Secretarial knowledge > Emergency plan

Student Games Medical Service Plan

In order to ensure the personal safety of the students during the student games and the smooth running of the school games, the school medical team consists of two school doctors and high school Red Cross members.

1. There is a medical station under the chairman's desk, and the necessary rescue equipment is placed. The medical staff consists of a school doctor and two members of the Red Cross.

2. A school doctor at the check-in office supervises and inspects the physical condition of the students at any time, and then is coordinated by four members of the Red Cross.

3, high jump, long jump, shot put and other match points each have two members of the Red Cross patrol to ensure that abnormal conditions are found in time to get in touch with the medical school doctors.

4, the school is equipped with a motor vehicle, if the condition is serious, can not be handled by the person in time, sent by a school doctor and class teacher to the nearest Huilan Hospital, and by the owner

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