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What the priest said when he got married 2019

The bridegroom faces the bride and pulls her right hand, saying:

In the name of God, I solemnly vow to accept that you are my wife. From today, no matter what the blessings, wealth, poverty, disease, or health, I love you and cherish you until death separates us.

They let go. Then the bride raised the hand of the groom: In the name of God, I solemnly vowed to accept that you are my husband. From today, regardless of misfortune, wealth, poverty, disease or health, love you, cherish you, until death will us separate.

They let go. Blessing and exchanging wedding rings

The gods ask the Lord for blessings on the ring: Lord, the ring will represent the constraints of their vows.

Everyone: Amen.

The groom took the ring on the bride's left ring finger and said:

I will give you this ring representing the symbol of love, giving you everything in the name of the Holy Spirit of the Father. The bride took the ring on the ring finger of the groom's left hand and said: I will give you this ring representing the symbol of love, giving you everything in the name of the Holy Spirit of the Father.

Then the gods pulled up the right hand of the bride and groom and said:

The bride and groom vowed each other and accepted the ring. I declare you married as a Holy Spirit in the name of the Holy Spirit. God binds you together and no one can break apart.

Everyone: Amen.

Marriage word

The priest said to the bride: "Do you want this man to be your husband to enter into a marriage contract with him? Love him, care for him, respect him, accept him, and always be loyal to him, regardless of illness or health, or for any other reason. End of life?

The bride replied: I am willing.

The priest asked the bridegroom again: Do you want this woman to be your wife to marry her? Love her, whether it is sick or healthy, or for any other reason, take care of her, respect her, accept her, and always be faithful to her until End of life?

The groom replied: I am willing. Until I don't want to. .

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