Inspirational story

Shenzhen Forrest Gump, let the dream bloom

He, who once had a million net worth, is an uncompromising "rich second generation"; he, the IQ index of the second day is only 75, known as the "stupid hat." When the family struggled to compete for the family property, he decided to take the time to go out. With his own "stupidity", he grew from a courier to a computer engineer with a monthly salary of 20,000 yuan, and performed a shocking and inspirational blockbuster.

In 1982, he was born in an ordinary family in Huaibei, Anhui. At 8 months of age, due to the cold of infection, high fever caused hydrocephalus to oppress the nerves, leading to cerebral palsy. In order to treat his son, his father resolutely chose to resign to the sea. The success of the cause led to the breakdown of marriage, and he was awarded to his father.

Two years later, his father remarried. He grew up slowly under the care of his stepmother. Although life can take care of himself, there is no problem in communicating with others. However, by the second day of his second year, his IQ index was only 75, and he had to leave school at home.

In order to enable her son to have a stable job, in 2002, his father set up a clothing company in Shenzhen, which started his business in the sea. He became the company's logistics manager and occupied 10% of the company's shares. In 2007, he met his girlfriend through online dating and successfully entered the palace of marriage.

Originally, his stepmother did not have a guard for the city without a guard, but when he saw a smart and capable wife, he began to worry about the future of this huge family business. In 2008, the stepmother arranged the son of her own husband and the ex-husband to be the general manager of the company. For this kind of different treatment, his wife was angry and grievous, took the child back to her family, and proposed a divorce.

He went to the mother-in-law's house several times, and his wife drove him directly out of the door. In desperation, he broke his emotional experience to a TV station's emotional mediation program, and wanted to use his way to let his wife change his mind. What surprised him was that mediation not only failed to restore his wife's heart, but was used by his stepmother. The stepmother forced him to resign from the company on the grounds of affecting the company's reputation. In 2019, he was already tired of the company's intrigues, and he transferred all his shares to his aunt free of charge.

After fading out the aura of "rich second generation", he found himself struggling. Although he has always had the name of "stupid hat" on his head, he is actually aware of the world of the company. He felt that he was not smart, but he was not stupid enough to be self-reliant.

In order to prove himself, he first worked as a courier in a courier company. Although it was hard, the salary of one month was more than enough to maintain his life.

Of course, this kind of life is not his dream at all. He spent another 4,000 yuan on tuition fees and went to a computer repair company to learn computer maintenance. At first, the teacher felt stupid and stupid, he was not suitable to learn this technical stuff. However, he neither defended nor gave up, but also took the initiative to apply for guarding the storefront. He studied the various structures and operating principles of the computer all night long. The desk was always lit with a pile of disassembled computer parts. Sometimes, when you are tired, you fall asleep on the table. Three months later, his technique advanced by leaps and bounds, and even the most authoritative master in the store looked at him.

At the same time, he used the night time, placed a maintenance booth in the downstairs where he lived, and used his own technology to help people repair the computer. Because of the low fees and the fact that people are real, his business is getting better and better.

He is still not satisfied with the slight surplus, and he has signed up for the IELTS Business English Training.

Basically, he did not have any English foundation. He also received ridicule from teachers and classmates in the process of learning English. However, at this time, he has long been accustomed to these ridicules. He knows that the more ridiculed the dream, the more realized value.

When he squeezed the bus to school every day, he was still thinking about the English in his mouth. Whether it is walking or eating, or before going to bed, as long as there is free time, he is used to learn English. In this way, he did not know how much effort he had paid than others, and finally finished all the courses in the course. At the end of the course, he was able to communicate freely with foreigners.

In 2019, after passing the English Level 4 exam, he went to the Shenzhen Talent Market in Futian District to apply for a job. Unexpectedly, with a fluent English, he was eventually hired as an clerk by an insurance company.

As a salesman, in the process of conducting business, his honest image not only did not reduce points for him, but gave customers a sense of security and was willing to communicate with him. He never talked about his past, and often said with a little self-deprecating: "I am not smart, but I know that I am happiest when I pursue my dreams." Soon, his sneer became an inspirational business card for the company. Win more customers for the company.

Because of his outstanding performance, he became the company's key training target. In 2019, he was hired as a trainer by the company with a monthly salary of 20,000. In the spring of 2019, he used his savings to mortgage a house of more than 140 square meters, and his wife was finally touched by him and returned to good.

He is the inspirational example called "Shenzhen Forrest Gump" - Wang Lulu.

Maybe you are not smart enough, but if you can abandon the calculations of the bottom of your heart, forget the entanglement of losing and winning, and simply and persistently work towards your dreams, you can also reach the other side of success.

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