Work Summary > Trade union work summary

Summary of secondary school trade union work

Under the leadership of the higher-level trade unions and the school party branch, our school's trade unions earnestly study and implement the party's xx spirit, on the other hand, closely focus on the school's central work, and effectively exercise the four functions of trade union construction, participation, education and maintenance. Unite the faculty and staff to make progress, innovation, and successfully complete all tasks. A brief summary of the current school union work is as follows:
First, the main work content summary
1. Organizing old teachers to spend the Spring Festival during the Spring Festival has become a tradition of our school. Every year before the Spring Festival, the retired old teachers are organized together, eat a light meal, and celebrate the arrival of the New Year in the condolences, so that the old teachers can fully feel the care of the school.
2. During the "March 8" festival, women's faculty and staff were organized to carry out activities at the waterworks in the city. At noon and in the evening, they had a dinner party. In the cup and sway, they opened up the eyes of female faculty and staff, which increased their knowledge and cultivated. sentiment. Through the organization of the "March 8" activities, the vitality of female employees has been enhanced, and the spirit of dedication in the post has been cultivated.
3. Implement related activities arranged by the higher-level trade unions, such as the statistical list of left-behind students and the specific measures for caring for left-behind students.
4. Hold interesting trade union activities, table tennis doubles matches and basketball throwing fun games. The process of carrying out the activities is heavy, participatory, and light, creating an atmosphere of active participation, thus fostering a collective view of employees and a positive spirit. Through a variety of activities, the staff's spare time has been enriched, the physical and mental health of the faculty and staff has been enhanced, the school's cohesiveness has been enhanced, and the school's spiritual outlook has been promoted. 5. Assisting the school to do a good job of maintaining stability. When retired teachers have specific problems to find a school, the school tries its best to help them complete their wishes; when they have emotions and dissatisfaction, they explain them carefully and patiently until they are calm.
6, care about the sick retired teacher - Zhou Yinchuan teacher, and sent a 100 yuan condolences.
7. After the earthquake in Wenchuan, Sichuan Province, the trade union actively advocated the donation of the teachers and students of the whole school to the people in the disaster area. The teachers did their best and gave a love. The donation activities purified the minds of teachers and students, united the strength of teachers and students, and extended the hands of sincere assistance to the people in the earthquake-stricken areas. More than 28 faculty and staff members of the school donated a total of 3,850 yuan, and more than 400 students donated a total of 2876.5 yuan, a total of 6726.5 yuan.
8. The school has sincerely paid attention to and considered the poor teachers and staff of the school. If you apply for poverty support.
9. Assisting the school administrative team to carry out various tasks smoothly and effectively, such as the construction of teachers' morality, school assessment, and anti-commercial bribery.
Second, some immature experience in the work
1. The school's trade union work must be guaranteed, and it is inseparable from the support of the party and the government. The trade union should actively report to the party and political leaders, ask for advice, maintain a modest style, and carry out creative work.

2. Relying on the people and trusting the teachers is the foundation of the strength of the work of the trade unions. It also makes the work style of the trade unions decent and does not deviate from the direction.
3. Actively organizing trade union activities is an important way to improve the status and influence of trade union organizations. It is also an important method to activate employees' thinking and unite workers.
Third, there are still some shortcomings in the work
1. The trade union organization has not enough study, the leadership level is not high, and the artistry is not strong. It cannot push out the major measures within the trade union organization and relies too much on the support of the party and the government.
2 The school's trade unions have limited organizational strength, and the trade union's working methods need to be updated and improved.

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