it; life is a challenge, welcoming it; life is a sacrifice, contributing it.

152. The Great Wall is like a soaring dragon, between the mountains and mountains. She is a symbol of the indomitable spirit of the Chinese nation. The Oriental Pearl, like a rocket to be launched, stands on the banks of the Huangpu River. The witness of modernization; Zhongguancun, a monument that rises from the ground, is located in the land of Jingbei. She is the symbol of the future development of the motherland; the Jiuqu Yellow River is like a long practice, and it is a long-standing national culture. The symbol of 巍巍泰山, like a historical giant, is in the land of Qilu, she is the witness of the vicissitudes of the motherland. The ambitious people regard failure as wealth. When they accept failure, they also complete the expansion and sublimation of the soul. Those who are weak will regard failure as a fearful way. They often reject success when they refuse to fail.

153. Truth likes criticism, because after criticism, the truth will win; the fallacy will be afraid of criticism, because after criticism, the fallacy will fail. Because the truth is splendid, as long as there is a gap, it can illuminate the whole earth; because the fallacy is dark, as long as there is a gap, it can cover the entire sky.

154. There is no life segment, no review, no summary, no clearing and sorting out of the mind. Therefore, we repeated the previous regret again and again, and repeatedly sadly believed that life is such a dull, and finally lost even the sadness.

155. Let life always have the "paragraph of life" consciousness, which will enable you to look back and reflect on the past steps in time, know where it is deep, where it is shallow, where is it, where it falls, and understands again and again Unsatisfactory, whether the responsibility is outside the body, and whether the complaint is full of nothing is wrong.

156. There must be "four qis" in life: the ambition to work hard, not to return, the iron-faced selflessness, the awe-inspiring righteousness, the courage to succumb to the thorns, the desire to take the righteousness, and the desire to be new and good. Stage small society, social stage, performing human sorrows and joys; family small collectives, collective big family, taste the ups and downs of life; classroom small world, heaven and earth classroom, imparting knowledge both at home and abroad.

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