Inspirational story

Honda's miracle

Honda's miracle

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A person has no clear goal, just like a ship without a compass. There is no route in the sea, but it can only follow the tide. Once a person has defined his goals, made up his mind, and has a desire for success, he will have a strong sense of mission and passion. Under such circumstances, nothing will stop him from reaching his goal. Therefore, only the goal is clear to achieve the best results in the shortest possible time.

The goal must be clear and unique. There is a watch theorem that says: If you give a watch, you can know the current time very accurately; and if you hold two watches at the same time, they mean different time, but you are not sure which one is accurate, but instead Lost confidence in the time indicated by the watch.

Honda’s founder, Honda Shoichiro, was born in Shizuoka Prefecture, Japan in 1906. He left his hometown in 1922 and came to Tokyo to become an auto repair shop as an apprentice. He was very hardworking and soon became a good repairman. In 1928, Honda Shoic opened a car repair shop of his own, which was very successful. But this is not the goal he pursues. In 1934, he closed the auto repair shop and established Donghai Precision Machinery Co., Ltd., which mainly produces piston rings and supplies Toyota. But this is still not the ultimate goal of Honda’s Shoichiro.

When Honda Shoic was very young, although he had nothing, but had an ambitious dream, he set a goal for himself to be among the world's largest automakers.

The opening of auto repair shops and the production of piston rings are just to pave the way for this ambitious goal. Therefore, in 1945, he sold the prosperous Donghai Precision Machinery Company to Toyota, and in 1946 he established today's Honda Institute of Technology to start research and development and production of locomotives.

Now, this goal of Honda’s Shoichiro has been achieved. In the global car market, Honda's production and sales volume and market share are increasing day by day, and GM, Ford, Toyota, DaimlerChrysler and other world's most famous car dealers.

In 1953, Yale University conducted a survey on the goals of life for the graduates of the year. When asked if there were clear goals and written plans to achieve the goals, only 3% of the students gave a positive answer. Twenty years later, people who followed these years of graduates conducted a follow-up survey. They found that 3% of students with clear goals had a much higher economic income than the other 97%.

After Benjamin Disraeli was elected to the British Prime Minister, he summed up his success in a short speech. "The secret of success is to stick to the goal."

Disraeli was originally an unfounded writer who wrote many novels and political works, but they were not impressed. Later he set foot in politics and made up his mind to become the British prime minister. He overcame numerous obstacles and sought political development. He was elected to the House of Representatives, the Chief Justice of the High Court, the Chairman of the House of Commons, the leader of the Conservative Party, etc., and finally achieved his goal in 1868 and was successfully elected as the British Prime Minister.

Advice and advice:

Think about what you want to achieve in your life and identify it.

Smart goals must be in accordance with SMART principles: S: specific; M: measurable; A: achievable; R: related; T: time-based. You must simplify abstract, unenforceable, and unmeasurable goals into practical, measurable goals.

Set your goals higher, and your goals will make you go faster and farther, even if you still can't reach the speed you expected, but it will be more inspiring than the goal of not aiming or too low.

Don't worry about your ability, a philosopher said: "People who are determined to climb the peak can always find a way forward." The higher the goal pursued by a person, the faster his talent and career will develop.

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