Inspirational story

Do you believe that the stone will open?

In India, when a person is young, his mind is very slow. When he began to study Sanskrit, he felt particularly hard, especially learning grammar. The classmates learned it easily, and although he spent a lot of time, he still did not grow as he had never learned. He once sadly thought that he would never learn grammar.

One day, the teacher asked him the grammar he had learned. He couldn't do it at all. The teacher was furious and reprimanded him. He completely lost his confidence, simply did not study, and even the school did not go. He thought to himself: It seems that my fate is not a material for block study.

From then on, he was doing nothing and wandering around. Once, he came to a small pier by the lake, which was made of very hard stone and was very strong. He walked over and sat on it, suddenly discovering that there was a pit on the smooth and flat stone, round. He wondered: Why is there a small stone pit here?

Just then, a woman came over with a jug, filled the jug with water and put the jug down for a while. He was attracted by a phenomenon: the jug was placed exactly in the crater.

When he saw this, he asked: "Is this a stonemason specially cut and used to put a water can?"

"It's not it. It's been a long time, the stone pits that the water cans grind." The woman said, and the water tank was slowly set on the head and left.

He was stunned and secretly thought: Since this hard stone can be ground into a hole by the water tank, can it be that my stupid head can not become smart after a long and hard work?

The heart rekindled hope, and he immediately stood up, returned to school, found the teacher, and determined to study hard. The strange thing is that the same grammar used to look like a big mountain. Today it seems like a sip of water, and it will be drunk at once. No matter what kind of course you study, no matter how difficult it is, if he has the help of God, he will soon be familiar with it and can understand it quickly.

His brain-like head turned out to be really open.

He was the book of Deva. Later, he finally became a famous grammar scholar. He also wrote a book about grammar. So far, people who study Sanskrit can understand it faster by studying his work.

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