Inspirational Quotes > Famous Quotes

Famous sayings of famous words

1. For people, the greatest joy, the greatest happiness is to dedicate their spiritual strength to others.

2. If you want to rejoice in your meaning, you must give meaning to the world.

3. The best and the worst create history, and the mediocrity breeds the race.

4. Happiness is a kind of perfume that can't fall on others, but it doesn't touch some.

5. Our compensation depends on the contribution we make.

6. The most needed aspect of giving is not within the scope of material wealth, it exists in areas that are unique to human nature. Engage from: classic life motto

7. The omnipotent person is really nothing, and the experts who are all-powerful are really nothing.

8. Don't be humble to proud people, and don't be proud of modest people. Indoor plants, such as chrysanthemums, ivy, and spider plants, are natural air fresheners.

9. Most people who owe their luck to their intelligence and ingenuity are unfortunate.

10. Only when you have completed an ordinary journey can you achieve great goals.

11. Happy in the heart, with a smile; my heart is irritated, and my heart hurts.

12. How do you want others to treat yourself, how should you treat others first.

13. What constitutes the biggest obstacle to our learning is what is known, not something that is unknown.

14. Sorrow, concern and pessimism can make people sick; positive, happy, strong will and optimistic emotions can make people strong and longevity.

15. The waterfall is not afraid of the cliff, so sing the song of life.

16. Life is too short, and today it is not always possible to give up tomorrow.

17. Ruthlessness may not be true hero, how pity does not husband

18. The harder it is, the more it will be done. Reform has never been smooth sailing.

19. Everything must be studied before it will be understood.

20. Our immediate priorities are: one must survive, the other must be adequate, and the third must be developed.

21. We must dare to face up, and this is expected to dare to think, dare to say, dare to do, and dare to act.

22. The brave anger, the blade is stronger, the anger is angered, but the blade is weaker. There must be many heroes in the incurable nation, and they will be blind to the children. These gimmicks.

23. China has always had few heroes who have failed, few resilience, few warriors who dare to fight alone, and few stalkers who dare to cry and renegade; see Shengzhao gather together, and see the defeats have fled.

24. Every time I watch a sports meeting, I often think this way: the winner is certainly respectable, but the athlete who is still behind but still not at the end, and the spectator who sees such a competitor and is not smiling, is exactly China's future backbone.

25. We Chinese people are always happy to destroy things that are not their own, or that they will not own for themselves.

26. There are some scholars in China who always love to be born out of nothing. They make stories and make stories. They not only celebrate their lives, but also whitewash the darkness.

27. What I said is not a big deal. It is a big problem for the Chinese.

28. Since ancient times, we have been working hard, people who are hard-working, people who have asked for their lives, and people who are asking for help...

29. It used to be lavish to be retro, to be lavish to maintain the status quo, not to be lavish to innovate, it is probably so, probably!

30. Human beings will never be lonely, thinking that life is progressive and innate.

31. As long as you have never been, it is baby...

32. The filial son's ambition is not to be respected or respected; - Mencius

33. I am sorry for my parents and I am ruthless. - "Book of Songs"

34. One day is a teacher, and life is a father.

35. Who is arrogant and has won three Chunhui.

36. The grace of dripping water is reported by the spring.

37. Being a man is like a candle. There is a heat, a light, a light, and a warmth. ——Xiao Chu female

38. Life requires a grateful heart to create, and a grateful heart needs life to nourish. - Wang Fu

39. The draught does not forget to dig wells.

40. Knowing the truth, it’s a good idea.

41. The sheep have the grace of breastfeeding, and the crow has the righteousness to feed back.

42. Borrowing thousands of waters from the Yangtze River and researching it as a teacher.

43. Invest in peach and report it to Lee.

44. One father raises ten sons and ten sons raise one father.

45. Look at the world and go to the smoke, remembering that the feelings are like blood.

46. ​​The father is higher than the mountain, and the mother is deeper than the sea.

47. The grace of a meal, when the world never forgets.

48. The knowledge of the water is the source of happiness.

49. Poor parents in the world.

50. The grace of knowing is not forgotten.

51. Sorrowful parents, who do not raise their children, do not know their parents.

52. God is willing to pity the grass, the world is late.

53. Thank you for your fate, thank the people, thank you for your thoughts, and thank everyone I want to thank. - Lu Xun

54. The love of the parents is far-reaching.

55. People help me, never forget; I help others, don’t mind. - Hua Luogeng

56. I don’t know if I’m a fan of rice, I don’t raise my children, I don’t know how to report.

57. Enthusiasm, resentment, complaints, short complaints, and grace.

58. Gratitude is a spiritual treasure. - Locke

59. Gratitude is the health of the soul. - Nietzsche

60. There is no real virtue without gratitude. - Rousseau

61. Time is like the water in a sponge. If you want to squeeze it, there is always something.

62. If you only read a book, it becomes a bookcase.

63. I seem to be a cow, eating grass and milk.

64. Dissatisfaction is the upward wheel that can carry people who are not complacent.

65. The cross-browed cold is on the fingers, and the bow is the scorpion.

66. I don’t know if Han Xing is not aware of it.

67. May the Chinese youth get rid of the air-conditioning, just go up, do not have to listen to the words of self-destructive.

68. In fact, there is no road on the ground. If there are more people, it will become a road.

69. Where there is a genius, I am using the coffee for others to work.

70. Only the spirit of the nation is worthwhile. Only when it is carried forward can China make real progress.

71. Being calm, brave, discerning, not selfish.

72. When you are young, don't treat him as a person. If you are older, you can't do it.

73. If I can't, I must; if I have to, I will.

74. A person who can look at things from the perspective of others and who can understand other people's spiritual activities will never have to worry about their future.

75. In addition to tears, it is time and time to change feelings. The longer the time, the lighter the conflict, as if the tea is constantly diluted.

76. True love should transcend the length of life, the breadth of the soul, and the depth of the soul.

77. If you lose your stubborn will, you will be shackled by difficulties.

78. Inner joy is the joy of a person living a sound, normal, harmonious life.

79. Praise before death is often false, and post-mortem arguments are often true.

80. Strive to fulfill your obligations, you should know how much value you have.

81. The amount of life is calculated in terms of time, and the value of life is calculated by contribution.

82. The torch that is lit is not for the torch itself, just as our virtues should illuminate others more than ourselves.

83. What makes us unhappy is a small sesame thing. We can dodge an elephant but can't hide a fly.

84. When a mouse laughs at a cat, there must be a hole beside it.

85. The meaning and value of what people do in their lives, more than what people expect, depends more on the life of the soul.

86. The moon shines her light on the sky, but keeps her dark spots for herself.

87. Although the shell died, it left its beauty to the whole world.

88. Trying to do one thing well is the first thing in life.

89. The life of others should be made better because of your survival.

90. People are not given for access; giving themselves is unparalleled joy.

91. People who boast of boasting have no ability, and those who have the ability do not boast.

92. The greatest secret and wealth in life is health and happiness.

93. Emotions such as sadness are a waste of short-lived life and are really unnecessary.

94. Remedying a mistake has nothing to do with time, and it is never too late to take the initiative to seek a new one.

95. Life is like a cafeteria. Choose what you want to eat.

96. True happiness comes from tolerance and help.

97. Understand yourself as you like, don't underestimate yourself, and be led astray by others' opinions.

98. Without a reef, there is no beautiful wave; without frustration, there is no magnificent life.

99. A lazy boy will be an embarrassing old man in the future.

100. The coward puts the difficulty on his head and the hero puts the difficulty under his feet.

101. The so-called lack of time is because it is not well utilized.

102. Life is a one-way trip. Even if there are some regrets, we have no chance to start all over again. It is better to smile and cherish the future than to confuse the past.

103. When the mind is small, it is more troublesome, with a large amount of heart and wisdom.

104. Hope is a sweet wait; missing is a warm mood; friends are the blessings of a lifetime; love is the fate of the world.

105. Dripping water through the stone is not a big force, but a deep effort.

106. When you meet in good times, you are indifferent, in the face of adversity, you are at ease.

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