Inspirational story

If you have a lemon, make lemonade

One time, Chicago University President Rob Menan Rogis said when he talked about how to be happy: "I have been trying to follow a small piece of advice. This is the late Sears Chairman Julias. Luo Shanlu told me. He said: 'If you have a lemon, make lemonade.'"

This is the practice of smart people, and the fool's approach is just the opposite. The fool will find that life gives him only a lemon, and he will give up on himself: "I am jealous. This is fate. I don't even have a chance." Then he began to curse the world and let himself indulge in self-pity. In the middle of it. But when a smart person gets a lemon, he will say, "What can I learn from this unfortunate thing? How can I improve my situation and how can I make this lemon into a glass of lemonade? What?"

The great psychologist Afried Ander said that one of the most wonderful features of mankind is "the power to turn negative into positive." When a happy farmer bought a farm, he felt very depressed. Because the land can neither grow fruit nor raise pigs, only poplars and rattlesnakes can survive. But he thought of a good idea, he want to use those rattlesnakes. His approach surprised everyone, and he began to make rattlesnake canned meat. Soon, his business was done very well.

The village has now been renamed the Rattlesnake Village to commemorate the gentleman who made the poisonous lemon into a sweet lemonade. Harry Emerson Fosdick repeated this sentence: "Most of happiness is not enjoyment, but victory."

Yes, this kind of victory comes from a sense of accomplishment, a kind of pride, and also from the fact that we can make lemons into lemonade.

The more we study the careers of those who have achieved, the more we feel that many of them are successful because they have some flaws that hinder their progress at the beginning, which encourages them to work harder and get More compensation. As some people with disabilities said: "Our flaws have had unexpected help for us."

Yes, maybe Milton wrote a shocking poem because of his stunned eyes, and Beethoven may have produced immortal songs because of his embarrassment.

"If I don't have such a disability, I may not do as much work as I have done." Darwin confessed that his disability had unexpected help for him.

Once, the world's most famous violinist, Oli Boole, held a concert in Paris, and his A string on the violin suddenly broke. Surprisingly, Oli Boole actually played the tune with the other three strings. “This is life,” said Harriet Emerson Fosdick. “If your A string is broken, play the song on the other three strings.”

This is not only life, it is more valuable than life - this is a victory in life.

If we can do it, we should engrave this sentence of William Poriso with only one leg on the bronze medal: "The most important thing in life is not to use your income as capital. Any fool. It will do this, but the really important thing is to profit from your losses. This requires talent, and this is the fundamental difference between a smart person and a fool."

So, when fate gives us a lemon, let's try to make a glass of lemonade.

Life rumors:

Replacing negative thoughts with positive thoughts can effectively stop you from worrying about things that have already been and have been done, and will bring you unexpected gains.

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