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Persevering quotes

1. A person can achieve his goal with a strong and persistent pursuit. - Stendhal

2. Once the road to life is selected, you must bravely go to the end and never look back. ——Zola

3. Patience and perseverance will always be rewarded. - Einstein

4. Let it be done, the dead wood is not folded; the perseverance, the stone is awkward. ——荀荀

5. Dripping water through the stone is not because of its strength, but because of its tenacity and perseverance. - Latimer

6. Persist in courage, just as the wheel is for leverage, it is an eternal renewal of the pivot. - Hugo

7. In order to learn to dig wells, the deeper the well, the harder it is. If you don’t feel good in the end, you can see the source of the spring?——Zhang Jiugong

8. The dripping water can eventually wear the big stone, not because it is powerful, but because of the dripping of the night and night. - Beethoven

9. Greatness becomes ridiculous and only one step, but another step, ridiculous and great. - Perth

10. Whenever, no matter what happens, I will never allow myself to be a little discouraged. - Edison

11. I have two loyal assistants, one is my patience and the other is my hands. ——Montaigne

12. As long as you are persistent and knowledgeable, you will eventually discover its mysteries. ——Yang Zhenning

13. We should have perseverance, especially self-confidence! We must believe that our talent is to be used to do something. - Mrs. Curie

14. Take care to do one thing, but once you start, you must stick to it. - Bias

15. If you are rich, why bother to go to sleep more. The most unhelpful, I am afraid that the day will be exposed to the cold for ten days. - Mao Zedong

16. As long as the effort is deep, the iron shovel is ground into a needle. --proverb

17. The big thing is not the size of strength, but how long it can last. ——Johnson

18. Often the last key opens the door. - Yan language

19. One of the great advantages of a great person is that he is unyielding in the face of unfavorable and difficult encounters. - Beethoven

20. Adherence to the great cause of the will requires an unrelenting spirit. - Voltaire

21. The hardest thing to do is to keep things that are easy to do. Anonymous

22. It takes a lot of effort to do learning, and it will last forever. Wu Yuzhang

23. Starting from a thousand miles, the mountains are dusty, and my way is the same. Bai Juyi

24. Support unremitting persistence in the direction of the goal and fully realize your strength. Dostoevsky

25. The most important thing in life is to have a lofty goal and to accomplish it with talent and perseverance. Goethe

26. Since I have embarked on this path, nothing should prevent me from following this path. Kant

27. Determined not to be strong, and ultimately does not work. Zhu Xi

28. Whoever has a hard-working will will be able to achieve any purpose. Minand

29. The will to make no decision is not the will of reality; the person without character never makes a decision. Hegel

30. The most terrible enemy is that there is no strong belief. Roman Roland

31. With a firm will, it is equivalent to adding a pair of wings to your feet. Joe Bailey

32. As long as you continue to work hard and work tirelessly, there will be no conquering things. Seneca

33. How can I get a plum blossom after a cold bone? Song Fan

34. Reading is not in the third and fifth drums, and I am afraid that I will be exposed to ten colds. Guo Moruo

35. Without a bone cold, how can the plum blossoms scent? Song Fan

36. There is no accumulation of steps, no miles, no accumulation of small streams, no rivers. Scorpion

37. Life is just like a marathon race. People who stick to the end can be called winners. Daisaku Ikeda

38. In the meantime, the dead wood is not folded; the perseverance, the stone is awkward. Scorpion

39. There are two ways to achieve important goals – hard work and perseverance. Efforts are only made by a few people, but perseverance is persevering. Napoleon

40. Great works are not done by strength, but by persistence. Johnson

41. A person can achieve his goal with a strong and persistent pursuit. Stendhal

42. Once the road to life is selected, it is necessary to go bravely and never look back. Zola

43. Patience and perseverance are always paid. Einstein

44. In the meantime, the dead wood is not folded; the perseverance, the stone is awkward. Status

45. Dripping through the stone is not because of its strength, but because of its perseverance and perseverance. Latimer

46. ​​Persistence for courage, just as the wheel is for leverage, it is an eternal renewal of the pivot. Hugo

47. In order to learn to dig wells, the deeper the well, the harder it is. If you don’t feel good, you can see the source of the spring? Zhang Jiugong

48. The dripping water can eventually wear the big stone, not because it is powerful, but because of the dripping of the night. Beethoven

49. There is only one step in making greatness ridiculous, but taking another step, ridiculous and great. Perth

50. Whenever, no matter what happens, I will never allow myself to be a little discouraged. Edison

51. I have two loyal assistants, one is my patience and the other is my hands. Montaigne

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