Inspirational story

Don't be crushed by unnecessary "packages"

A couple who are ruined by a smashing life, go out early every morning, dragging a broken car everywhere to pick up broken copper and iron, and wait until the sun goes down. When they got home, they put a basin of water in the yard at the door, moved a stool and dipped their feet in the basin, then sang and sang until the moon was empty. When they were cool, they went to sleep. The days are very happy.

They lived opposite a very wealthy person. He sat at the table every day and planned to make a plan. It was calculated that the rent was still confiscated, and which one was still owed, and he was always annoyed every day. He looked at the opposite couple and went out happily every day. He sang easily at night, very envious and very strange, so he asked his buddy: "Why am I so rich but not happy, but the opposite couple will So happy?"

When the guy listened, he asked the outsider and said: "Where are you, do you want them to be sad?"

The outsiders replied: "I don't think they will be sad."

The buddy said: "As long as you give me consistent money, I will send the money to his home to ensure that they will not sing songs tomorrow."

The staff said: "Give him the money he will be happier, how can he not sing again?"

The man said, "You are giving him money."

The foreigner really gave the money to the buddy. When the buddy sent the money to the poor, the couple was really upset about getting the money, and they couldn’t sleep that night. If you want to put the money in your home, the door can't be closed; if you want to hide it in the wall, the wall will open with a hand; you should put it under the pillow and you are afraid of throwing it away; to... they are all night This is a matter of worrying about money, lying in bed for a while, and then climbing up again, and then repeated tossing all night, unable to sleep.

When the wife looked at her husband's restlessness and was annoyed, she said, "Now you have money, what are you worried about?"

The husband said: "What should we do with this money? I am afraid of losing money when I put it at home. Now I am full of troubles."

The next morning, he took the money out of the door, and the whole street wandered around and didn't know what to do. He went around the sun and the moon came up. He took the money home again, and he didn't know how to be dejected. If you want to do small business, you are not willing to do it. It is not enough to do big business. He said to his wife: "There is not much money, but there are also a lot of money. It is really a headache to say that you can't do big business!"

That night, the clerk stood opposite, and I couldn’t hear the string and sing, so I went to his house to ask him what happened? The couple said: "Outside the staff! I see that I will return the money to you. I would rather It’s easier to go out and smash every morning in the morning, and it’s easier than having the money!” At this time, the outside of the staff suddenly realized that it was a burden to have money.

What kind of life is happy?

Put down the heavy burdens, not tempted by greed, choose the fine and take the effort. This kind of life is naturally easy and happy.

Life rumors:

Those who are not tempted by greed are the least burdened. Because no one has complained with him, he has no idea to care about others. This kind of day is the easiest, and the life is the happiest.

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