Inspirational story

I can live, the world is yours.

After finishing work at 10:30 in the evening, I took a taxi and went home to look at the mobile phone and found out that it was my birthday today.

I had a bowl of green noodles at the entrance to the community, asking the old aunt to help me add a poached egg. I said to myself, you see, after today, you are really thirty years old. What are you doing for the past few years?

Every time you face changes in society and the outside world, you bury your head low and accept it.

You always feel that life can't see hope, it's like drowning, and then... Today, is this the result you want?

You don't know how far you have to go in the future, and you never dare to expect how much you can earn in this life.

Then life is good, living is good, what is the meaning?

You always hope to be yourself, but do you really know what you want?

You feel that you can't help yourself every step of the way, and you are very careful to be afraid. You think that you will be washed away by this torrent of torrents, but you see, it turns out that you can take root and survive, right?

If in the past six years of graduation, life has never given you any opportunities and roads, then at least it teaches you a set of living skills that make you extremely humble in the face of difficulties, it makes you understand life. Hard, unsatisfactory, and don't forget to pay at all times.

Perhaps you may be destined to be a weed, and there will never be a day in this big city with high buildings.

Even if the annual salary of 100,000 is a dream for you for a lifetime, but with this dream to live, you will eventually have a wish to reach it!

Thirty years old is a watershed in life. You can't be willful again. You can't give up.

This is your life, you must always learn to be strong, learn to be frank, learn to face.

On that day, the lights on the roadside booth were dim, and I only had one meal. The old aunt is already packing up and preparing for the collection. I looked at the steaming longevity noodles. I smacked a lot about myself. Then I silently made a wish in my heart. I forgot the age from today and forgot the birthday. If you don't want to reach it, don't eat this birthday that represents growth.

Since that day I have changed a lot and started to think a lot, including life and the future.

I turned passive change into a positive change. If life needs me to become like it, then I will try it out.

I started to make work a pleasure and tried to resolve the pressure.

I began to try to relax before preparing for the event. Even from the barista to the etiquette, I can calmly say hello and make a little joke. The customer began to feel relieved to me, the guests can enjoy here and the event is a complete success, which is what I most want to see.

I didn't spend so much time immersed in negative emotions and began to understand self-regulation.

I no longer deliberately distinguish my own age, the illusory age, and unified the virtual age as a real age, just because I heard people say that the virtual age is counted in your mother's belly.

That is a precious and great year, I should respect it and recognize its existence.

At the age of thirty-four, a few friends celebrated my birthday together. I discovered that I had realized the original "wish" without knowing it. The 100,000-year salary that I thought was high above is now just a small hill, but it is.

As long as you are walking, you will see more beautiful scenery. All detours and goals have the meaning of its existence. Without the roughs of the past, there will be no mentality and ability of today.

Go forward, even if you can't see the light, even if you don't know the direction, as long as you don't stop, you will always come to the dawn and walk towards the light.

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