Secretarial knowledge > Emergency plan

Administrative village emergency public emergency plan

In order to ensure the safety of life and property of villagers and foreign residents, ensure the economic and social development of the village, and create a stable and stable social environment, this plan is formulated.
First, organizational security
1. Established the leader of the disaster prevention and emergency work with the secretary as the team leader and the village director as the deputy leader. The members include: members of the two village committees, the group leader, the principal of the national team, the team leader, the village health worker, the agricultural technician, and the broadcaster. . Responsible for leading, organizing and mobilizing the flood control and relief work of the whole village.
2. Several militia units of several village groups are set up as units, and several disaster relief emergency detachments are set up. The responsible persons and team leaders of the two committees are the responsible persons of the detachment and are responsible for the disaster relief work of each group.
3. With the joint defense team as the main body, the village emergency emergency detachment will be established. The captain and the deputy captain will be the first responsible person, responsible for the whole village key and assault disaster relief missions.
4. The village fire brigade is formed by members of the joint defense team. The captain is also served by the joint defense captain.
5, the establishment of emergency response team, captain: the village health clinic doctors, the villagers group leader, reserve retreat soldiers, militia several names.
6. The office of the leading group of the village disaster emergency response incident is located in the duty room of the village committee. Responsible for leading disaster response work.
Director of the Insurance: The militia battalion commander. The duty officer is also the director of the office and the police officer.
Second, equipment and equipment
1. The principal is responsible for determining the centralized resettlement site for the disaster relief.
2. Several emergency detachments are equipped with a number of hoes, shovel shovel, several pairs of high-heeled rain boots, several parts of tricycles or trolleys, and several locomotives that determine temporary emergency requisitions.
3. A small fire engine and supporting equipment.
4. Determine the temporary requisition object, and ensure that it can be requisitioned under emergency needs: several parts of traffic vehicles such as pickup trucks, mini-trucks or cars, and promptly put into rescue first-aid work. The village secretary and director are the first responsible persons.
5. Prepare necessary emergency equipment and medicines for the six stretchers and the village health clinic.
6. Ensure that the broadcasting facilities and telephones and mobile phones that are connected to each other are unblocked, and the members of the special leading group and related personnel are responsible persons.
Third, flood resistance
1. When the early warning work is received by the superiors, the duty should be strengthened to ensure smooth flow. The water conservancy administrator observed the water level and typhoon changes in the village day and night and notified in time. The announcer will issue an early warning or an alarm. Make sure the network is clear. Inspect, complete, and implement all emergency equipment and tool vehicle disaster relief equipment to ensure emergency response. An alarm will be issued to key villagers such as the villagers in the accident-prone area and the dilapidated houses in each responsible area, and the evacuation preparation is required.
2, the steps of flood relief work - all members of the leadership group, each of them, each with their own duties, to ensure that: prepared, orderly and effective. Lead, organize, and mobilize villagers to fully invest in disaster relief and relief work.
- Organize an emergency detachment to evacuate dangerous buildings to the national housing. The ancestors of the ancestors ensure that personnel are not injured or injured and minimize losses.
- Each emergency detachment is responsible for evacuation, evacuation and monitoring of key areas of each responsibility area.
—— Urgently recruit emergency vehicles, ships, tools, etc. to rescue emergency equipment according to the requirements of the plan. Unified scheduling for emergency needs.
—— Organize emergency contingent patrols throughout the village, monitor disasters, and rescue emergencies. Minimize losses.
Fourth, fire fighting work
1. Alarm bell Chang Ming: Usually broadcasts various forms such as broadcasting, publicizes fire prevention, alarm points, fire protection knowledge used by equipment, and raises villagers' awareness of fire protection. The village fire trucks are often maintained, and the team members often train to ensure that the police can be used, and the police can use them. Enterprises and individuals who should set up fire-fighting equipment should ensure that fire-fighters are effective and take them. The villagers should ensure that all roads inside and outside the village are unblocked, and that they do not arbitrarily pile up and block roads.
2. Alarm: The villagers or enterprises should immediately report to the fire alarm: a, fire alarm: 119; village fire brigade and village committee duty room telephone village committee duty room personnel dial 119 alarm - report to the village disaster emergency response team - The Longhu Town Government reported that the village was alerted by radio to the villagers and asked the villagers to rush to the scene to help the fire.

3. Fire fighting: The village fire brigade should rush to the scene within five minutes of receiving the police.
Members of the village disaster prevention emergency leadership team should rush to the scene to command firefighting within 2-3 minutes: a. Organize the evacuation of relevant personnel, and rescue the transfer of personnel and property in the case of ensuring safety. b. Command the village fire brigade and the villagers to organize effective fire fighting according to the site conditions before the arrival of “119”. c. According to the plan, organize the fire extinguisher support site of each enterprise. d. Organize the rescue team to rescue and transfer the wounded.
After the arrival of "119", actively cooperate and comprehensively extinguish the fire.
V. Earthquake resistance
1. There is a police earthquake: timely organize the villagers to evacuate to the safe section outside the village in an orderly manner. When time permits, the villagers will be mobilized to bring more daily necessities and food.
Organize each emergency contingency to go through the door to the door to ensure that the group does not leak, and the household does not leak.
Organize the joint defense team to set up a card to mobilize to prevent the villagers from returning.
2. No police earthquake: The disaster occurred suddenly. The members of the leading group immediately cooperated with the group leaders or the militia to mobilize the villagers to evacuate and evacuate.
In a critical situation, the villagers in the village evacuated to a safer place, and initially drafted: a, the National Small Playground, the wilderness around Zongtang; d, Omiya University, basketball court, etc.
Those who can evacuate to the outside of the village are required to evacuate outside the village to ensure safer.
3, self-rescue after the earthquake: the first time to the town, the city to inform the disaster, request support.
Under the premise of ensuring completeness, organize search and rescue: a. With each emergency detachment as a unit, name and search by household, and confirm the missing persons to search and rescue as much as possible. b. Emergency emergency detachment search and rescue of key locations. c. Organize an ambulance team to rescue the injured and sick. d. Adhere to the card setting to prevent unrelated personnel from returning and ensure the safety of the rest of the personnel.
4. Aftershock prevention: Organize the temporary living resettlement leading group, and try to organize the necessary daily necessities and foods to supply the people and tide over the difficulties.
Do more work, stabilize the mood of the villagers, feel at ease in the evacuation, and organize self-help after the disaster has stabilized.
Set the card to check, try to prevent unrelated people from returning home, find people to take things, and prevent accidents.
Search for the victims, cooperate with the superiors, properly dispose of them, and at the same time do the work of the families of the victims and stabilize the disaster relief situation.
Six, group petition
1, usually over-receive information, anti-micro-duration, found that the seed in time to guide, and calm things.
2. At the time of the incident, members of the leadership group at home, the focus is that members of the two committees of the village should immediately rush to the scene: the first time to report to the town government, the police station.
Do a good job as a carrier driver and strive to control the vehicle.
Go deep into the public to understand the cause. Because of the situation, patience and enthusiasm, do a good job of persuasion, stabilize the mood of the people, especially do the work of key villagers, and avoid the expansion of the situation.
Convene representatives to talk about the truth and the real requirements, give reasonable commitment or assistance; explain the unreasonable requirements, do representative work, and do the work of the people.
Afterwards, report to the relevant leaders and departments in a timely manner, solve the problem of handling the aftermath and thoroughly resolve the contradictions.
3. If the situation cannot be controlled, request support from the town government and the police station in a timely manner, and strive for initiative to prevent the situation from expanding.
Seven, gathering crowds and feudal fighting
1. Report the case to the police station or 110 at the first time, request support, and inform the town government.
2. The members of the leading group at home immediately rushed to the scene to command the joint defense team and the emergency detachment: immediately isolate the personnel of both sides and try to control the situation and prevent the development of the situation. Organize an ambulance team to rescue the injured. Convene the representatives of both sides to do the work, first evacuate and then mediate. Persuaded the two sides to withdraw from the scene, not to regroup and regenerate the situation. If the situation may not be controlled, then the support of the police station will be requested to stop the development. After the situation subsided, the two parties were called to investigate and mediate and resolve the contradictions. If the consequences are caused, the police station will be educated and dealt with in the event.
8. Major public security and criminal cases
1. The first time to the police station and 110 alarm, request support, and immediately notify the town government.
2. Before the arrival of the police station personnel: organize the joint defense team to control the scene. Evacuate the surrounding people when necessary. Try to control the suspects, prevent them from fleeing, and prevent the situation or the danger from spreading. The suspect was found to have fled and organized the people to contain it. The ambulance team will treat and transfer the wounded as soon as possible. Cooperate with the police station to arrest suspects, collect evidence, and find people's cards. Promote uprightness and fight crime.
Nine, self-rescue after the disaster
1. Organize all evacuated personnel to move back in an orderly manner, and properly resettle the personnel and families who are unable to move back due to water damage, wind damage, and earthquake damage.
2. Report the disaster situation and strive for government support to ensure the smooth production of self-rescue work.
3. Appropriate help to some villagers and migrants who are seriously affected by the disaster, living and producing difficulties, to help them tide over the difficulties.
4. Repairing water damage, wind damage, fire damage, and earthquake damage facilities to ensure that production and self-rescue have a solid guarantee.
5. Give priority care and assistance to people who are seriously injured and have difficulties in their families.
6. Organize post-disaster production ten, other matters
1. Unexpected incidents not listed in this plan can be handled flexibly by referring to the above situations.
2. The teams involved in this plan, although not mentioned in the plan, should be rushed to the scene for the first time at the time of the incident.
3. Members of the leading group, whoever comes to the scene first is the on-site commander and should bear the command responsibility.
Supplementary Provisions This plan can be necessary to enrich and adjust in practice according to the new requirements of the higher level, the new situation and the disaster situation.

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