Inspirational story

No genius without hard work

My first contact with billiards was because of my father. At that time, there was a small shop in the downstairs of our house. There were two black eight-ball tables in the store. I started to watch the adults playing. I don’t know what this is. I don’t understand the rules. I know the ball. It’s fun to get in. Later, I also wanted to go and try, but I will definitely not play with them. I went to the bad table at the side, and took half of it with a shot.

Later, I helped my father play a ball and finally I won his friend. Then, my father’s friend said that the child’s feeling of the ball is particularly good. I hope my dad can let me learn, practice and see how. Then my dad took me to the regular club, and I was directly exposed to snooker. Why did you go to Guangdong later, because all the best players in the country will basically go to Guangdong to participate in the competition. The atmosphere is the best when you practice the ball over there.

At that time, I arrived in Dongguan. Our family lives on a bed, three people are sleeping sideways, and eating every day is based on the standard of two dollars per person. At that time, I didn't think it was a bitterness. I could give me a table every day, give me a pole, a ball, I am very happy.

When I first went to Guangdong, I still studied, but because of the competition, there were a lot of classes in the school, and my mom often helped me to take time off. At that time, the teacher often said to my mother: "Your son does not come to class all day, it is better to drop out of school directly." I said to my father: "I don't want to go to school, I want to put all my energy into the career of billiards. Come up." He didn't talk. After a while, he asked me: "Are you sure you want to choose this path?" I said, "Yes." Then he said nothing.

The next morning, my father pulled me up and pulled it straight into the ball room to start my journey. He is stricter to me, staring at me every ball. He does not allow me to have any mistakes. In those years, training day and night, training at least 12 hours a day, in addition to eating, sleeping is training.

I feel that my childhood memories are completely on the billiards, and I have never lived a normal childhood. But I feel that when you work hard for your own ideals and concentrate on doing something, you will lose a lot of other things. You don't need to compare with others, I don't have this, I don't have that because you are working hard towards your own ideals.

Before the age of 16, he was not able to play professional games, then waited for a year and turned professional in 2003. At that time, I was so excited that I could finally run out alone. I finally no longer have to be disciplined by my father. At that time, I was very much looking forward to it. One person went abroad and was free to do whatever he wanted. The feeling that gave me at the time was that I didn't know why it was so strong. When I saw the British players, I wanted to beat them. Then I did play very well. I was able to stay in the professional game in the first year. This greatly encouraged me. I also earned some bonuses in that year. Because before that, the family put everything on me, almost nothing left.

Those fathers accompanied me every day, this kind of companionship, I know a little, so I said that after I went to the UK, I hope my parents can live a better life. I may have eaten more because of the two dollars of food. The requirements for life are not very high. I will send all my savings to my home in one year. Of course, when I play professional games in these years, I also have a bad time, that is, from 2007 to 2019, I am particularly confused. Because the effect is not very good during normal training, the training is not effective, not to mention the game, so at that time, I was afraid of the game. But now this mentality may not happen again, because I have already come out from that time, and I hope that I can do better in the future.

Life is like a game, you can't bet on it. People call me a genius, but I think I am a hardworking genius. In a word, lifelong and hardworking, you will become a genius.

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