Inspirational story

Inspirational little story, telling you the truth of life

One of the stories: Is your heart passing?

In the bridal chamber night, when the groom excitedly uncovered the bride's hijab, the shy bride was looking down at the ground, ignoring the cover and laughing, and pointing: "Look, see, see the mouse eating your home's rice."

The next morning, the bridegroom was still asleep, the bride got up and saw the mouse eating rice, and screamed: "Damn mouse! Dare to eat my rice!" "Awkward" a shoe flies over, the groom wakes up I can't help but smile.

This story has no other meaning. I just want to ask those new employees or even some old employees who have worked for two or three years. Why did you choose this job? Have you chosen this job, why have you passed the door mentality? Is it too late?

I have visited a high jumper. How to maintain the state to challenge the new record of one after another, the athlete said from the heart: "The heart has passed, the body will pass!"

I have also committed this problem. When I first entered the factory, I often complained to the boss: "How is your factory..."

He listened to frowning at me. Later, I changed my mouth and said to him: "How about our factory." He began to seriously consider the suggestions I made.

It is easy for newcomers to find problems with the company because the bystanders are clear. The question is: Do you use ridicule, jealousy, sorrow, and accusation, or do you understand and actively correct these shortcomings and loopholes with your master's mentality?

Ask ourselves, is our heart really going through the door?

Story 2: Are you doing your best or doing your best?

One day the hunter took a hound to hunt.

The hunter hit a rabbit's hind leg and the injured rabbit began to run desperately. The hound dog also flew to catch up with the rabbit under the direction of the hunter.

But chasing after, the rabbit ran away, the hound had to go back to the hunter, the hunter began to hunt the dog: "You really useless, even a wounded rabbit can not catch!" The hound listened very unconvinced Back to the ground: "I try my best!"

Besides, the rabbit ran back into the hole with his wounds, and his brothers were surprised to ask it: "The hound dog is very fierce! You have hurt again, how can you run it?"

"It's doing its best, I'm going all out! It didn't catch up with me, it was a slap in the face, and I wouldn't be ruined if I didn't run hard!"

People have a lot of potential, but we often make excuses for ourselves or others: "Take it, we have tried our best."

In fact, it is not enough to do your best, especially now in an era of intense competition and crisis.

Always ask yourself, am I a best-practicing hound today, or a rabbit that goes all out?

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