Inspirational story

Growth in loneliness

The growth time in loneliness is rushing. I have been working for more than a year in a blink of an eye. The lonely back of the airport standing in the middle of the suitcase seems to be only yesterday, but yesterday has passed.

Yesterday, I was still on the road. I am a Dragon City man living alone in Yangcheng!

The bustling and hustle and bustle of Guangzhou made me dazzled and excited. In my brain, the neon of this big city seems to completely cover my hometown filled with local flavor. However, every night when I calm down, a terrible sense of loneliness will surround me. Even this busy city has no time to take care of my sorrow and grief.

Today, I am still on the road. I am the Dragon City man who lives alone in Yangcheng!

The streets and alleys of Guangzhou are still so busy, but I am no longer so lonely. When loneliness strikes, there is no rush to escape, but try to talk with the lonely heart, and explore the depths of your heart in the quiet, those corners that have never been deeply understood.

Tomorrow, I don't know where I will be. I hope that I can look forward to the moment when the sun comes out like a sunflower. At that time, I can finally chase the sun, get rid of the darkness, and finally enjoy the warmth and drive the cold. When we can look forward to tomorrow, laughing and facing the beginning of the day, we have already defeated the one who wants to escape life. At the beginning of a new day, we will face with the most brilliant smile; at the end of the day, we will sink our hearts to reflect on our own performance, set goals and plans for ourselves, and then close our eyes and look forward to it. The arrival of tomorrow.

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