Inspirational Quotes > Famous Quotes

The famous words of the writer

1. Literature enriches thought with flesh and blood. It is more capable than philosophy or science, giving thoughts a great clarity and descriptiveness. [Su] Gorky

2. Literature is like the fire in the furnace. We borrow the fire from others, ignite ourselves, and then pass it on to others, so that we can share it with everyone. ---[法]福楼拜

3. Any literature, whether or not to perfect morality, ideals, and usefulness, is a pathological, unhealthy literature. ----[法]小仲马

4. Heresy is the poetry of life, so the idea of ​​heresy is not hurting a poet. - Goethe

5. It is sad to have a person who has never done a poet in his life. - Lamartine

6. Drama is out of fiction: distorting facts to show the truth. ——Edwevrd Albee

7. Only when people are more and more degraded, literature will plummet. - Goethe

8. Only a great personality has a great style. - Goethe

9. Literature should foresee the future, running at the forefront with its most beautiful and inspiring results, just as it is moving forward to protect life.-----[Su]A. Tolstoy

10. A great poem, like a fountain, always sprinkles wisdom and joy. - Shelley

11. When literature becomes half of the commodity and half of the art, it will prosper.---[English] Ralph

12. Society provides material to literature, and literature provides norms to society. -----Guo Moruo

13. Literature is the textbook of human life---Cernyshevsky

14. Those who get the literature, as long as one is tough, two serious, three long and ten, it will be fine. ----Lu Xun

15. Literature - in fact, has always been a part of education; the development of literature and the development of the requirements of the educational process have always been parallel. [Russian] Dubrovupov

16. Style is character. - Balzac

17. Truth and Virtue are two close friends of art. Do you want to be a writer and a critic? Please be the first to be a person with virtue. - Diderot

18. Excellent works No matter how you detect it, you can't find out. - Goethe

19. If you love your heart, then the masterpiece is in sight. ——JohoRukjh

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