Inspirational story

Shoe shine girl sales inspirational revelation

I went to work in the small shop downstairs the night before to buy something, came in a little girl, quiet, 20 years old, wearing a suit, with a tie, also with a smiley face, I saw wearing shoes, Immediately kneeling down, I can't take it into consideration. I rolled up my trousers and helped me to clean my shoes. I rubbed and said, "Brother, I am selling shoe polish. I will help you wipe it first. You feel it, you feel good. , shoe polish plus brightener for a total of 20 yuan, you feel bad, I will give you a sigh, I thank you."

At that moment, I was shocked. I didn’t think that such a girl would give me shoes like this. After I finished it, I said, "Little girl: I don’t want shoe polish, I will give you 20 yuan."

Unexpectedly, this little girl said: "I am doing shoe polish sales, I will give you 2 shoe polishes." I even said, "No need to use it, so late, hurry home."

I put the money in her little black hand. The little girl said, "Would you like to buy one? I will sell two today and reach the goal. I will sell one more." I finished it in my hands. I pumped 10 yuan and gave me a shoe polish. I said that you have a phone call. She left me a phone call and said thank you and left.

At that moment, I was so shocked that I couldn’t think that such a thin little girl could kneel down and wipe a shoe for a stranger, and she was not humble.

When I got home, I looked at the shoes in my hand and took her contact information. Only then did I know that this girl was called Han Ling. I found that I had never seen the function of this shoe polish, nor did I bargain with her, and there was no Any doubt, I just felt that I had to buy one for her. It was very uncomfortable not to buy it. I also have a sales team, our salesman? Do they dare to do this?

How many sales people always think that price is an important factor affecting sales. We believe that it is difficult for us to sell when the price of competitors is low. Han let me accept her products, she sold successfully, but I feel that sales are successful, she is her personality charm, she used her actions to shock me, I think she deserves help, in the process I have not bargained with her.

Han let the nature of such work is no basic salary, the salary depends entirely on the sales of shoe polish, how many sales people hold the company's basic salary, there are supplementary payments, transportation subsidies, and every day blaming the company, you have half of Han Courage? In addition, Han’s business model is to carry bags and street alleys to sell shoes to others. I believe that they don’t take the car. Every time they stand up, they must be very hard. But she can do it, can we do it?

In the process of shoe-shining, Han will certainly encounter many people who do not understand, insults and even ridicule, and may even be kicked by the guests, but she can still insist on this, does our salesman have such tenacity? Dare to do such a job that many people think is very low and humble? What kind of power is supporting her?

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