Inspirational story

Inspirational story: just enough, not to be coveted

There is a child, everyone said that he is stupid, because if someone gives him 5 hairs and 1 yuan coins at the same time, he always chooses 5 hairs, but wants 1 yuan. Some people do not believe, they take out two coins, one yuan, one hair, let the child choose one of them, and the child really picked a 5 hair coin.

The man felt very strange and asked the child: Don't you know the value of the coin?

The child whispered: If I choose 1 yuan, you will not play this game with me next time!

This is the cleverness of that child.

Indeed, if he chooses 1 yuan, no one is willing to continue playing with him, and he only gets 1 yuan! But he takes 5 cents and puts himself in a fool, so the longer the fool is. The more he gets, the more he will get, the number of times he will get 1 yuan! Therefore, in real life, we may wish to see the silly child not to buy 1 yuan, but take 5 cents!

And more people in the society, but there is often a kind of greed that does not take white, do not eat white, do not eat white! Do not know that your greed not only harms the interests of others, but also makes others greedy you. Maybe others can tolerate your behavior, don't care about your greed, but if you know how to stop, he will have a better impression and evaluation, and therefore willing to continue your relationship with you.

What is sighing is that modern society is full of the following phenomena: interpersonal relationship is used up once, doing business once to earn enough! I think that I am smart in doing this, but I don’t know if this is breaking my own path! I don’t want you to be smart. And hope that you can always have the same stupidity as that child, because this will give you more rewards.

10 more than 5 cents, or more than 1 dollar? You calculate it yourself!

The insatiable appetite constantly tempts people to pursue the highest enjoyment of material desire. However, excessive pursuit of interests often leads to the loss of life. Therefore, everything can be done to grasp the direction of life.

Several people are fishing on the shore, and several tourists next to them enjoy the sea view. I saw a fisherman scorpion scorpion and caught a big fish. It was more than a foot long and fell on the shore. However, the fisherman stepped on the big fish with his foot, untied the hook in the fish mouth, and threw the fish into the sea.

The onlookers exclaimed that such a big fish could not satisfy him, and the angler’s ambition was great.

Just as everyone was holding their breath, the fisherman’s fishing rod was again raised. This time, the fish was still a fish that was one foot long. The fisherman still did not look at it and threw it into the sea.

For the third time, the angler’s fishing rod was raised again, and only the end of the line was hooked with a small fish that was only a few inches long. Everyone thought that this fish would definitely be put back, but the fisherman solved the fish and carefully put it back into his fishing rod.

When everyone was puzzled, they asked the fishermen why they were big and small.

The fisherman replied: Hey, because the biggest plate in my house is only one foot long. Too big a fish can be caught and the plate can't fit.

In today's economically developed world, there are fewer and fewer people like phishers, but more and more people are taking advantage of it. As the saying goes, greed makes money, short-lived and more disasters. Good character, good mind and other good qualities are the foundation of health and longevity. Coveting a small cheap, after all, is to eat a big loss.

After the French were evacuated from Moscow, a farmer and a businessman searched for goods on the street. They found a lot of unburnt wool, and two of them were tied to their backs.

On their way home, they found some cloths. The farmer threw away the heavy wool and chose some better cloths that they could move. The greedy merchants smashed the wool and the remaining cloth that the farmer had left. Let him pant and move slowly.

Not far away, they found some silver cutlery. The farmer threw away the cloth and licked some of the better silverware on the back. The merchant was forced to bend over because of the heavy wool and cloth.

The drizzle and heavy rain, the wool and cloth on the merchants who were hungry and cold were drenched by the rain, and he fell to the mud while he was falling; the farmer went home easily. He sold silver cutlery and lived rich.

Thousands of worlds, all kinds of temptations, everything you want, you will be exhausted, you will let go, you will be happy and happy for a lifetime.

Greedy people are often easily confused by the superficial phenomena of things, and even difficult to extricate themselves.

Once, a hunter captured a bird that can only speak 70 languages.

Let me go, this bird said, I will give you three advices.

Tell me first, the hunter replied, I swear I will let you go.

The first piece of advice is that the bird said, don't regret after doing something.

The second piece of advice is: If someone tells you something that you think is impossible, don't believe it.

The third piece of advice is: When you can't climb, don't bother to climb.

Then the bird said to the hunter: Let me go. The hunter released the bird according to the words.

The bird flew up and fell on a big tree, and shouted to the hunter: You are stupid. You let me go, but you don't know that there is a big pearl in my mouth. It is this pearl that makes me so smart.

This hunter would like to capture this flying bird again. He ran to the tree and began to climb the tree. But when he climbed halfway, he fell and broke his legs.

The bird laughed at him and shouted at him: Stupid! I just told you the advice you have forgotten. I tell you not to regret once you do something, but you regret to let me go. I tell you if someone tells you what you think is impossible, don't believe it, and you believe that there is a big pearl in the mouth of a bird like me. I tell you that if you can't climb, don't force yourself to climb, but you chase me and try to climb the big tree, and then fall and break your legs. This rumor is about you. For a wise man, a lesson is more profound than a fool's hundred times. After that, the bird flew away.

People are often stupid because of greed, and stupid things will be done. So at any time you must have your own opinion and ability to distinguish between right and wrong, and don't be fooled by false phenomena.

Life rumors: Greed is a stubborn disease, people can easily become slaves of it and become more and more greedy. People's desires are endless, and when they get a lot, they still expect more. A person who seeks to be profitable and never content is equal to fooling himself. Greed is the source of all evil. Greed can make you forget everything, even your own personality. Greed is irrational and makes ignorant behavior. Therefore, the attitude we should really take is to stay away from greed, to be able to stop, and to be content with those who are happy.

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