Inspirational story

People must learn to be brave, strong and accept

Everyone in the life will encounter some tricky and unpredictable things. The story like me I think is only the picture that is only available on TV. But: When I experienced these things personally, I realized that life is really painful and happy. Today I wrote the story of yesterday. I hope that you can be as calm as I am.......——Inscription

March 2000 was my happiest day. My husband and I entered a private enterprise in Nanjing. After two years of work, we prepared a marriage. At that time, we didn’t have a house. A rented house is our wedding room. Simple tour. When I came back to work at the home, even if I got married, we had 30,000 yuan in the wedding. The reason we do this is that we want to leave extra money around us to prevent us from buying a house after marriage.

The hard work pays off. In August 2000, the company began to implement welfare housing. Her husband was also the backbone of the company at that time and was included in the list of welfare housing. Soon this implementation was perfect, we got our own house, simple The remaining 30,000 yuan on the wedding hand also became our life-saving food. Most of the companies are out of the way, and the rest are prepared by the father-in-law. At the time, I was 26 years old and seemed to be the happiest person in the world. My husband and I are busy, busy, forget all, and the mother-in-law also helped us to open together. At that time, our family was a happy one.

However, there are unpredictable things in the sky, and people have a good fortune. Just as we were still in the midst of joy, May 2001 was the first Dragon Boat Festival we had in the new house. We called the father-in-law who came to work in Nanjing. At noon that day, I felt that my father-in-law looked very embarrassed, didn't drink alcohol, and ate less, and the state of the father-in-law was completely inconsistent. Asked him about the situation, he just calmly said that the stomach was uncomfortable. After simply eating the meal and taking a break, the father-in-law returned to his own unit. At night, my husband came back and described the situation of the father-in-law as a husband. Her husband Immediately called to the father-in-law, told him to go to the hospital to check, he refused to go, until July, he realized his seriousness, called her husband to accompany him to the hospital to do gastroscope, in a week In the long wait, our heart is pressed like a jack. When we get the report, we are like a thunder, and the final worry becomes a reality, and the stomach is late. I can't believe this is true, but the facts tell us that we have to accept it. When we were in a good mood, we called to conceal his condition and told him that he was suffering from abdominal water. He had to open the knife immediately and then called his mother-in-law.

At that time, we bought a house and got married. The remaining money can be said to be very small. The mother-in-law borrowed 30,000 yuan from relatives and immediately lived in the hospital. After a series of examinations, and then a surgical resection, the father's stomach was removed by two-thirds. When the doctor came out with a bowl of bloody tumor, the mother-in-law fainted.

The public official was successful in surgery. He did not suffer any harm in a series of chemotherapy after surgery. Like normal people, people who saw his father-in-law said that he was not sick. At that time, I was married for three years. My father-in-law was 61 years old. I still have no grandson. I asked for a child under the repeated request of my father-in-law. The expected date of birth is July 23, 2003, the fourth in my regular checkup during pregnancy. I found out that I have twins in the month. I told my father-in-law this good news at the first time. He couldn’t even speak with excitement. Our family smiled at the arrival of these two little angels and felt that God was fair.

The two little guys are growing up happily in my stomach, and there are still 20 days to give birth, but during that time my body was too high in bile, and each part was itchy, and I couldn’t sleep well at night. . On the morning of July 3, I was lying in bed. The two little guys kept moving in my stomach, and my stomach began to hurt slightly. I was admitted to the hospital at one o'clock in the afternoon. When the doctor took me to check, I found bloody amniotic fluid, and only one fetal heart was moving. Several doctors pushed me to the operating table and immediately broke the abdominal surgery. As a result, my other little angel was still ruthlessly taken away by God. This message did not dare to tell the father-in-law at the time, fearing that he could not accept the death of a grandson. However, the father-in-law repeatedly asked the mother-in-law that the two children I was born were still healthy, and the mother-in-law couldn’t help but tell the father-in-law about this unfortunate message. At this time, the father-in-law fell. Although there were two sons, the 61-year-old father-in-law did not have a grandson. How much he hoped that I could give him two grandchildren safely. In a month, the disease once again attacked the body of the father-in-law. When I was 42 days old, I took my daughter and a regret to return to my hometown. The father-in-law tried to see the granddaughter’s resistance to the pain. When I went back and saw that my father-in-law only had skinny bones, the tears could no longer hold back like a pouring rain that blurred my eyes. When I saw my granddaughter the next morning, the public security officer closed his eyes and let go.

I remember it was August 2003. At that time, I was like being pushed into the abyss, and I lost two of my loved ones at once. I blamed the heavens for catching people, giving me a smooth start, and letting me suffer such a big blow in my life.

In the next two years, I finally came to a smooth, home godfather. It’s fun to live a happy life. But God seems to be deliberately against me. In November 2006, my body felt uncomfortable, but it was okay, not a serious illness. I lived in the hospital for 20 days and was discharged. At that time, I also went to work, and the children went to kindergarten, and the days were living in such a dull life.

Since the death of her father-in-law, her mother-in-law has always felt that her stomach is not good. We are not with her. Her mother-in-law and her eldest son are at home. Everything in the family still requires her mother-in-law to command. The only mother-in-law who can rely on her parents is the two relatives. The mother-in-law went to check in the final stage but did not tell the two mothers. Although we are very worried about the mother-in-law's body in Nanjing, I am very worried about her. Her mother-in-law did not find any abnormality after doing countless inspections. In August 2007, her mother-in-law called to tell her husband that she had esophageal cancer. This is how we are. I believe this is true, the mother-in-law is to fear that we are worried about her, did not tell us, did not tell her, she went to the hospital alone to do the last gastroscope, the result is also a report she went alone, and finally a person called to tell The bad news of our blue sky. Then we told the two sisters about this bad news. The two sisters were crying at the time. Their sisters were three mothers living in the countryside, the other two were living in the city, and there were many children. The two mothers were very caring for their mother-in-law. When they learned that their mother-in-law’s bad news, they couldn’t help it anymore.

When we were helpless, we called Ms. Niang to bring her mother-in-law to Nanjing to go to the Cancer Hospital to confirm the diagnosis. At that time, the first-line hope was placed on the cancer hospital. I hope the result is misdiagnosis, but when the husband gets the report again, he can no longer cry. The mother-in-law is a cancer of the esophagus, which is very serious. If it is not operated in time, it will be life-threatening. Immediately, we took the mother-in-law to perform a hospitalization operation. When the mother-in-law was on the operating table, the doctor opened a full section between her chest and back. When the ruler's mouth was made, the desire of her mother-in-law to survive made her surgery very successful. In the second two years of chemotherapy, the mother-in-law was so painful that she was not as good as she was, and every chemotherapy would let her mother-in-law go to the ghost gate and turn away. Every chemotherapy allowed her to tear her heart in the bed. However, her mother-in-law has reported a glimmer of hope, and she hopes that one chemotherapy will make her live more. In the final CT examination, the doctor told us that the mother-in-law's cancer cells have been transferred to the whole body. We did not tell the mother-in-law of the facts. The mother-in-law always thought that her illness would be good. Of course, we also cooperated with the mother-in-law and hoped to have The turning point of life, the final chemotherapy, the mother-in-law is no longer able to resist the side effects of chemotherapy.

After two years of suffering, her mother-in-law took a love at 8 o'clock on the morning of July 5, 2009. She died and died. She was 61 years old.

After experiencing so many things, I didn't expect that I was the master of the story. I used to see stories published in newspapers or pictures that appeared on TV. I didn't expect that I would experience it myself. My mother-in-law has been away for two years, and now I am not asking for wealth, but I am only looking for a safe and secure family.

After experiencing so much, it has become stronger and brave. Maybe this is the test that God has given us life, then we must bravely accept it. Although fate is unfair to me, it has made me learn to be strong in life, learned to be brave, and learned to accept.

I hope my story will help those friends who are negative and lose confidence. I also hope that this article will bring you more inspiration. People must be strong and brave to accept what is happening around you. Everything will pass and everything will be fine.

What I miss now is not the family that has passed away, but the strength of the time.

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