Inspirational story

Yu Minhong's inspirational story: two Harvard Musketeers

Yu Minhong's inspirational story: two Harvard Musketeers

This is a small story that Yu Minhong has told countless students in countless times in New Oriental. What this story tells us is --
Do anything, no matter how difficult it is, you just have to do the two-step method I said, and you will succeed. This two-step method is:
The first step: Try to do more than others every day.
Step 2: Take a high goal into a few steps.
Here I want to give me an example of a friend. He was just a secondary school graduate, but in the end he went to Harvard University's Kennedy School of Government to study. His experience is like this: After graduating from secondary school, he was assigned to the county government in a small county in the hinterland of Shanxi. After two years of work, he felt that the work of the county government was mediocre, and the people around him did not think about it. A touch of light. People are afraid that you want to live better than the people around you, so he wants to live better than the people around him, so he came to Beijing with a broken bag. Rent a small bungalow next to Peking University and start self-study.

In this way, I continued to study in Beijing and finally passed the exam, and got a diploma from the college. Among them, he met some Peking University teachers and classmates in the process of learning. These people encouraged him to take the postgraduate degree in Peking University's political department. At that time, Peking University also accepted a master's degree in college. So he got the high self-study college diploma and began to prepare for the postgraduate exam of Peking University's political department. After two years of hard work, he was admitted to the postgraduate degree in Peking University's political department. Actively participated in the Student Union activities during the school, and once served as the president of the Peking University Graduate School.
After three years of graduate school at Peking University, he only wanted to stay in Beijing after graduation and do more things for the society. Did not think of going abroad to study. But when he was at work, he saw that the students around him seemed to have plans to study after graduation. He realized the importance of studying abroad for his work and career. And at a chance to meet a teacher in New Oriental, through the analysis of the New Oriental teacher, I feel that he is very hopeful to study abroad, the only thing to prepare is to pass the TOEFL and GRE exams. So he has to decide, test TOEFL and GRE. As a result, I studied while working and prepared for more than two years, because his English foundation was not very good. In the end, he scored more than 600 points in TOEFL and more than 2,200 points in GRE. With the scores of TOEFL and GRE, he has the most basic conditions for going abroad.

So he began to contact foreign universities. At the beginning, he just wanted to contact a very general university in the United States, but with the encouragement of his friends, he had the idea of ​​connecting with the university. He started to contact Harvard, Yale and other schools with the idea of ​​trying it out. In the end, he was admitted to Harvard University, but Harvard did not give him a scholarship, so he borrowed money to make a self-guarantee. When the visa officer saw him, he went to Harvard University to study. He only gave him a visa when he asked him a few simple questions. Because he did not have a scholarship, he had a hard time after arriving at Harvard. He studied hard in the first year and achieved excellent results. In the second year, Harvard University gave him a scholarship. In July 1999, he graduated from Harvard University with honors. We asked him to give a speech in New Oriental. Although he currently serves a world-class large financial institution, he is said to have always wanted to seek opportunities to return to China. He also recently contacted me and hopes to do something in China.

His struggle is very difficult and admirable. From a secondary school student to Harvard University, he spent 10 years. But his ten years of struggle is a decade of hard work and clear goals, and a decade full of goals that can be achieved. He didn't think he could go to Harvard when he started. He just wanted to get a secondary school, a college diploma, and a postgraduate diploma. But as I said earlier, when the first goal is achieved, there will definitely be a higher second goal.
The second goal is achieved, and there will definitely be a higher next goal. As long as you fight for your goals, you will be successful.
The power of the example is not to be studied. After he went to Harvard, a classmate at Peking University heard about him, thinking that since he can go to Harvard, I am no more stupid than him, I can go. He is a journalist and he is famous in China. He feels that he can do it. So he quit his job and went to New Oriental to study TOEFL and GRE. After studying for more than a year, he finally scored more than 610 points in TOEFL and GRE scored 2,400 points. In the end, he was admitted to the Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University through a contact to study public administration. I have graduated and returned to China, and I am doing a very important job for the development of Chinese society.

The first two stories of Harvard students tell us that as long as you set realistic goals and do more than others every day, you can succeed. The second tells us that sometimes you may not realize your own potential, and another person who is very ordinary or not as good as you will set an example for you, then you will have endless confidence and strength. .
Discover your example, chase your example, and you can succeed!

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