Inspirational story

From three things, to see if a person is worthy of deep dating

Event one

Once I went to a friend's house to be a guest. Her family hired a babysitter, some of whom are old and not very convenient.

I sat in the living room drinking tea. After she was busy and busy, the dignified and beautiful figure shuttled between the kitchen and the living room. This is the first time I have been to her home, and it was the first time I saw her from a social occasion.

When she was chatting with me, she kept commanding the old nanny to do the work. The old nanny was busy, and looked charming and frightened.

When I left, the war broke out suddenly - I saw another scene and another harsh voice - I saw my friend sitting at the dining table and screaming at the old nanny. Just because the tabletop of her glass table was wet with fruit, the old babysitter did not scrub with toothpaste as she said.

I finally saw her other expression, the expression is strange and terrible. She didn't look at the nanny in the blink of an eye. She only looked at her eyes and looked at the people who were afraid of the atmosphere in front of him. She squeezed out a few words from her teeth in a word: Do you want me to tell you again? The table is not wiped clean, then rub it with toothpaste three times! Wipe it until you can shine your shadow!

The old nanny took out a tube of toothpaste from the bathroom, but accidentally scraped the basin. So, the water was on the ground, and the old nanny slipped and fell. I didn't get up for a long time. And she didn't even move her eyelids. A turn of the face, immediately filled with a smile on me.

My heart is in a moment, cold to the extreme - God, she will change her face!

I have never seen her again, and I have not taken the call from her. In my heart, I have not used her as a friend. Maybe she doesn't know why I suddenly alienated her.

I have no intention of insulting others' personalities and ways of doing things, but I know that the lowness and nobleness of human nature can be seen in such details. I don't like people who will "face", as I don't like people who are used to lying. This kind of man-made texture makes me intolerable.

Event two

The same thing. You can also see the texture of a person.

Passing Guomao that day was the most prosperous road on Chongqing Road. A beggar. It is an old man with no lower limbs. Crawling in an inch. Passers-by are all eye-catching and expressionless. Every time I must apply, I took out a piece of money and threw it to the cockroach.

Did not take a few steps, see a woman on the opposite side. Women's clothes are luxurious and the makeup is exquisite. Very expensive. She just bought something from Guomao and had a big bag in her hand. When she came to the front, she stopped and wanted to save money, but she couldn’t make it.

The woman suddenly fell down. I thought she wanted to scold a few words at a close distance, but she saw her using her hands and eyes to tell her to pick up her pocket!

The sly hand is dirty and can't be dirty anymore. It's as black as you just finished cinder. But the woman was so squatting in front of her, letting the dirty hand go to lick her pockets! Oh, it’s a $10 bill. The woman stood up and hurried away.

I stopped! At that time, the action of throwing money made me look noble, but the scene in front of me surprised me.

It is not a question of giving more money and less money. It is that I have seen some kind of arrogance in my soul, some kind of prejudice, and some kind of humbleness. I thought that my beautiful throwing was my charity, my gift, my strong pity for the weak. In fact, how shallow is my shallow and narrow!

The woman’s glimpse of her nobleness. Such a woman, besides being cute, is respectable.

Event three

In the same way, there is still one thing that makes me unable to let go.

After my family’s babysitter left my house because of the marriage, I found an hourly worker to clean the room every week. The price on the market is 7 yuan per hour, but I am giving 10 yuan. If I clean the glass or do some heavy work, I will give more. I also often give them some outdated clothes, shoes, hats and scarves. Make a big bag, don't look at it, give it directly.

In order not to hurt the dignity and face of others, I am careful every time I send it, for fear of misunderstanding.

Once, on a snowy day, my door was knocked open, and the door was open. It was the hourly station I used to stand outside. Her face was red with the wind, and the whole person was shivering with cold. I handed me a few pieces of paper money in my hand.

It turned out that she found some change in my old clothes after returning home. She was afraid to misunderstand the bicycle for three hours and quickly sent the money back. I pulled her into the house and wanted her to warm up, but she refused, and said that you should order it, don't miss the amount.

God, what do I order? I simply can't remember the broken money. After she turned around and left, she had to go back to the wind and go for three hours.

In fact, she can borrow my money when I come to my home next time, but she is afraid of misunderstanding. She is eager to come over just to prove herself. Very little money, but let me see the texture of her life.

The so-called detail is that you are the same smile to the dignitaries and the nanny. Not pleased, not to have compassion. You have a compassionate feeling for everything. You keep the noble character but the earth that is as ordinary as the noble place.

At this point, I think of Oscar Wilde, who has many good people, such as fishermen, shepherds, farmers, and workers. Although they know nothing about art, they are the essence of the earth.

In my opinion, the tree has the dignity of the tree, the character of the human being, the logic of the fish and the fish. Everything in the world has its own rules and scales of conduct. The texture of human beings does not lie in whether there is a so-called culture and education that has emerged from the outside.

No matter which industry you are in and which class you are in, you can identify the basic texture of a person from the details. The details can always reflect the flash or darkness of humanity.

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