Inspirational Quotes > Famous Quotes

Change your bad temper

1. Other people’s affairs, say carefully. Everyone needs a safe distance between them. It is not easy to comment and spread other people's affairs, and it will give people a sense of security.

2. Your own affairs, listen to what others say. If you want to listen to the opinions of outsiders, you can give people a modest impression. Second, people will think that you are a reasonable person.

3. Listen to the things that respect the elders. Older people often don't like young people to make too many comments on their own affairs. If young people talk too much, they feel that you are not a respectable elder, modest and eager to learn.

4. The husband and wife’s affairs are discussed. Between husband and wife, the most fear is to encounter things to blame each other, and mutual discussion will produce the effect of "emotionality", which can enhance the marital relationship.

5. The ideal of life is for an ideal life. - Zhang Wentian

6. People, as long as there is a belief, a pursuit, what can be tolerated hard, and any environment can adapt. - Ding Ling

7. The ideal person must not only be satisfied in the satisfaction of material needs, but also in the satisfaction of spiritual interests. - Hegel

8. A person who can think is really a boundless person. - Balzac

9. A person who is not inspired by the enthusiasm of dedication will never do anything great. - Chernyshevsky

10. A common cause and a common struggle can make people endure the power to endure everything. --Ostrovsky

11. I never think of ease and happiness as the purpose of life itself - this ethical foundation, I call it the ideal of the pig pen. -Einstein

12. We love our nation, this is the source of our self-confidence. ─ Zhou Enlai

13. We are the masters of the country and should be considered for the country everywhere. - Lei Feng

14. When you report to the country, you will die, and your eyes will not be renewed. - Lu You

15. If a person does not know the truth and only catches on the people's opinions, the articles he has made are ridiculous and not artistic. - Plato: "Arts and Dialogues"

16. One day, the truth will win. Even if truth does not win in his life, insisting on the truth will make him better and smarter. - Huxley

17. Being imprisoned, persecuted, without prejudice to one's fame, you cannot suffer any damage to truth and integrity. It is not a fun thing to smear someone else's face. If you are not careful, the victim himself will be covered with dirt. ——《枷刑颂》

18. The fist can't beat the truth. - Gorky

19. Many great truths are considered to be embarrassing at the beginning. - Shaw

20. The road is long and it’s a long way to go. I will go up and down. - Qu Yuan: "Li Sao"

21. As long as your feet are still on the ground, don't look too light on yourself; as long as you still live on earth, don't look too big on yourself.

22. The children’s affairs are enlightened. Especially the children in adolescence, very rebellious, with a gentle and firm attitude to enlighten, can make children have a good impression on you, willing to be friends with you, but also play a role in persuasion.

23. In a hurry, say slowly. If you are in a hurry, if you can sink your mind and think clearly, then you will leave a steady, impulsive impression on the listener, thus increasing the trust of others in you. Small things, humorously said. In particular, some kind of goodwill reminders, when spoken with jokes, will not make the listeners feel blunt, they will not only accept your reminders, but also enhance their intimacy.

24. Unsure, say cautiously. For those things that you are not sure about, if you don't say it, others will feel that you are hypocritical; if you can say it rigorously, you will feel that you are a trustworthy person.

25. Don't talk nonsense. People hate people who have nothing to do with it. If you never guess or say nothing, you will feel that you are mature and cultivated. You are a serious and responsible person.

26. Don't talk about things that you can't do. As the saying goes, "There is no diamond, don't take porcelain." If you don't easily promise what you can't do, you will let the listener feel that you are a "speaker must believe, do what you want", and will believe in you.

27. You can’t say anything that hurts people. It is not easy to use words to hurt others, especially between those who are closer, not to hurt people. This will make them feel that you are a kind person who helps to maintain and enhance your feelings.

28. Sad things, don’t tell people. When people are sad, they all have the desire to talk, but if you see someone, it is easy to make the listener's psychological pressure too much, and doubt and alienate you. At the same time, you will also leave the impression that you are not thinking about others and want to pass on the pain to others.

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