Secretarial knowledge > Emergency plan

Emergency plan for sudden food safety accidents

In order to fully fulfill the government's social management and public service responsibilities, implement the scientific development concept, establish and improve the rescue system and operation mechanism of our county to deal with major food safety accidents, adhere to the combination of prevention and emergency, standardize and guide emergency treatment, and effectively improve food response. The ability of safety accidents, efficient organization of emergency rescue work, maximum prevention and reduction of food safety accident hazards and their losses, protection of public health and life safety, maintenance of normal social order, combined with the actual situation of our county, the development of this plan.
The compilation is based on the Food Sanitation Law of the People's Republic of China, the Product Quality Law of the People's Republic of China, the Emergency Regulations on Public Health Emergencies, the National and Provincial Emergency Plan for Major Food Safety Accidents, and the State Council and Provincial and Municipal Governments. The decision on further strengthening food safety work, the "Emergency Measures for Public Health Emergencies in Jiangxi Province", the "Overall Emergency Plan for Public Outbreaks in XX Province" and the "Emergency Plan for Major Food Safety Accidents in Jiangxi Province" were formulated.
Working Principles 1. Whole-course prevention and full-process control: Food-borne diseases may occur in food planting, breeding, production and processing, packaging, warehousing, transportation, circulation, consumption, etc., resulting in a certain number of deaths in the public or may constitute human health. Potential hazards, and sudden food safety conditions that cause certain social impacts are implemented throughout the process of prevention and control.
Second, grading management, grading reverberation: According to the scope, nature and degree of hazard of food safety accidents, the implementation of grading management of sudden food safety accidents, grading reverberation.
Third, clear responsibilities and implementation of resounding: in accordance with the principle of "unified leadership, tiered responsibility, people-oriented, harm reduction, prevention, standardization, rapid response, and coordinated response", clear responsibilities and resounds.
Fourth, scientific decision-making, legal emergency: the use of advanced science and technology, give full play to the role of experts, implement scientific and democratic decision-making, standardize emergency rescue work according to law, and ensure the scientific, legal, authoritative and operability of emergency plans.
V. Strengthen monitoring and group prevention and control: adhere to group prevention and control, strengthen daily monitoring, timely analysis, assessment and early warning. Early detection, early reporting, and early control are required for sudden food safety incidents that may arise.
6. Timely response and quick action: Quickly respond to sudden food safety incidents, promptly launch emergency plans, strictly control accident development, effectively carry out emergency rescue work, and do a good job in handling food safety accidents and rectifying and supervising work.
Accident classification According to the nature, hazard degree and scope of food safety accidents, food safety accidents are divided into four levels.
First, special major food safety incidents
1. The hazard is particularly serious, causing serious threats to more than two provinces and further spreading trends;
2. The level of disposition capacity of the provincial people's government at the time of the incident;
3. Cross-border and transnational food safety incidents, causing particularly serious social impacts;
4. The Faculty believes that it needs to be authorized by the State Council or the State Council to dispose of it.
Second, major food safety incidents
1. Therefore, the hazard is serious, and the scope of influence involves two administrative areas at the listed level in the province;
2. The number of injured persons exceeds 100, and death cases occur;
3. Into more than 10 deaths;
4. Major food safety incidents identified by the people's government at the level.
Third, a large food safety accident
1. Therefore, the scope of influence involves more than two county-level administrative regions within the municipal administrative region, which will cause serious harm to the food safety of the people;
2. The number of people injured is more than 100, or there are deaths;
3. A major food safety accident identified by the people's government at the level.
Fourth, general food safety incidents
1. Therefore, the scope of influence involves more than two townships within the county-level administrative region, which brings serious harm to the public's dietary safety;
2, the number of injuries is 30-99, no deaths;
3. General food safety incidents identified by the people's government at the level.
Rescue system 1. Leaders of Fuliang County Emergency Food Safety Accident Emergency Command Headquarters: The county emergency headquarters is under the command of the deputy magistrate, the county government office counterpart and the county food and drug administration, county health The bureau chief, the county agricultural bureau, the county industrial and commercial bureau, and the director of the county quality supervision bureau served as the deputy commander.

Member units: According to the nature of sudden food safety accidents and the needs of emergency disposal work, the emergency headquarters is mainly composed of the county development and reform commission, the county economic and trade commission, the county education and sports bureau, the county public security bureau, the county supervision bureau, the county finance bureau, and the county food. The Drug Administration, the County Health Bureau, the County Agricultural Bureau, the County Administration for Industry and Commerce, the County Quality Supervision Bureau, the County Environmental Protection Bureau, the County Broadcasting and Television Bureau, and the County Telecommunications Bureau are among the departments.
The main duties of the emergency headquarters:
1. According to the "Emergency Plan", unify the organization of leaders, command and coordinate the emergency response and rescue work of sudden food safety incidents; 2. Formulate and organize the implementation of emergency rescue plans, and be responsible for the decision-making of major events in emergency rescue; 3. Review and approve the counties The emergency handling work report submitted by the emergency headquarters office; 4. Report the progress of the emergency disposal work to the county emergency committee in time, and propose the emergency response level and the emergency status.
Responsibilities of relevant departments:
1. County Food and Drug Administration: Responsible for the daily work of the county emergency headquarters office, implement the responsibilities of the office; formulate emergency plans, organize and coordinate emergency rescue work, collect information, analyze dynamics; organize rescue propaganda, education, training Waiting for work.
2. County Health Bureau: According to the “Emergency Regulations for Public Health Emergencies”, it is responsible for emergency response to sudden food poisoning, patient treatment and disease prevention and control, and conducts investigation and treatment of hygiene causes for sudden food poisoning and related technical appraisal according to law. Waiting for work.
3. County Development and Reform Commission: responsible for including the construction of emergency food safety accident emergency system into the national economic and social development plan, strengthening the impact of food safety accidents on the national economic and social development of the county and monitoring and early warning of the prices of related drugs and related commodities. If necessary, take resounding measures to regulate, ensure supply, stabilize prices, and maintain market order.
4. County Economic and Trade Commission: responsible for the organization and supply of materials needed for food safety accident emergency rescue.
5. County Agricultural Bureau: Responsible for organizing the investigation of agricultural product quality and safety accidents, and carrying out the handling of agricultural product quality and safety accidents and related technical appraisal according to law. Responsible for the investigation and handling of major food safety incidents caused by slaughtering and processing of pigs and livestock and poultry products in circulation.
6. County Administration for Industry and Commerce: Carry out investigation and handling of food safety accidents caused by food circulation in accordance with the law.
7. County Quality Supervision Bureau: Carry out investigation and handling of food safety accidents caused by food production and processing, and related technical appraisal.
8. County Education and Sports Bureau: Responsible for assisting the health and other departments to investigate the causes of food safety accidents caused by school canteens, students' school meals and canteens, and organize emergency treatment.
9. County Environmental Protection Bureau: Responsible for the investigation of illegal activities and environmental monitoring caused by food safety accidents caused by environmental pollution, coordinate and guide the township people's government to deal with pollutants, and provide opinions and suggestions on the handling of environmental pollution violations according to law.
10. County Public Security Bureau: Responsible for organizing, guiding and coordinating the reconnaissance of suspected criminal cases in food safety accidents, and maintaining the order of public security.
11. County Supervision Bureau: It is responsible for inspecting the inspection, supervision and investigation of the state administrative organs and their staff members in observing and implementing violations of the emergency plan for food safety accidents.
12. County Finance Bureau: Responsible for the emergency fund management and management of accidents.
13. County Broadcasting and Television Bureau: Responsible for the external publicity work of sudden food safety accidents, and do a good job in guiding public opinion.
14. County Telecommunications Bureau: Responsible for the management of Internet news information and the blocking and deletion of harmful information.
Emergency Command Office and its responsibilities: The Office of the Emergency Command is located under the County Food and Drug Administration. In the event of a food safety incident, the headquarters office should immediately enter the emergency work situation.
1. Responsibilities shall implement the emergency response decisions and instructions of the county emergency headquarters, and organize and implement emergency response work;
Inspect and urge all townships and towns to do all kinds of emergency disposal work, and control accidents in a timely and effective manner to prevent spread and expansion;
Study and coordinate to solve specific problems in the emergency response work, and decide to take relevant control measures when necessary;
Report to the county emergency committee, the county emergency headquarters and its member units, and report the emergency response work;
Provide information about the accident to the news organization according to the authorization, and accept an exclusive interview with the media if necessary;
Coordinate relevant departments to do a good job in food safety accident emergency relief materials, communications, funding and technical support;
Organize emergency food and gas accident laws and regulations, rescue knowledge publicity, business training and emergency drills;
Examine and evaluate the duties stipulated by the members of the county emergency headquarters in fulfilling the contingency plan;
Complete other tasks assigned by the county emergency headquarters.
2. Director and Deputy Director: The director of the County Food and Drug Administration shall serve;
Deputy Director: The person in charge of the member unit of the county emergency headquarters.
3. Contact and communication situation The liaison staff of each member unit and the main member unit of the contact list report the telephone number of the county emergency headquarters office address: Fuliang County Food and Drug Administration Tel: 2620836
Fax: 2620829
Emergency Disposal Working Group: After the emergency plan for sudden food safety accidents in the county is started, each working group and its members shall, in accordance with the responsibilities and requirements of the plan, obey the unified command of the county emergency headquarters, immediately perform their duties as required, and organize the implementation of emergency response in a timely manner. Measures and report the disposition to the County Emergency Command Office at any time. The county emergency headquarters office shall promptly report the accident and handling situation to the county emergency headquarters.
1. Accident investigation team: According to the cause and link of the accident, the county food and drug administration, agriculture, health, industry and commerce, quality supervision and other departments are responsible for or clarify that one of the departments is responsible for organizing.
Responsibilities: In-depth investigation of the cause of the accident, making investigation conclusions, organizing and coordinating the township government to implement rescue work, supervising the implementation of rescue measures, assessing the impact of the accident, and proposing accident prevention opinions.
2. Composition of accident handling and case investigation: The relevant supervision function of the accident is responsible for organization.
Responsibilities: Implement administrative supervision and administrative punishment according to law, supervise the recall of toxic and harmful foods, strictly control circulation channels, promptly investigate and handle cases, trace the source, and punish illegal parties; if they are suspected of committing a crime, they shall be transferred to the public security organs for investigation.
3. Composition of medical treatment team: The health administrative department is responsible for organizing.
Responsibilities: Quickly organize health emergency work such as medical treatment, disease prevention and control, ascertain the cause of the disease as soon as possible, and propose treatment measures.
4. Composition of the comprehensive group: Organized by the Food and Drug Administration.
Responsibilities: Aggregate information, report, report the situation, analyze the progress of the accident and publicize the situation.
5. Composition of the expert consultation group: Organized by the Food and Drug Administration and relevant departments.
Responsibilities: Provide technical assistance for accident handling, analyze the causes and hazards caused by the accident.
6. On-site inspection and evaluation team: The on-site emergency rescue command set up an accident site detection and assessment team as needed.
Responsibilities: Comprehensive analysis and evaluation of test data, find out the cause of the accident and evaluate the development trend of the accident, predict the consequences of the accident, and provide reference for the development of the rescue plan on site. The inspection and evaluation report shall be reported to the county emergency headquarters office and the relevant departments of the county government in a timely manner.
7. Composition of the information release group: The county government office shall be responsible for organizing with the competent department of news and publicity and the competent department of the county government to take the lead, or determine the specific members according to the type of the accident.
Responsibilities: Quickly develop information release plans and organize information dissemination in a timely manner. Responsible for the interview application and management work of the reporter at the scene of the accident. Responsible for the monitoring and management of information related to the Internet; the rumors and distorted reports of foreign media, the organization refutes clarification. In case of major food safety accidents or foreign-related incidents that may have an international impact, report to the county emergency headquarters in a timely manner.
Second, the daily management organization: County Food and Drug Administration is responsible for the daily management of sudden food safety incidents in the county.
The specific responsibilities are:
1. Organizing and coordinating relevant issues related to emergency handling of sudden food safety incidents, and verifying sudden food safety incidents;
2. Responsible for the collection, analysis, reporting, notification and processing of sudden food safety incidents in the county;
3. Organizing and revising the emergency plan for sudden food safety incidents in the county;
4. Organize the establishment and management of an expert database for emergency handling of sudden food safety incidents in the county;
5. Guide all localities to implement emergency plans for sudden food safety incidents.
Third, the expert advisory committee: establish a county emergency food safety accident expert database, after the occurrence of food safety accidents, identify relevant professional experts from the expert database, and set up a food safety accident expert advisory committee.
1. Responsibilities:
Advice and suggestions on emergency food safety incident emergency work;
Provide technical guidance for emergency food safety accident emergency work;
Participate in the formulation and revision of emergency plans and technical plans;
Advising on the termination and post-evaluation of emergency response to sudden food safety incidents.
2. Expert database operation system 1. Monitoring, early warning, reporting, reporting, notification monitoring and early warning
1. Monitoring: Establish a unified food safety accident monitoring and network system in the county, strengthen food safety information management and comprehensive utilization, and build an information communication platform between departments to achieve interconnection and resource sharing.
County Agricultural Bureau: Releases quality and safety testing information on pesticide residues and veterinary drug residues in agricultural products.
The County Health Bureau, the County Industrial and Commercial Bureau, the County Quality Supervision Bureau and the County Food and Drug Administration jointly issued market food quality supervision and inspection information.
County Food and Drug Administration: responsible for information collection and aggregation, timely delivery, analysis and collation, and regular release of comprehensive food safety information. Establish a smooth information monitoring and notification network system, form a unified and scientific food safety information assessment and early warning indicator system, timely study the food safety situation, and achieve early detection, early prevention, early remediation and early resolution of food safety issues.
2. The County Agricultural Bureau, the County Health Bureau, the County Industrial and Commercial Bureau, the County Quality Supervision Bureau, the County Environmental Protection Bureau, the County Education Bureau and other departments shall, in accordance with their respective responsibilities, strengthen key varieties, key links, and key places, especially high. Daily food safety supervision of risk food cultivation, aquaculture, production, processing, packaging, storage, management, consumption, etc. Establish and improve food safety information database and information reporting system, timely analyze the hazard degree and possible development trend of public health in accordance with the occurrence and development rules and characteristics of sudden food safety accidents, promptly make early warnings, preliminarily determine the level of early warning, and draw up Handle measures to issue warning information and recommendations to the County Emergency Committee and ensure the effective operation of the system.
Reporting County Food and Drug Administration, in conjunction with relevant departments, establish and improve a sudden food safety incident reporting system, including: special information systems for food safety incidents, information reporting and notification systems, and social supervision, public opinion supervision, information collection and reporting systems. Wait.
Identify sudden food safety incident reports, timelines for notification, and responsible entities.
1. Reporting units and personnel Food planting, breeding, production, processing, circulation enterprises, catering units and personnel;
Food inspection agencies, research institutes, and units and personnel related to food safety;
Sudden food safety accidents and personnel;


Food safety supervision departments at all levels and relevant departments and personnel;
Various medical and health institutions and personnel.
Any unit or individual may not report, delay, or misrepresent a major food safety accident, or instruct others to report, delay or lie, and may not obstruct others' reporting.
2. A food safety incident that causes or may cause serious damage to public health;
A major food safety incident that causes group food poisoning or death in more than 30 people.
3. Reporting time limit responsibility reporting units, individuals and relevant units shall report the sudden food safety accidents and report to the local township people's government or relevant departments within 2 hours;
The township people's government or relevant departments of the accident shall make an initial report within one hour after they are aware of the sudden food safety incident, and make a stage report at any time according to the process of processing or the requirements of the superior; and make a summary report within 10 days after the completion of the accident.
4. After the food safety accident of the reporting program occurs, the relevant personnel at the scene of the accident shall immediately report to the person in charge of the unit. After receiving the report, the person in charge of the unit shall report to the county government, the food safety comprehensive supervision department and relevant departments within 2 hours;
After receiving the report on food safety accidents above the iv level, the county-level people's government and the Food and Drug Administration shall report to the Municipal People's Government and the Municipal Food and Drug Administration within 2 hours.
5. The report requires that the initial report should report as much as possible the time, place, unit, hazard level, number of deaths, incident reporting unit and reporting time, contact person of the reporting unit and contact information, preliminary judgment of the cause of the accident, and after the accident The measures taken and the accident control situation, etc., should report the brief passage of the accident if possible.
The phase report not only reports the new situation, but also supplements and modifies the initial report, including the progress and changes of the accident, the disposal process, and the cause of the accident.
The summary report includes the conclusions of the food safety accident identification, summarizes the handling of the accident, analyzes the cause and influencing factors of the accident, and proposes prevention and disposal of similar accidents in the future.
Report any unit or individual has the right to report food safety accidents and hidden dangers to the relevant departments of the county government, and the relevant responsible departments, units, personnel do not perform or fail to perform food safety incident management duties as required.
After receiving the report, the relevant departments of the county government shall promptly organize or notify the relevant departments to investigate and handle the reported matters.
After the notification of a food safety incident, the relevant departments shall promptly notify them.
1. A food safety incident that causes or may cause serious damage to public health;
A food safety incident that causes group food poisoning or death in more than 30 people.
2. Notification method After receiving the report of a sudden food safety incident, the relevant department of the county government shall notify the County Food and Drug Administration within one hour;
After receiving the report of a sudden food safety accident, the County Food and Drug Administration shall notify the county emergency committee and the people's government of the accident place within 2 hours, and notify the relevant food safety supervision department of the relevant area if there is a possible spread trend. Strengthen early warning and prevention work;
The relevant departments of the county government shall promptly report the possible food safety accident risk information to the County Food and Drug Administration. According to the food safety accident hazard source monitoring information, the county food and drug administration shall promptly report to the county emergency committee and notify the relevant departments and township governments of the risk of food safety accidents that may arise.
3. Special notifications involving Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwanese personnel or foreign citizens, or accidents that may affect overseas, need to be notified to the relevant agencies of Hong Kong, Macao, Taiwan or relevant countries, and approved by the County Emergency Committee, timely reported to the city Government, Municipal Food and Drug Administration.

4. News Announcement For food safety accidents, the County Food and Drug Administration shall promptly report to the County Emergency Committee, and the county government office, together with the competent department of news and publicity, and the competent department of the county government responsible for disposition, shall be responsible for the external release and do a good job in organizing public opinion guidance. .
Second, the food safety accident emergency response grading reverberation food safety accident emergency response is divided into four levels, i-level reverberation by the national emergency headquarters or office organization, the implementation of the ii-level reverberation action is decided by the provincial people's government, level iii reverberation action The implementation of the organization is determined by the municipal people's government, and the implementation of the iv-level reverberation action is decided by the county people's government.
1. The emergency response of special major and major food safety accidents is particularly important and the food safety accidents involve the county. The county emergency headquarters carries out emergency response work under the unified leadership and command of the national and provincial emergency headquarters.
After a particularly major or major food safety incident, the county emergency headquarters immediately started the work of the county emergency headquarters office, and promptly issued emergency response instructions in accordance with the requirements of the superior emergency headquarters.
The county emergency headquarters immediately organized and directed the relevant township people's government, relevant departments, units, professional teams and on-site command departments to carry out emergency response work, start corresponding professional groups to carry out emergency response according to needs, and report emergency work to the higher-level emergency headquarters in time. The progress.
Relevant departments of the county and township people's governments shall, in accordance with the provisions of the "Emergency Plan" and the requirements of the county emergency headquarters, carry out relevant emergency disposal work.
2. Emergency response to large food safety incidents The township people's government or the relevant departments of the county shall report the county emergency headquarters in time after receiving a report on a large food safety incident. The county emergency headquarters shall report to the Municipal People's Government and the Municipal Emergency Command in a timely manner. The township people's government and relevant units of the incident will be dealt with in advance.
If it is confirmed as a iii-level large food safety accident, the Municipal People's Government shall immediately start the "Jingdezhen City Major Food Safety Accident Emergency Plan", and the county people's government and the relevant departments of the county shall cooperate closely to jointly implement rescue and emergency handling actions.
3. Emergency response to general food safety incidents The organization and implementation of emergency response actions for general food safety incidents are decided by the county people's government and immediately reported to the Municipal People's Government and the Municipal Food Safety Coordination Leading Group Office.
County government emergency response: The county government is responsible for the unified leadership and command of the county's general food safety incident emergency response work. According to the report and recommendations of the County Food and Drug Administration, it is decided to start the county emergency food safety accident emergency headquarters and this plan. Carry out emergency rescue and other emergency treatment work.
County Food and Drug Administration Emergency Response: After receiving the food safety accident report, the County Food and Drug Administration shall immediately organize relevant departments to investigate and confirm the accident situation, make a preliminary assessment of the accident, and report the accident to the county emergency committee according to regulations. In the case, it is proposed to start the county food safety accident emergency plan and emergency handling work, timely report the accident related situation to the relevant department of the county government, start the emergency disposal working group, and carry out emergency rescue work.
Upgrade and downgrade of reverberation When food safety accidents develop further with time, food safety accidents are seriously endangered and there is a tendency to spread and expand. When the situation is complicated and difficult to control, it should be reported to the headquarters for approval, and the warning and response levels should be raised in time;
If the hazard of the accident has been quickly eliminated and will not spread further, it should be reported to the headquarters for approval, and the reverberation level should be reduced accordingly or the warning should be cancelled.
Command coordination
1. The main content of the command and coordination of the county emergency headquarters organizes and implements the emergency plan for sudden food safety accidents in the county; proposes the principle of emergency action; coordinates and directs the emergency force to implement the rescue operation.
2. Main contents of command and coordination of the county emergency headquarters office

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To the county emergency headquarters to make recommendations for decision-making on major issues of emergency rescue; dispatch relevant experts and personnel to participate in and guide on-site emergency command work; coordinate and organize the implementation of emergency rescue; report the progress of emergency rescue operations to the county emergency headquarters in a timely manner; Monitor the surrounding hazard sources of threats and identify key protected areas.
Emergency disposal site disposal mainly relies on emergency response forces within the administrative area. After the food safety accident occurs, the people's government and relevant units of the incident shall promptly take measures to conduct on-site disposal in accordance with the emergency plan, effectively organize emergency rescue work, control developments, and report to the county people's government in a timely manner.
When the situation deteriorates drastically, the on-site emergency rescue command will promptly formulate an emergency disposal plan based on the full consideration of the opinions of experts and relevant parties, take emergency measures to control the development of the situation, and organize emergency rescue work.
After the end of the reverberation of food safety accidents or related risk factors, the food safety accident emergency rescue ended, and the emergency rescue team evacuated from the scene. The emergency command office organizes relevant experts to conduct analysis and demonstration. After the on-site inspection and evaluation confirms that there is no harm and risk, it proposes to terminate the emergency response, and reports to the emergency headquarters to approve the end of the emergency response. According to the report on the emergency handling work after the summary, the emergency command office may submit specific treatment opinions and suggestions to the relevant departments. The emergency command office supervises the rectification work of the food safety accident occurrence unit, timely tracks the situation, and reports the processing results at any time.
3. Post-treatment of the post-treatment county emergency headquarters instructed the relevant member units and the township people's government of the incident to organize the after-care disposal of food safety accidents, including personnel resettlement, compensation, requisition of materials, pollutant collection, cleaning and disposal. Eliminate the impact of accidents as soon as possible, properly resettle and condolence to the affected and affected people, restore normal order as soon as possible, and ensure social stability.
After the food safety accident occurs, the insurance institution shall promptly carry out the emergency rescue personnel insurance acceptance and the insurance claims settlement work of the disaster victims.
The responsible unit and responsible person responsible for the food safety accident shall compensate the victim in accordance with the relevant provisions of the law.
Responsibility investigation In the process of prevention, notification, reporting, investigation, control and handling of food safety accidents, if there are acts of negligence or dereliction of duty, the responsible persons shall be investigated for responsibility according to relevant laws and regulations.
After the completion of the food safety incident, the county emergency command office summarizes and analyzes the experience and lessons of emergency rescue, proposes improvement work, completes the emergency rescue summary report, and reports it to the county emergency headquarters and the municipal food and drug administration. According to the submitted emergency rescue summary, the County Emergency Command Office organizes research and improvement of emergency rescue work measures and sends them to the relevant departments of the county government.
IV. Emergency Support Information Protection The County Food Safety Supervision Administration establishes a special information reporting system for food safety incidents, which is responsible for the collection, processing, analysis, release and transmission of food safety incident information. After a food safety incident occurs, the emergency headquarters shall promptly release information on food safety incidents to the public. Strictly follow the principle of centralized information and unified external release. Information released by the media should be released to the public after approval by the county emergency headquarters.
The communication security county emergency headquarters and the county direct departments, units and professional teams involved in the handling of food safety accidents should establish a smooth communication method, determine the fixed contact telephone number and keep the personnel on duty for 24 hours, clearly lead the class leader, and equip with the corresponding computer and printing. Office equipment such as watch machines and fax machines. Professional teams involved in on-site disposal should be equipped with wireless communication tools to meet the needs of emergency response.
If the medical security food safety accident causes personal injury, the emergency rescue work of the health system shall be started immediately, and the rescue personnel shall immediately rush to the scene to carry out rescue work.
The Office of Personnel Protection County Emergency Command Department will cooperate with relevant department personnel and organize experts to participate in accident handling.
The technical appraisal of technical support for food safety accidents is undertaken by a qualified testing agency. When a food safety accident occurs, it is entrusted by the County Emergency Command or the Municipal Emergency Command Office to immediately collect samples and conduct tests according to the relevant standards to provide a scientific basis for qualitative identification of food safety accidents.
Material security The people's governments at all levels shall guarantee the facilities, equipment and materials needed for emergency handling of food safety accidents, guarantee the reserve of emergency materials, and provide emergency rescue funds. The required funds shall be included in the budget of the people's government at the same level.
Funding guarantees The county government shall guarantee the emergency infrastructure construction funds for sudden food safety accidents.
The county finance department shall, according to the regulations, implement the financial subsidy policy for food safety emergency response professional institutions and the emergency disposal of food safety accidents.
The food safety emergency plan guarantee funds shall be submitted by the County Food and Drug Administration according to the “Emergency Plan” and shall be included in the annual government budget after being approved by the County Finance Bureau.
The county finance and auditing departments shall strengthen the supervision, inspection and evaluation of the use and effectiveness of the “Emergency Plan” safeguard funds to ensure the earmarking.
The exercise drill county emergency headquarters office shall, according to the actual situation and work needs, formulate a food safety accident exercise drill plan according to the "Emergency Plan" and organize the implementation.
Relevant departments, enterprises and institutions shall, according to their own characteristics, organize regular and irregular training drills of their departments and their own units on a regular or irregular basis.
The county government and relevant departments conducted a comprehensive summary and evaluation of the drills and further improved the emergency plan.
The missionary training county, township people's government and related departments shall strengthen the education and publicity of food safety knowledge to consumers, improve consumer risk and awareness of production and business operators, and correctly guide consumption.
The food safety accident emergency disposal training work adopts the principle of grading and responsible, and all relevant departments are responsible for organizing and implementing.

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