Secretarial knowledge > Emergency plan

Emergency and emergency plan for education system during National Day

This year is the x anniversary of China's founding of the country, and it is also the anniversary of the county's construction of the county. In order to ensure the safety and stability of the education system during the National Day this year, the accidents of the education system will be dealt with promptly and quickly, so that the teachers and students and the people of the county can spend one year. Happy and peaceful festivals, specially formulated this plan.
1. Establish an emergency commander for the emergency response agency of the education system:
Deputy Chief Commander:
Job responsibilities:
1. Hold a meeting to study the deployment of emergency work.
2. Responsible for reporting incidents to the higher authorities.
3. Adjust the motivation to move the vehicle to the scene of the emergency and implement on-site disposal.
4. According to the emergency, it is necessary to coordinate with the relevant departments.
Command member:
Responsibilities: Assist the chief commander and deputy commander of the emergency response to do the relevant work.
Emergency communication group:
Responsibilities: Responsible for information contact, text printing and uploading of relevant information.
Emergency Vehicle Support Group: Office Director Job Responsibilities: Responsible for vehicle mobilization and transportation.
Emergency Logistics Support Group: Chief of the Financial Planning Department Responsibilities: Mainly responsible for the preparation of materials required for emergency work.
Second, the job requirements
1. School leaders should attach great importance to school safety and stability. Fully understand the current grim situation facing the school's security and stability work, carefully analyze the problems existing in school safety work, take effective measures to rectify hidden dangers, and control the faculty and retired teachers' petitions.
2. Seriously carry out the investigation and management of school safety and stability. All levels of schools should focus on a comprehensive investigation and management including safety hazards, letters and visits, and xx personnel penetration investigations. Schools with problems should be reported to the Education Bureau in a timely manner.
3. Actively do a good job in disease prevention and control. It is necessary to attach great importance to the prevention and control of epidemic diseases such as H1N1 flu and hand, foot and mouth disease in schools, and strengthen communication with students and parents so that parents can actively cooperate with the school to make daily health observations of students.
4. Conscientiously carry out the duty guard work during the National Day to establish a sound duty system, implement 24-hour leadership and special duty, ensure that the communication is smooth, all kinds of incidents should be reported in time, and the leaders of all schools must take time off. Schools should establish and improve emergency plans for safety and stability, and ensure that they can respond correctly and in a timely manner in the event of an emergency.
Attachment: Education Bureau duty table during National Day

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