Secretarial knowledge > Emergency plan

Elementary school students' earthquake prevention and disaster reduction exercise plan

First, the purpose of the exercise:

In order to enable students to understand the emergency shock absorption knowledge during the earthquake, master the protective measures and methods taken during the earthquake to minimize the losses caused by the earthquake, thus improving students' ability to avoid danger, self-rescue and self-restraint.

Second, the drill arrangement:

1. Participants: all teachers and students

2, the drill time: 4:20 every Thursday afternoon

3. Location: Classrooms and playgrounds

4. Exercise content:

The drills included emergency shelter and evacuation. When an earthquake occurs, an emergency shock is first performed. When the main shock ends, evacuate and concentrate at the scheduled location to prevent aftershocks.

5, the alarm signal:

Emergency suspension and evacuation are used as priming signals.

Earthquake warning signal: continuous long whistle. On behalf of the earthquake, students conduct emergency shock absorbers.

After the earthquake, the signal of the evacuation was organized: two long whistles. On behalf of the main shock, the students evacuated.

After hearing the whistle and broadcasting, the drill will be carried out according to the reservation plan. The whole process is required to be completed within 6 minutes.

Earthquake warning release signal: bells.

Third, the drill steps:

The basic program of the exercise:

1. Knowledge education on earthquake prevention and disaster reduction

It mainly explains common sense of earthquakes, common sense of earthquake avoidance, common sense of self-help and mutual rescue, common sense of earthquake secondary disasters, and precautions for emergency evacuation.

2. Earthquake risk avoidance

When the general commander of the exercise issued the "earthquake" password, all the teachers and students immediately found a solid hidden danger.

3. Emergency evacuation

When the general commander of the exercise issued the password of “emergency evacuation”, all the teachers and students immediately and orderly evacuated to the designated evacuation meeting place. After arriving at the designated place, all teachers and students should continue to do the head movements.

4, the drill summary

When the general commander of the exercise issued the password for the “end of the earthquake”, the students in each class will be summed up by the chief commander. After the summary of the command, the class teachers will bring the students back to the class in order to carry out the drill summary.

Fourth, management responsibilities:

Managers and teachers should:

1. Defining responsibilities and taking responsibility. Before the start of the drill, you must reach the position you are responsible for. Every floor of the stairway and evacuation route must be responsible for each corner.

Chief commander, general responsibility: Zhang Yali

All relevant personnel arranged:

Li Xiaofeng - responsible for the whistle signal

Liu Kangzhu - responsible for inspection

Other teachers - responsible for evacuating student safety on the route

2, to be serious, to be regarded as a real earthquake, not a game.

3. Correct the students' improper actions in time.

4. When an accident occurs, it must be dealt with in a timely manner.

5. Collect the number of people in time after the collection.

5. Emergency shock absorbers at the time of the earthquake:

When the signal of the earthquake occurred, the students immediately began the exercise and should:

1. Be calm and don't panic. Avoid safe places as soon as possible, and don't rush to escape from the house.

2. Students who are indoors should immediately avoid themselves. The body should be lying down or kneeling to make the body as small as possible, hiding under the table or in the corner to protect the body from being shackled, but not near the window.

3, dodging posture: bend one arm to protect the eyes from the broken glass, the other hand to grasp the table legs. When you are avoiding the corner, put your hands behind your neck to protect yourself. You can cover your head and neck with a bag or other protective item.

4, when lying down or kneeling, you can also use the following posture: face down, head near the wall, the two arms meet in front of the forehead, the right hand is holding the left arm, the left hand is holding the right arm, the forehead is on the arm, Close your eyes and mouth and breathe with your nose

5, students in the corridor should also immediately choose a safe and secure location, avoiding, lying down or kneeling, protect your head with both hands, do not stand by the window.

6. Students in the restroom should also take contingency measures to avoid them.

7. Students who are outdoors should go to an empty place, use both hands on their heads to prevent bedding, and avoid buildings and wires.

8. The teacher should promptly go to each classroom to check the situation of the suspension according to the prior division of labor. If any improper measures are taken, it must be corrected in time.

6. Location of evacuation:

After the end of the main shock, in order to prevent the occurrence of large aftershocks, an orderly evacuation should be carried out immediately to avoid the aftershocks in a safe place. Evacuate concentrated areas should choose solid, flat open areas away from the tall buildings.

When the signal of evacuation is heard, the evacuation is carried out in a centralized and orderly manner according to a predetermined route.

Safe evacuation:

Upon hearing the second order, the students quickly lined up and evacuated under the leadership of the teachers, evacuated according to the order of the grades, and evacuated safely and orderly to the designated position of the playground.

Evacuation notes:

1. To evacuate in order, when the stairs are downstairs, students are not allowed to crowd each other on stairs or corridors to avoid falling.

2. The teacher should guard on every floor of the stairs and direct the students to evacuate in an orderly manner.

3, in the process of evacuation, with both hands to protect the head, to prevent being smashed.

4, in the process of evacuation, to be quick, to queue up in an orderly way, do not run flustered, do not rush to fear.

5, can not cross the building on the way to evacuation, try to avoid buildings and wires.

6. After each class reaches the concentration, the student must kneel and protect the head. After the completion of the drill, the team will be assembled in classes, and each class should immediately count the number and report to the commander.

7. After the drill ended, the principal summed up the drill

All teachers and students can quickly leave the teaching building within the prescribed time as required, and gather in the playground. There was no accident in this exercise, and the activity was very successful.

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