Inspirational Quotes > Famous Quotes

Encourage reading

1. Reading all good books is to talk to many noble people. - Descartes

2. Learning is never too late. - Gorky

3. Reading gives people happiness, glory, and talent. - Bacon

4. I have read a good book, like a friend. - Zang Kejia

5. Study for the rise of China. ——Zhou Enlai

6. The ideal book is the copper spoon of wisdom. --Leo Tolstoy

7. Books are tools for making souls. - Hugo

8. Books are the nutrition of the whole world. There is no book in life without sunshine. There is no book in wisdom, just like a bird without wings. - Shakespeare

9. The human influence is short and weak, and the influence of the book is broad and far-reaching. - Pushkin

10. The ideal book is the key to wisdom. --Leo Tolstoy

11. The bird wants to fly high and flutter the wings first. ——Li Ruochan

12. Read 300 poems of the Tang Dynasty and you will not be poetry. - Sun Wei

13. Ask the canal to be clear, so that the active head comes alive. - Zhu Xi

14. Read a book, and write a pen.

15. Any valuable knowledge I have learned is derived from self-study. - Darwin

16. Travel thousands of miles and read thousands of books.

17. Shushan has a road to work, and there is no end to the sea.

18. Young and hard, the boss is sad.

19. The black hair does not know how to work hard, and the white head regrets reading late. ——Yan Zhenqing

20. Bao Jianfeng smashed out the plum blossoms from the bitter cold.

21. Reading is three: heart, eye, mouth

22. Jade is not awkward, not a device, people do not learn, do not know righteousness.

23. There is no book in a day, and Pepsi is abandoned. - Chen Shou

24. The book is the ladder of human progress.

25. Do not read a student in a day, do not write a hand in a day.

26. I rushed to the book like a hungry man on a loaf of bread. - Gorky

27. When the book is used, it hates less, and the matter is not difficult. - Lu You

28. Reading a good book is like talking to a noble person - Goethe

29. Little and eager to learn, such as the sun of sunrise; strong and eager to learn, such as the light of the sun; eager to learn, such as the light of the candle. ——Liu Xiang

30. Learning without thinking is awkward, thinking without learning is awkward. --Confucius

31. Knowledge changes fate, learns to rewrite life, educates to improve personality, and reflects on enlightenment.

32. Diligence is the boat of knowledge. Thinking is the way to explore knowledge. Asking is a great way to learn knowledge. Practice is the way to consolidate knowledge.

33. Learning by faith, seeking advice by humility, seeking to rely on concentration, grow by perseverance.

34. Diligence is the key to unlocking knowledge. Thinking is a weapon to understand knowledge. Reading is a shortcut to mastering knowledge. Practice is a way to consolidate knowledge. Discussion is a coup to understand knowledge. Exploring is the way to innovate knowledge.

35. If you are not stupid, you will succeed if you work hard. There is no shortcut to reading, and you can try your best to score high.

36. Learning depends on accumulation, memory depends on understanding, experience relies on reflection, and skill is on practice.

37. There is no real knowledge of rote memorization, and it is impossible to learn the true skills by taking the opportunity to learn. The paper can’t learn the true ability of the military, and it’s not good enough to build a car behind closed doors.

38. Writing should read more and read more; do more exercises and think more about the questions; consolidate more records and use more; use more thoughts and try more.

39. Diligent and intelligent, learn to be smart, practice skills, and make great achievements.

40. Learning relies on accumulation, and wisdom depends on thinking and practice; learning depends on learning achievement and creation depends on practical success.

41. Knowledge is like a gold mine. The deeper it is dug, the more it gets. The more knowledge is like climbing, the higher it is, the farther it is.

42. Ingeniously thinking of inspiration, practice and explore results.

43. If there is a shortcut to learning, then it is diligence; if knowledge is power, then it is practice.

44. There are more books, if you don't read it, it is a pile of waste paper; if you read more, if you don't apply it, it is a fruitless flower bud.

45. Learning can't be so high and far-reaching, one step at a time; progress can't go to the sky one step at a time.

46. ​​Knowledge is the torch of wisdom. Diligence is the key to wisdom. Wisdom is the spark of thinking. Innovation is the crystallization of wisdom.

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