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Second grade Chinese language teaching plan

The second grade Chinese language teaching plan I. Student situation analysis There are 63 students in the second grade. Since I have just taught this class, I don’t know much about all aspects of the students. However, the second-year students are younger and have a larger number of students. They have a large number of defects in writing and learning quality. In addition, some students' learning habits and poor learning attitudes will inevitably affect the overall level of performance. Therefore, it is the focus of this semester to transform as much as possible and improve advanced.
Second, the main objectives of the teaching work this semester
Teaching content:
1. Review and consolidate the Chinese pinyin, and use the Chinese Pinyin to literate and correct.
2. Know 450 Chinese characters and write 350 new characters. The recognized words can read the quasi-words, combine the words to understand the meaning, do not make the glyph analysis, and do not require writing. The words that are required to be written can read the correct words, recognize the glyphs, understand the meaning, write correctly, and practice in verbal and written expressions. Have the desire to actively read literacy, and learn literacy in life. Develop students' good writing habits, writing standards, correctness and neatness.
3, will use the sound sequence check word method, learn to use the radical search method to check the dictionary, cultivate the ability of independent literacy.
4, like reading, interested in reading. I am used to reading the text correctly, fluently and emotionally in Mandarin. I can recite the specified text and the clips I like.
5, can contact the context and life practice, understand the meaning of the words in the text, actively accumulate words in reading.
6, can read the shallow extracurricular reading, can communicate their feelings and ideas with others. Develop the habit of loving books.
7. Understand the common punctuation marks that appear in the text. Learn to use periods, question marks, and exclamation marks.
8. Gradually develop the habit of speaking Mandarin and the willingness to communicate with others. You can listen carefully to others, understand the main content, and actively talk to others to tell short stories and stories. The attitude is natural and polite when speaking.
9. I am interested in writing, and I can write down what I saw and thought of. In the words of writing, I am willing to use the words I have read in reading and life. Learn the format of the diary and learn to write a diary.
Develop good writing habits and interest in learning habits and develop a serious learning attitude.
III. Analysis of the key points and difficulties of the textbooks From the content point of view, the main tasks are reading literacy, writing and text reading. From the perspective of the long-term development of students, the accumulation of words, the cultivation of oral expression ability, and the guidance of students to discover, explore and solve problems are also the focus of teaching . The difficulty is reading aloud, writing and text.
Fourth, teaching measures:
1. Strengthen business and theoretical study, improve their own quality and ability to teach.
2. Strengthen visual teaching , make full use of teaching aids and learning tools, enhance student operations, observe, and mobilize multiple senses to learn.
3. Strengthen the cultivation of students' study habits, mainly to cultivate students' writing and read books habits. At the same time pay attention to the cultivation of learning attitudes.
4. Strengthen the actual connection with life, find resources for life to teach , and make learning closer to the actual life of students.

After the second year of "reading" and "speaking" as the focus of the training, the students have undergone a "quality" change. The students have accumulated a lot of reading and accumulated a large amount of reading training. Their oral expression skills have been greatly improved. They dare to express their opinions and thoughts in public in public, dare to question, and dare to express their own different opinions.
In the teaching process of using the textbooks, I will embody the ideas of elementary education, pay attention to the cultivation of ideological and moral culture and humanistic spirit, strengthen the practice of Chinese language, effectively cultivate the ability of listening, speaking, reading and writing, so that students like to learn Chinese. Learn to learn Chinese, lay the foundation for their lifelong learning, and promote the comprehensive development of students as the standard design teaching . .
The characteristics of the textbook layout. The textbooks of this book are written in a natural development mode. The unit's progress is mainly to highlight reading and prevent additional preaching about style and writing, so as to promote children's reading. Poetry and children's songs appear repeatedly in the text, which not only increases the taste, but also gives the students the enjoyment of beauty, and gradually let them feel the beauty and create the beauty. Students' writing is not only written, but also has emotional support and summoning. It has rhythm and rhythm coordination. Therefore, the teaching of these texts should also be regarded as the basis of writing at a deeper level. This book has a total of 48 texts. In language training, we not only pay attention to designing a general order around the key points, but also pay attention to the integration of training and the reciprocation and spiraling of the training focus. In the spirit of “strengthening synthesis, highlighting key points, focusing on language perception, accumulation and application, focusing on basic skills training, and improving students' language literacy as a whole”, we have the following plans in teaching :
1. Use different teaching methods according to the characteristics of different types of texts
General text teaching . In the teaching we have to consider the following aspects: 1. Continue to pay attention to the teaching of words. Literacy is still one of the important tasks of reading teaching in the third grade. It insists on literacy in the language environment and completes the literacy task in the process of reading teaching . To enable students to read the dictionary more proficiently, from the student's words, with preliminary literacy skills. Literacy teaching should reflect the characteristics of Chinese characters, let students use their brains to actively literate, use various methods to memorize the meaning of words; while completing the literacy task of textbooks, encourage and guide students to take the initiative to literate outside the classroom and in life, and give Students provide opportunities to communicate and demonstrate extracurricular literacy. Strengthen the guidance of writing, pay attention to cultivating students to write seriously and develop good writing habits. In addition to paying attention to the connection between literacy and writing in classroom teaching , it is also necessary to constantly practice the skills of improving writing. 2. Continue to strengthen the training of words and phrases. Word training is a teaching focus throughout the country. Further strengthening the training of words and phrases is the focus of reading teaching in this book. The middle-aged word training is carried out from the following points: First, the key words and phrases in the text, avoid word-solving, encourage students to combine the language environment, connect with the actual life or look up the dictionary to understand the words and phrases, and gradually understand themselves; The second is to encourage students to extract good words and strengthen the accumulation of language; the third is to pay attention to the use of words and phrases, and strengthen the connection with speaking and writing. Teaching after 3 lessons. For some thinking questions, discussion questions are open, method-oriented tips and self-study guidance. Strive to understand the content and the combination of words, learning and expression, and cultivate the ability to grasp and comprehensively. Use a variety of forms to guide students to accumulate language, and strive to reflect the students to choose independently and actively accumulate. Strengthen reading, memorizing, and increasing freedom. Some texts allow students to choose the part they recite. Make full use of the questions in "after-school practice" to inspire students to read, think and discuss. 4. Strengthen reading and silent reading training. Reading aloud is the most frequent and important reading basic skill. Read more and talk less. Use more time to read aloud readings in class, embody the reading level of reading, reading and reading feelings; Not only from the guidance of reading skills, but also to guide students into the situation, and then use the reading to express their thoughts and feelings. Silent reading is also an important reading basic skill, guiding students to learn to read while thinking, to develop reading ability in independent reading and thinking. Teaching of poetry. Poetry uses rich and short language to express rich pictures, which can arouse students' interest in reading. Through the teaching of poetry, students' aesthetic ability, imagination and understanding ability can be cultivated. In teaching , I will start with reading, let the students understand the language beauty of poetry. In the teaching , the activities are organized in a variety of lively forms suitable for the age characteristics of the students, so as to make the students happy, happy and happy.
Only by carefully studying the teaching materials and accurately grasping the teaching content can we lay a good foundation for the good lessons. Through "Reading - Thinking - Checking", repeat reading the text, seriously consider the main problems related to teaching materials and teaching , and then properly consult or read the teaching reference materials to make more reading and thinking.
Third, to improve the efficiency of classroom teaching , careful design of teaching <br> First of all, teaching design to establish a large unit of teaching awareness, starting from the unit as a whole, consider the teaching requirements from the giant view, arrange the teaching time, assign each text to complete The task, then carefully design each text, each class time teaching from the micro. Secondly, the teaching design follows the students' cognitive rules and designs the teaching according to the reading process of “perception-understanding-analysis-integration-application”. At the end of the teaching design attention fully reflects the "student as the main body, the teacher is the leading" teaching thought, in the teaching interlaced using a variety of methods of speaking, reading, discussion, training, questioning, answering, etc., play the main role of students.
Fourth, to improve the efficiency of classroom teaching , pay attention to students' learning in the teaching of the students' learning time in the heart, consider how to learn, how to learn. Grasp the students' pre-study, give the pre-study the "hard task"; focus on guiding students to actively learn, learn to be independent, cooperation, and inquiry, the goal is to make the students clear, the teaching materials make the students perceive, the process allows the students to participate, the new knowledge allows the students to discover, the problem Let the students propose, the method allows the students to summarize, the content allows the students to summarize, the effect allows the students to evaluate; use the principle of joint learning, organize students to discuss together, inspire each other, try to solve problems through cooperation. Strengthen the guidance of learning methods, and strive to make students learn to learn and adhere to the unity of learning and teaching.
Fifth, the way to improve the efficiency of classroom teaching , the combination of internal and external classes fully reflects the ideological and instrumental nature of the Chinese language subject. It is not enough to study several articles on the textbook. The textbook article is nothing more than an example. Let students master the learning method according to this. A large number of practical activities should be completed by extracurricular activities.

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