Inspirational Quotes > Famous Quotes

a famous saying of life

1. Life is a gamble. Regardless of whether the wealth of life is a loss, as long as there is one pound left in the meat, I will bet it. -Roman Roland

2. Life is a battle of no end, no rest, and ruthlessness. Anyone who is worthy of being called a human being must fight against an invisible enemy at all times. The power of instinct in the instinct, chaos

3. Life means that if we don't have a hobby, it is just like a theater that is extremely boring and poorly run. —— Stevenson

4. Life should be like a candle, burning from the top to the end, always bright. - Xiao Chu female

5. There are two goals in life: one is to get what you want, and the other is to enjoy what you get. However, the people who know this second method are the smartest. —— Smith

6. Life is like a book, stupid people are overturned, and smart people read it carefully. Why is it? Because they can only read it once. - Paul

7. Life is like a cloth intertwined with the threads of good and evil; our good deeds must be whipped by our faults, and our sins are covered by our good deeds. —— Shakespeare

8. Life is only two and a half minutes away: a minute of smile, a minute of sigh, half a minute of love, because in the middle of love, he died. —— Zola

9. The important thing in life is to establish a great goal and resolve to achieve it. —— Goethe

10. The best thing about life is that when you stop living, you can also serve people with everything you create. --Ostrovsky

11. The ultimate value of life lies in the ability to wake and think, not just to survive. - Aristotle

12. The true perfection of man is not what he has, but what he is. - Wilde

13. Only by dedicating themselves to society can one find out the meaning of a short and risky life. - Einstein

14. People must always survive and progress, and mankind will surely move toward a greater, broader, and fuller life. Losing faith in this truth is the real death. Be aware that the great end is coming slowly because time is long. ——Dubois

15. What is the most precious thing for man? It is life, because all our joy, all our happiness, all our hopes are only connected with life. - Chernyshevsky

16. If the smoke is forgotten, the heart is unselfish and wide. - Tao Zhu

17. The three armed forces can also win the handsome, and the husband can not win. ——Confucius

18. On the journey of life. the future is very long and dark. But don't be afraid. there is always a path for the fearless. - Lu Xun

19. Society is like a boat, and everyone has to be at the helm. - Ibsen

20. Life is a great person, and death is also a ghost. So far, Xiang Yu is not willing to cross Jiangdong. ——Li Qingzhao

21. The ideal of life is for an ideal life. - Zhang Wentian

22. Life is fighting. - Corroenko

23. Life is like this cup of strong wine, it will not be so delicious without three times and five times! - Guo Xiaochuan

24. Life is only emptiness and plainness in the eyes of ordinary people. - Chernyshevsky

25. There are many shortcomings in the activities of the world, but they are still beautiful. - Rodin

26. Whoever plays the game, he will accomplish nothing; whoever does not rule himself will always be a slave. —— Goethe

27. The self-sufficient winner can destroy the public. - Lin Biao

28. Fatalism is an excuse for those who lack the willpower. - Roman? Roland

29. In order to play our part in life, love life. - Rodin

30. I never think of ease and happiness as the purpose of life itself - this ethical foundation, I call it the ideal of a pig pen. - Einstein

31. Those who do not tolerate others are not worthy of the tolerance of others. But who can say that he does not need tolerance? - Turgenev

32. Not confined to poverty, not worthy of wealth. - Tao Yuanming

33. Don't sigh at the end of life!... lament is weak...-Gorky

34. Always seek to benefit others and not seek to benefit yourself. ——Xie Juezhen

35. The dark night is a prelude to the day. ——Guo Xiaochuan

36. People who are full of joy and struggle spirit will always have joy and welcome the thunder and the sun. - Huxley

37. The spring silkworms go to the dead silk, and the people will not stop. It is necessary to work hard to survive and to be a good young person. ——Wu Yuzhang

38. Dapeng started with the wind and skyrocketed 90,000 miles. - Li Bai

39. I hope that every time I recall, I will not feel guilty about life. ——Guo Xiaochuan

40. When your hopes are lost, you must be firm and calm! - Longfellow

41. When a person uses his work to greet the light, the light will soon shine on him. ——Feng Xuefeng

42. Dongtian has arrived, will spring be far behind?--Sheilai

43. Rich and untidy, the man is here. ——Cheng Wei

44. Work is the value of life, the joy of life, and the place of happiness. - Rodin

45. Those who have made great achievements in the ancient times must not only have the talents of the world, but also have the steadfastness of perseverance. --Su Shi

46. ​​Therefore, those who are determined to be loyal are also the heart of learning; for scholars, they are also determined. ——Wang Yangming

47. The past is a god of death, and the future belongs to you. - Shelley

48. If I can repeat this life, I am willing to live the life I have lived. Because, I don't regret the past, nor fear the future. —— Montaigne

49. Burnout is a big problem in life. People often sigh that life is short. In fact, life is long, just because I don’t know its purpose. - Pooh

50. The gentleman is in Yu Yi and the villain is Yu Li. ——Confucius

51. The old man is squatting, and his ambition is a thousand miles; - Cao Cao

52. The road is footed out, and history is written by people. Every movement of a person is writing his own history. ——Ji Hongchang

53. You understand that a person's life is neither as good as people think, nor so bad. —— Maupassant

54. If you want to love your own value, you have to create value for the world. - Goethe

55. Poverty is not shy, but shame is poor and unmotivated. ——Lv Kun

56. Poor, clean and simple life is where our revolutionaries can overcome many difficulties! - Fang Zhimin

57. Poor and hard-working, do not fall into the blue cloud. - Wang Bo

58. People, as long as they have a belief, have a pursuit, what can be tolerated, and what environment can adapt. - Ding Ling

59. Human reason smashes superstition, and human feelings will destroy self-interest. ——Heine

60. A person's life may burn or decay, I can't decay, I am willing to burn. --Ostrovsky

61. A person’s life is short, but it’s too long to be a despicable life. - Shakespeare

62. A person’s life should be spent this way: when he recalls the past, he does not regret his vain, nor is he ashamed of his inaction; when he is dying, he can say: "My whole life and all my energy, Have been dedicated to the most magnificent cause in the world? Fight for the liberation of mankind." - Ostrovsky

63. Human beings often fill a history of what happened in their careers, and then look at life from there; in fact, it is nothing but clothes, and life is intrinsic. ——Roman Roland

64. When everyone is good, the world is peaceful; everyone is in private, and the world is in chaos. ——Liu Wei

65. If a person is too lucky, he does not know how high he is, and he does not know how much his abilities are. If he is too unfortunate, he will be silent all his life. —— Fuller

66. Life is not a game, so we have no right to give up on its own will. --Leo Tolstoy

67. Life is not a short candle, but a torch that we have temporarily held. We must burn it very brightly and then hand it over to the next generation. —— Shaw

68. Life is not a pleasure, but a very heavy job. --Leo Tolstoy

69. The value of life is not measured by time, but by depth. --Leo Tolstoy

70. The value of life is measured by the work that one has done for the present. ——Xu Wei

71. Life is stone. It is to be carved into the posture of God, or to be carved into the devil's posture, to listen to the individual's freedom. —— Spencer

72. Life is school. There, rather than being happy, Suining is unfortunate to be a good teacher. Because survival is in the loneliness of the abyss. ——Heidegger

73. Life is like chess, one step mistakes, all loses, this is a sad thing; and life is not as good as chess, it is impossible to come back again, and can not repent. - Freud

74. Life is like a river, I am never afraid of sailing against the water. - Napoleon

75. Life is like a road. The most recent shortcut is usually the worst way. —— 弗 Bacon

76. Life is like a story. The important thing is not how long it is, but how good it is. - Seneca

77. Life is short, and this sentence should awaken everyone to do everything he wants. Although diligence does not guarantee success, death may destroy a thriving cause, but those who have failed in their careers have at least been honored to participate in the military, even if he does not win, it is a battle. ——Johnson

78. Life is a school without graduation. ——Li Kai

79. My philosophy of life is work. I want to reveal the mysteries of nature and use it for the benefit of mankind. During our short life, I don't know what is better than this service. - Edison

80. We love our nation and this is the source of our self-confidence. ——Zhou Enlai

81. How much value our lives have with the effort we put into it. —— Moriac

82. We can't live with the grass and rot, we can't be drunk and dream, die life, have something to do! ——Fang Zhimin

83. We are the masters of the country and should be considered for the country everywhere. - Lei Feng

84. The only shortcoming we will not correct is weakness. - La Rochefoco

85. We judge people's activities for the purpose of people. The purpose is great, and the activity can be said to be great. - Chekhov

86. We should not waste our lives and should be able to say: "I have done what I can do." - Mrs. Curie

87. Selflessness is a rare morality because it is unprofitable from it. - Brecht

88. Hope is a faithful sister of doom. - Pushkin

89. Hope is attached to existence, there is existence, there is hope, there is hope, it is light. - Lu Xun

90. Believe in yourself first, then others will believe in you. - Turgenev

91. The desires of the mind, the thoughts of sorrow, the thoughts that make you fall and make you destroy yourself are all kinds of enemies. -Roman Roland

92. The hard-working bees never have time to mourn. - Black

93. Yanque plays chopping wood, and knows Hongjun. - Cao Zhi

94. A person who can think is really a boundless person. - Balzac

95. The value of a person should depend on what he contributes and not what he gets. - Einstein

96. All self-interested lives are irrational, animal life. --Leo Tolstoy

97. In one country, there are tens of thousands of deaths in the country. - Lu You

98. Do you love all beings, don't love life? Love the extremes of life, and then love the group. ——秋瑾

99. In a very special case, one person will become a saint; but being a real person is the right track of life. —— Hugo

100. At the entrance to life, two columns are innocently set up, one with the words: the road to goodness; the other is the warning: the road to sin. Then say to the people who walked to the intersection: Choose. —— Dumas

101. A true life can only be achieved after a difficult and strenuous struggle. - Seneca

102. Those who are not strong are not wise. ——Ink

103. The heart is not old, and it can be a ghost when you die. - Lu You

104. The selfishness of self-interest is a barrier to success. ——Lv Kun

105. The most essential value of life is the independence of man. - Budiman

106. Life is a recipe for practicing the soul. - Browning

107. How to live, how to live. - Emerson

108. In the face of light, the shadow is behind us. ——Helen Keller

109. Lucky is the shadow of opportunity. - Socrates

110. Confidence is the master of fate. ——Helen Keller

111. The book is the only thing that does not die. ——Qiu Te

112. Friendship can increase happiness and reduce suffering. - Edison

113. Success can attract friends and frustrate to test friends. - Sinas

114. A friend is a mirror - Xiqiao

115. Let your bad habits die before you - Franklin

116. The weak wait for the opportunity, the strong man makes the opportunity - Mrs. Curie

117. I admit that ninety-nine of my conclusions are wrong. - Einstein

118. If you are honest with yourself, you will not be unfaithful to others. - Shakespeare

119. I am leisurely the most beautiful wealth of all wealth. - Socrates

120. If I die tomorrow, is there anything I want to do but not done? ——Yoshida Rongzuo

121. The reason why I have today is because of the poor and ambitious relationship. - Matsushita Yukisuke

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