Inspirational story

Run out of my future

He was born in a poor family, and his parents facing the loess were unable to provide him with excellent study and living conditions. But he is very sensible. From the day he entered the school, he never took a penny with his parents. A few years later, he was admitted to a high school in the city because he was far from home. He only chose to live in school.

That day, he bought a ticket for 9 yuan with his parents' thoughts, and for the first time he took a bus back home. When I got home, the electrician in the village was collecting electricity. He took a look and glanced at it. I saw a small "5" in the number column on the receipt. Talk about rushing out of the pocket for 5 dollars, while handing it to the other side, while blaming the parents for saving. For a monthly fee of 5 yuan, my parents must not even watch TV. Just then, the electrician handed him back a few change. He took over one, 4 yuan and 5 cents. Suddenly, he understood. It turns out that the monthly electricity bill for parents is only 5 cents! He is half-mouthed and standing there, unable to say a word. He secretly calculated an account in his heart, and spent 9 yuan on his own car to pay for the 18-month electricity bill at home! He scolded himself in his heart, and he was really a ruthless boy! He secretly vowed, Parents’ hard-earned money is only allowed to squander this time!

After returning to school, he saved more. However, the house leaked to the night rain, the mother was forced to the lumbar vertebrae due to fatigue, and could only lie in bed all day. On the one hand, the mother who was sick in bed made him mourn, and on the other hand, he was going back and forth for 18 yuan. He stood in the middle, isolated and helpless. Finally, he thought of the best of both worlds - the way to run home!

The school is more than 60 miles away from home and he needs to run for more than three hours. Every time he went home, he did not dare to enter the house. Instead, he hid under the big tree at the entrance of the village and did dozens of deep breaths, so as not to let his parents see that he was running home. For such a life, he has always been optimistic, and even shared his own experience with the students: jogging, but can not stop, can not sit down and rest, to insist on running completely. Also, drink less water. His self-improvement affects his classmates and friends. Everyone is no longer looking at it, but learning more than frugality. There was a time when a student cadre with better family conditions in the class mobilized his parents to finance him and planned to give him 200 monthly living expenses. To be strong, he is grateful for this kind of subsidy, but he always feels that he is suffering from it. He is afraid of losing too many human debts and cannot repay it. Finally, he is determined not to accept this kind of donation. Under his insistence, the kind student had to give up the funding.

Seeing the poor and thin parents, he also had the idea of ​​dropping out of school. However, the scene I saw during my work made him completely dispel the idea. It was already working at 10 o'clock in the evening. He returned to the work shed with his tired body and found that several people had books on the bedside, and they had to look at them many nights, and even two people insisted on self-study exams. In a chat, a worker told him: "Without knowledge, you can never change your destiny. Working alone, you will always earn hard money." Since then, he has determined his determination to continue his studies. He encouraged himself, no matter how many difficulties, he must go strong, no, run down.

Yes, if you want to break through the hardships and difficulties in front of you, you must "run" it! After the evening study, when the roommate enters a sweet dream, he runs in the ocean of knowledge; on weekends, when the classmates are immersed in home. In sweetness, he runs in noisy restaurants; on holidays, when friends travel in beautiful scenery, he runs on a lime-stained construction site...

He is Qi Mingqiang, a farmer's child in the western mountainous area of ​​Chenzhou, Henan. From home to school, and then from school to home, two years later, he ran more than 4,000 miles together. This is a miracle created by a rural high school student.

We have enough reason to believe that Yu Mingqiang’s success will never be late, because he is carrying a self-reliant, self-reliant and self-disciplined heart, and he is persistent and enterprising on the difficult road to study and life!--Jiang Zhonghua/文

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