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1. Many flowers must be taken like a bee to make honey. - Lu Xun

2. Life does not need to regret, but the summary is essential.

3. There is no regret in life, and there is no such thing as a repeat, so people do not have to worry about some mistakes they have made in the past. Errors are often learned after the experience, so the summary is essential. To sum up, it is not to let yourself indulge in the pain of the mistakes made in the past, but to avoid making the same mistakes better in the future.

4. The reality is this shore, the ideal is the other side, with a rushing river in between, and the action is a bridge over the river. - Krylov

5. Just as bad qualities can be exposed in luck, the finest qualities are also shown in bad luck. - Bacon

6. There is no eternal night in the world, and there is no eternal winter in the world. ——Ai Qing

7. Persevere! Even if I finally know that I have been insisting on the mistakes.

8. The ideal of life is for an ideal life. - Zhang Wentian

9. The whole meaning of life lies in the infinite exploration of what is not yet known, and the constant increase in knowledge. ——Zola

10. Life is like traveling, not at the end of the journey, depending on the scenery along the way.

11. Whoever loses his life, youth will fade, and life will abandon them. ------Hugo

12. Everyone is a philosopher, and everyone is a scholar of life, but we should know more clearly that everyone has a different path to life. The experience of people may be similar, but there is absolutely no difference! Along the way, you can learn from experience, but don't deliberately imitate

13. Fatalism is an excuse for those who lack the willpower. -Roman Roland

14. For me, the meaning of life is to put yourself in the shoes of others, worry about the worries of others, and enjoy the joy of others. - Einstein

15. The past is a god of death, and the future belongs to you. - Shelley

16. Winter has arrived, will spring be far behind? - Shelley

17. If life deceives you, don't be depressed, don't be indignant! Temporarily tolerate when you don't feel good: believe it, happy days will come. - Pushkin

18. The reality is this shore, the ideal is the other side, with a rushing river in between, and the action is a bridge over the river. ---Krylov

19. The value of a person is determined by himself. --- Rousseau

20. The more the meteor is beaten, the brighter the light is. ---Marx

21. Just as bad qualities can be exposed in luck, the finest qualities are also shown in bad luck. ---Bacon

22. Life is a beautiful and tortuous path. There are lycium flowers on the roadside, and the beautiful fruit, but we rarely stop to watch, or chew it, only single-mindedly eager to reach our fantasy more beautiful. Cheerful avenue. However, in the process of advancing, it gradually became a shadow, the flowers and butterflies disappeared, the fruits did not exist, and finally found to reach a desert. ---Sala

23. A person's life should be spent this way: when recalling the past, he will not regret it because of his ignorance, nor will he be ashamed of the inaction of the past - Ostrovsky

24. Many flowers must be taken like a bee to make honey. ---Lu Xun

25. Saving time, that is, making a person's limited life more effective in prolonging human life - Lu Xun

26. Human life is limited, but serving the people is limitless. I have to dedicate my limited life to the infinite service of the people.

27. Choose not to give up, give up what you can't choose. Life cannot be repeated, and it is impossible for everyone to repeat the same intersection. But please don't be afraid to choose, because there is no absolute good or bad choice, each choice will bring you a different feeling and different kind of wonderful.

28. Life should be like a candle, burning from the top to the end, always bright. - Xiao Chu female

29. People need truth, just as blind people need bright guides. - Gorky

30. Those who are good at using sporadic time will make even greater achievements. - Hua Luogeng

31. Life is the search for new knowledge. - Mendeleev

32. The ideal of life is for an ideal life. - Zhang Wentian

33. The harder the situation in life, the more I feel stronger and even smarter. - Gorky

34. The whole meaning of life lies in the infinite exploration of what is not yet known, and the constant increase in knowledge. ——Zola

35. The heaviest burden of life is not work, but boring. If life deceives you, don't be depressed, don't be indignant! When you don't feel good, let it be tolerated: believe it, happy days will come. - Pushkin

36. Study hard, work hard, and make your youth more glorious. ---Wang Guangmei

37. The hand is stretched out, and the hand will be caught. The party and the people are supervising, and it is difficult for the eye to escape. The rumor is afraid of catching the hand and not reaching out. He can’t stretch his mind, but he wants to stretch out and the people are shrinking. .——Chen Yi

38. Gentleman Yu Yuyi, the villain Yu Yuli. - Confucius

39. Rich and untidy, the man is here to be heroic.

40. We have to eat, sleep, sleep, love, that is, we have to touch the sweetest things in life: but we must not succumb to these things... - Joliot in

41. A person with a very fulfilling spiritual life must be a very ideal person in the Summer Palace. He must be a noble person. He must be a person who only acts as a material master and not as a material slave. ---Tao Zhu

42. I never regard ease and happiness as the life itself - this ethical foundation, I call it the ideal of the pig pen. -- Einstein's life should be like a candle, from the top to the end, always bright. - Xiao Chu female fatalism is an excuse for those who lack the willpower. -Roman Roland

43. There are two kinds of people in the world, one kind of person, who spends their time on the other; the other type, who live a meaningful life. In the eyes of the first kind of person, life is a sleep. If he seems to sleep on a warm and soft bed, he is very satisfied. In the second person's eyes, it can be said that life It is to build merits... People will enjoy their happiness in completing this feat. - Belinsky

44. If I have motivated some people more or less, and our efforts, our work, has more or less expanded the scope of human understanding, thus adding a bit of joy to the world, then I also I feel satisfied. -—— Edison

45. The value of a person should depend on what he contributes, not what he gets. -- Einstein

46. ​​For me, the meaning of life lies in putting yourself in the shoes of others, worrying about the worries of others, and enjoying the joy of others. -- Einstein

47. Life is like this cup of strong wine. Without three times of refining, it will not be so delicious! - Guo Xiaochuan

48. Hardworking bees never have time to mourn.--Black

49. Hope is a faithful sister of doom. - Pushkin

50. The ultimate value of life lies in the ability to awaken and think, not just to survive. ---Aristotle

51. In the subversion of fate, the most important thing is the people’s integrity. ---Shakespeare

52. Life is made up of all kinds of different causes, pains and joys of endless cycles. The ever-changing blue sky only exists in the middle of the mind, and it is a luxury to ask for a realistic life. --- Balzac hard work is far more valuable than gold. Sadi

53. Being alive is to make others live better. - Lei Feng

54. Whoever is a game life, he will accomplish nothing; who can't dominate himself is always a slave. - Goethe

55. Hope is attached to existence, there is existence, there is hope, there is hope, it is light. - Lu Xun

56. There is no eternal night in the world, and there is no eternal winter in the world. ——Ai Qing

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