Inspirational story

Hone, summon the power of success

Hone, summon the power of success Do you believe that you are an eagle? Let's take a look at this inspirational little story.
A man caught a young eagle in the eagle's nest on the top of the mountain. He took the young eagle home and raised it in a chicken cage. The young eagle was eating, frolicking and resting with the chicken. It took a long time and it thought it was a chicken. As the eagle grew up, the wings were full, and the owner wanted to train it as a falcon, but because it was mixed with the chicken all day long, it had become exactly the same as the chicken, and there was no desire to fly. The owner tried all kinds of methods and had no effect. Finally, I had to take it to the top of the mountain and throw it away. The eagle fell like a stone, and in a panic it slammed its wings, and in this way, it finally - flew up!

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