Inspirational story

How many talents are lost in the world?

On the weekend, I went to Xiao Yang’s wedding. As a fellow countryman, I am very aware of the hardships that Xiao Yang has paid in these years. Now I see that he is going to be married and happy for him from the heart.

Xiao Yang is not a talented person. When the students got the college admission notice, he quietly carried his luggage and came to the railway vocational secondary school in the provincial capital from the countryside in southwestern Shandong. He often came to my home to tell the helplessness of the future. Nowadays, good undergraduates are hard to find jobs. Where can there be a rice bowl for secondary school students?

I have no better words to comfort this young man who has been thinking about his future and destiny. He always uses the old saying to encourage him: "Work hard, opportunities will always be there."

In a blink of an eye, two years have passed and Xiao Yang is graduating. He participated in several talent recruitment meetings and delivered his resume to countless units, but did not receive any feedback. When it is time to leave school, if he can't find a unit to accept him, he must go back to his rural home.

He was on the road in the provincial capital, thinking about his own life. When he walked to the east of Heping Road, the sign of the Ministry of Railways X Engineering Bureau attracted him. He carefully looked at the corporate profile on the corporate culture bulletin board at the gate: there are business scope of the enterprise, the achievements of the enterprise over the years, and the name of the business leader. Suddenly, a thought flashed through his mind - why didn't I recommend it here? The major I studied is suitable for this unit.

He didn't have more chances to wait. He went back to the dormitory and picked up the pen. He did not hesitate to write the name of the director on the letterhead, and then prepared his professional knowledge and gave a detailed introduction to his experience in rural areas. Strongly expressed his ambition to dedicate himself to the railway cause. He wrote the address of the unit on the envelope, wrote the name of the director, and took the courage to break the boat, and put the letter into the mailbox the next day. He thought that he could recommend himself to the highest head of the unit and let him see how a farmer's son is determined to serve the country's ambitions, even if he is not hired.

After posting the cover letter, he waited nervously. He can only rely on miracles, because if you enter the normal recruitment program, it is difficult to pass the first level of education.

On the morning of the third day, his cell phone rang, and the head of the office of the unit called and asked him to go to the personnel office immediately. He hurriedly got on the bus. When I got there, the staff of the Personnel Office gave him a form, which is a personnel recruitment form. He filled it out with great excitement. The staff told him that the director appreciated his courage and courage and said that his unit needed such courageous youth that he was hired.

On the first day of work, the director asked him to talk and told him that he most appreciated the courageous youth, and most hated those who had not left the school and thought about taking the wrong path. Shortly after going to work, Xiao Yang was sent to the Qinghai-Tibet Line Construction Command, and his outstanding performance quickly won people's praise. When the mission was completed, he was awarded a commendation.

Xiao Yang came back to my home from the Qinghai-Tibet line and brought his beautiful fiancee – she is the director’s daughter, a graduate of a key university. In the days after Xiao Yang’s wedding, Xiao Yang’s shadow always swayed in front of my eyes. I have been thinking about how many talents have lost in the world, and how many opportunities have passed by themselves because of the lack of courage. Where are the opportunities for life? Just in your own hands, just in the courage of your self-confidence.

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