Inspirational story

Postgraduate inspirational story

Postgraduate inspirational story

"Three sails in the wind and three years, three wars, one big and one big"
The simple lines of words summarize the three years of postgraduate study of Li, and the feelings and experiences contained in the period are not simple sentences, but also the memories that never fade in my life. Here, cross-examination education Let's share with you the story of this hard-working student.
Dreams take off on the road to bumps

Perhaps because of his age, or because of the strong sense of school, I have not really adapted to college life, so I have developed the idea of ​​postgraduate research and started the pioneers in the postgraduate team.
In the first half of junior year, I have chosen the school and major to apply for, and I also settled in the study room safely. Because I chose Renmin University of China, and I applied for a popular major, economics, which is bound to be a tortuous curve. Although I went to the study room almost every day, I really learned very little things, but at that time I was content, because I was on my own path, but I didn't know that my goals were high and my actions were slow. In a blink of an eye, it is already 2007. After returning to school, I found a fixed seat and started a real exam review with my heart. Honestly, I have slacked off this year's review, but more is persistence. It is also from this year, I am naive to understand the hardships of the postgraduate entrance.
There is no earth-shattering event in this year, and more is to search for it in the midst of hardships. Time has no scruples, running all the way, from January to January, from June to September, but the knowledge that the postgraduate study has not yet formed. After September, the tasks and pressures increased significantly, and every day was a stressful review. When I am nervous, I will think of my deep psychological research complex, experience the short-term relief, and experience the fulfillment of happiness for the ideal... The ideal is always beautiful, but the reality is cruel, even though it has been done for the postgraduate study. With so much preparation, despite the hard work I have made, I am still not qualified to be a graduate student at the National People's Congress. In order to escape the reality of the failure of the postgraduate entrance examination, I decided to look for work temporarily. Fortunately, through the campus job fair, I found a job in Beijing. At the end of March, I set foot on the train to Beijing for the first time.
The work is boring but rewarding and the treatment is good. If I have never studied and researched, I have never worked hard for my ideals. I will continue to work, but I am a person who pursues ideals. He is a thoroughly graduate student. There is no reason to give up his ideal path. At the end of April, I went to the National People's Congress alone, spent two hours on campus, bought two words, a pen, and then hurried away. Although I feel that the people are too big in my heart, I still hope to go to the National People's Congress to study. Back to the company, I decided to resign and then returned to Shijiazhuang to prepare for a new round of postgraduate review.
Back to school, shuttled on campus, I unconsciously stood in front of A, looking up to the self-study room and the corner of my own struggle for a year, there is no bleakness in my heart. After the graduation reply, the whole class shared the meal together and drank the parting wine. The four-year college life ended. Looking back at my four-year college road, only two words are particularly eye-catching: PubMed.
The injured white pigeon still insists on flying
In early June 2008, I started my second postgraduate review.
I still remember the words I said to my family and my family when I resigned. Since I resigned and re-examined, I am sure I will have the confidence to win the National People's Congress. At that time, the only thing I didn't lack was self-confidence. Back to the familiar teaching building, I found a self-study room on the 5th floor of B. I didn't go to A to teach 510. I want to change the environment. Maybe the mood and results will be different.
Along with the second postgraduate study, there are more than ten hours of review every day, countless practice questions, and a lingering postgraduate complex. I stepped forward and walked through. I was quite confident about myself until the exam. As I walked this way, I also met a lot of research friends. Everyone from time to time discussed issues and exchanged views. It was also a small scenery on the postgraduate road. The second year of review life is still very regular: study during the day, run at night. Everything is calm, there is no wave, and I hope to break out in peace. For this reason, I dare not slack off, insist on it every day, just waiting for the spring of the coming year. On January 10, 2019, I once again entered the examination room of the postgraduate exam, but I spent two days in the torment, after all, the test was not smooth. After the test, I was a little disappointed, but I still had hope, but at the moment I saw the results, I knew that this year’s dream was shattered. There is a feeling of incomprehensibility that constantly reverberates in my heart. I think my postgraduate road has probably come to an end. It is difficult to distinguish between the north and the south. At this point, my postgraduate road has been gone for two years.

I have to admit that the loss of the second postgraduate examination smashed the confidence and fighting spirit that I used to be proud of, and buried the already clear road without any trace, and I did not get rid of the shadow after all, I began to sink and put I have been in the room for a long time, and I have been running for many years... Although I know very well that it is tormenting myself, I have not been able to stand strong. Parents don't know how to comfort me, just put the meal in my room on time every day. One day, my mother turned the meal to the room and saw that I was still decadent. She finally sighed and said: "Son, don't be like this, my mother is looking at the pain. I have discussed it with your father. If you take another test, we will support you. ......" After the end, the mother handed me a passbook, I looked at the crumpled passbook, and then looked at my mother's face more worried because of worry, my heart suddenly was slammed, how can I be so filthy, Since I have been worried about my parents who have been bitter and hard, I have to get up and go to graduate students to repay my parents' expectations.
The next day, I returned the passbook to my parents, and one returned to Shijiazhuang to regroup. Considering the cost of the postgraduate entrance examination, I decided to find a job first and then review it while working. After several job fairs in Shijiazhuang, I never found a favorite job, and then went to Beijing to resume my resume and wait for an interview. After running for almost 20 days, I finally passed the interview of a company, but when I returned to my place of residence, after a day of consideration, I gave up the hard-won work because it was difficult to guarantee the time and effect of the review after the formal work. I don't want to fail the exam again because of the mistakes in time. So, I gave up the idea of ​​reviewing while working, but focused on preparing for the exam. At that time, I painfully decided to say to myself: This is the last postgraduate study, only success.
The ideal finally shines into reality <br />If the mentality of the first postgraduate review is high morale and high spirits, the second time is to be prudent and cautious after regrouping, then I dare not have a good idea in the third preparation. The same silence in my heart, I just want to fight for it.
At the beginning of the review, it coincided with the high temperature in Shijiazhuang in the summer. There was no air conditioning in the study room, and the fans were all hot. I often learn to learn, and there is only one person left in the study room. At that time, what I thought every day was to do more questions, read more books, and complete the plan on time. I dare not slack off. I don’t know how to be meticulous during the day, I don’t want to be quiet at night, I often wake up in my dreams, dreaming that I’m answering questions in the exam room, and answering a mess... Fortunately, I met college friend Xiao Zhao, who also resigned and re-examined, and Professional courses also take economics. For the first half of the year, we have learned from each other and worked hard together and benefited a lot.
After two years of tempering, I have been accustomed to the monotonous preparation process: no weekend, almost constant repetition every day. After the National Day, due to self-pressurization, the task became heavier: the real questions of each subject were drilled and summarized over and over again, and the professional courses did not dare to relax. They kept reading the notes and made notes. Of course, the remedial classes also thought about consulting. The teachers, they are very enthusiastic to help me answer a lot of doubts, although I did not report their remedial classes because of the shame in the bag, I would like to express my deep respect to the teachers who cross the exam. In November, English and mathematics began to do simulations. Professional courses and politics were still reading books and making summary notes. In December, they continued to do simulations. (Inspirational story) At that time, I met with Xiao Zhaoyou every few days to simulate the required test time, morning math, afternoon English, and other time to review political and professional courses. As a result, every time he went to the study room to find me, he found that I was still doing mathematics, which was very surprising. I remember Xiao Zhao said with a little ridicule: "Are you thinking about mathematics? Do you have too many questions in mathematics!" Where does he know that the painstaking scores of the previous two maths have endured me? And tormented.
In this way, until January, I have already done two or three times of mathematics, mathematics 2 and mathematics three from 1993 to 2019, and 15 sets of simulation questions have been done. The English calendar has been repeated over and over again. Still in the review and consolidation, the simulation questions have also been done 15 sets; the professional course economics also made a few thick notes, basically completed the final sprint summary and practice; political red book and real questions have also been read several times, and research Answer the routine. Despite this, I was not very successful in the two days of the exam, and my body and mind were suffering. After answering the English, the confidence was cut in half; after finishing the mathematics, the heart suddenly felt that the general trend had gone; in the afternoon, the professional class, due to the increase in the number of questions, the difficulty of the topic increased, but also the scalp madness for three hours has not been fully answered. The most ridiculous thing is that I have been tested for three years. This time I actually opened the test bag with two subjects in English and mathematics.
After the test, I ran back to the dormitory with annoyance. One person was hiding in the corner and I couldn’t imagine the result of the failure. I don't know how long I have stayed. I only feel that it is dark outside. Suddenly the phone rang and the phone was connected in the dark. "Man, your phone is finally turned on, not to celebrate together, I haven't seen you for so long, are you okay?" It turned out that Xiao Zhao gave me a call. I really wanted to say nothing to him, but the tears fell off with disappointment, and the phone fell to the ground with tears. I didn't go to the phone, but continued to kneel in the corner, listening to Xiao Zhao intermittently on the phone and said: "If you finish the exam, don't think so much, what you have to do now is to hurry up and celebrate, then in the whole body. I am going to re-examine the review..." Listening to Xiao Zhao’s comfort, I seem to be motivated, yes, and re-examination. What I have to do now is to prepare for a re-examination. I can’t let my three years of hard work end up like this, and I can’t let it happen again. Parents are worried.
In the days that followed, I forgot the unsatisfactory first-time test, and did not deliberately pay attention to the results, but devoted myself to the preparation for re-examination. I went to the NPC to find a teacher to consult the re-examination situation, read the papers published by the department teacher, find English majors to practice oral listening, personally design and practice the re-examination of professional courses... Finally my efforts have been harvested, although I barely entered the re-test, However, it was successfully passed the re-test and realized the dream of studying at the National People's University.
The three-year postgraduate career has finally come to an end. Looking back on the past, the past events that belong to the postgraduate entrance exams are like flashing in my mind. Maybe these past events will pass away with time, and they will fade away with their own growth, but the pursuit of ideals has flowed into my blood. Injecting my soul, let me continue to move forward in the future of life.

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