Inspirational Quotes > Famous Quotes

Tokugawa Ieyasu's famous sayings

1. Everything is too late.

2. If you don’t feel free, you don’t feel inadequate.

3. When you are born with a desire, you should look back at the time of poverty.

4. With tolerance and anger as an enemy, you can have nothing to do.

5. Only knowing victory without knowing defeat will kill you!

6. It is better to blame others than to blame yourself.

7. Regardless of the world, people are treated equally, that is, the so-called "honesty."

8. The rude wealth cannot be rich.

9. The big name can't live in the same place as the scorpion.

10. If you can't have more sons, you can't control the world.

11. When appropriate, children and their wives must be abandoned.

12. The most trustworthy is not a brother and a child, but a loyal family.

13. I can rescue even the world, and I can't save an Ishida 30%?

14. The son died in front of Laozi, it is not filial!

15. At that time, the man was sitting in the heart of the fire house.

16. Life is like a burden, and you can't be impatient.

17. Always thinking about poverty, there is no greed.

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