Inspirational story

Touching the top ten people of Sochi

On February 24th, the Sochi Winter Olympics has already fallen, but the passion and touch it will bring is irreplaceable. From Li Yu’s cover-up, to An Xian’s forgotten love, and then to Biluo to embrace his brother, Sochi left the world with more than “ice and passion”, more affection, inspiration, persistence, etc. ......

Plushenko: He has written history anyway

With a "private custom" violin song "Best Plushenko", "Ice Prince" Plushenko leads the Russian team to win the Winter Olympics with unparalleled super appeal and strong gas field. The first figure skating team competition in history.

His jump may not be perfect, and the difficulty may not be invincible. Although he failed to complete all the competitions, his charm never diminished. In 12 years, he changed from a 20-year-old boy to a 32-year-old uncle. Some people questioned that he was too old, some people said that his technique was outdated, and some people said that his physical ability was not competent, but he was not afraid. As he said in the "Best Plushenko", he is the best as long as he stands on the court.

Pang Qingjian: At least they still have love.

"Even if the game is over, there is nothing lost. Do I still have our family Pang Qing?" After passing the medal in the double-sliding competition, Yan Jian looked at his fiancée who accompanied him through the 21-year-old ice age. Pang Qing is deeply sympathetic, and the two eyes are opposite each other. "Yes, we have gained love!" Pang Qing, who has been tearful eyes, smiled.

Lose the game and harvest love! Although Pang Qingjian did not realize the fourth Olympic journey with medals, they have already gained a lot on another road of life.

Asada Mao: Imperfection is also a perfect

Sochi Winter Olympics is the last of many people, including the 24-year-old Japanese flower slipper queen Asada. She was in the gold medal and she made a serious mistake in the short program, thus withdrawing from the medal competition. However, in the free-sliding competition in the next day, Asada Mao let go of the perfect redemption, and after dedicating a set of innocent performances, she burst into tears.

Despite numerous failures, she insisted on doing Axel's three-week jump and never giving up; she was Kim's ten-year opponent, and she regretted losing silver four years ago, and now she is only sixth. Some people say that if there is no Kim Min, what will the Asada really be? In fact, imperfection is also a perfection.

Xu Mengtao: Strong flowers laughing and crying

In the freestyle skiing women's aerial skills finals, Xu Mengtao won the runner-up. This is the fourth silver medal for women's aerial skills won by the Chinese team since the Nagano Winter Olympics. After the game, the strong Xu Mengtao smiled, but his eyes were filled with tears.

"I can still work until the 2026 Winter Olympics. I will continue to work hard to make myself stronger. I want to hide the silver medal and wait for the gold medal!" Xu Mengtao, who is under 24, said naughty, and she has already targeted A goal.

An Xianyu: Interpretation of "persistence" in eight years

The "Iceberg" on February 15th, although there is no Plushenko, but the Russian audience is still boiling, because Victor An won the championship. Victor An was also too excited to get out of control, only to see that he made a kiss to the ice, holding the Russian flag around the field to accept the audience's worship. The audience familiar with the short track speed skating knows that this Victor An is An Xianyu eight years ago.

At the Sochi Winter Olympics, Victor won three gold medals and 1,500 meters bronze medals at 500 meters, 1000 meters and 5,000 meters. He was so brilliant at the Turin Winter Olympics eight years ago, but he was still An Xian of South Korea. During these eight years, An Xianyu experienced setbacks such as surgery, missed national team, club closure, etc., but he chose to persist. Although he carried the label of "Treason", he still insisted on his dream and returned. The king of the king.

Liu Qiuhong: Waiting for eight years, only lost and helpless

Liu Qiuhong, who has only paid for eight years, has always been joking with her. Four years ago, Liu Qiuhong’s thigh in a good state was marked with a 12 cm wound by a skate. Despite the speed of recovery, she finally chose to bid farewell. At that time, the Chinese women's team won all the four gold medals in an unprecedented way, but Liu Qiuhong missed the feast and could only act as a spectator.

This winter Olympics, was asked what the goal is, she replied cheerfully, "I can stand here and win." And Li Jian, who passed by her side, said, "Hong Jie waited for so long, of course. It’s a champion.” But the champion here has never been with her. She spent eight years waiting for the Winter Olympics, and finally she was only lost and helpless.

Liu Qiuhong, born in 1988, once said that living is for "gratefulness, experience and enjoyment". "I can slide from the amateur to the Olympics all the way. It is a miracle in itself." The 2019 PyeongChang Winter Olympics, Can she still have a dream?

Zhou Yang: The big ups and downs of "inspirational"

Four years ago at the Vancouver Winter Olympics, the 18-year-old Zhou Yang was amazed, and her memory of winning the championship seemed as clear as yesterday. Today, four years later, she perfected the defending in Sochi. Like Vancouver four years ago, Zhou Yang took the taxi to the podium and put a superman on the podium, cute and familiar. .

The four years are short and fleeting, but the four years are also very long. Honor and praise, controversy and questioning, what Zhou Yang has experienced is probably only she knows. From the thank-you door to the group event, Zhou Yang’s state fell into disarray, gradually fell into the bottom, and even suffered from depression and anorexia. He was once returned to the provincial team. After all this, Superman returned, and Zhou Yang staged a perfect "inspirational drama" in 1455 days.

Li Wei: Double-sided "Iron Lady"

Four years ago at the Vancouver Winter Olympics, Li Wei’s Chinese team won all four gold medals in the women’s project. The iron lady who was called “the stepmother” by the team made the most brilliant moment of Chinese short track speed skating. . Four years later, she once again showed the magic. In the situation where the main player Wang Meng was absent, she still brought back 2 gold, 3 silver and 1 bronze to the Chinese team. They went out with the gesture of mourning, and even pressed the powerful South Korean team. .

After Li Jianrou’s “Lucky” win, the “Iron Lady” covered her face and released the pressure from Wang Meng’s injury. Li Wei is very satisfied with the results achieved by Sochi, but she also bluntly said that there are some imperfections: "The biggest regret is the women's relay." When asked how many points to give to his Sochi trip, Li Wei used to be hoarse. The voice said, "It’s quite hard, and try to score 90 points."

Wang Bingyu: She abandoned her wedding life for the Winter Olympics

In the final round of the round robin, the Chinese women's curling team lost to the Swiss team at 6:10 and bid farewell to the Winter Olympics in a three-game losing streak. The Chinese team leader, who has always been calm, will tears on the spot after Wang Bingyu’s game. "It's a pity, after all, I will enter the rematch in one step."

For the Winter Olympics, the players paid too much, Wang Bingyu abandoned the wedding life, and Zhou Hao even gave up the children. The continuous campaign made the team's strained injuries more and more serious, especially the main player Wang Bingyu, who was the most seriously injured. One person in the circle said that Wang Bingyu, who was seriously injured in the left knee, could only use the slider to compete. It is like a track and field athlete who wants to use a prosthetic limb. But the girls still insisted, for the dream of the Winter Olympics, for the attachment and love of the curling.

Billodo: No brains, brother, maybe not

"As in Turin and Vancouver, Friedrich told me that he loves me. He has been with me for the past four years and encouraged me when I wanted to be lazy. He has never been in the past four years. I have left. In my eyes, I can see pride and pride. It is invaluable to me. I don't need any attention. All I can do is try to win the championship, not only for me but also for him."

In the freestyle ski men's snow skill game, the Canadian Bildo got his second Olympic gold medal. In his eyes, in addition to the championship, there is something more important - that is family. After the award ceremony, he rushed to the younger brother Friedrich, who had a cerebral palsy. The warm picture of the two people hugging each other touched everyone.

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