Inspirational Quotes > Aphorisms

Zhu Zizhi's motto


To be neat and tidy inside and outside

Lock the portal must check the point

It’s not easy to think of a porridge and a meal.

Half silk and half 缕 缕 缕 物 物 物

It is advisable to dig well without rain and

Do not hang around with the banquet

The quality of the utensils and the cleanliness of the gold and jade

Garden and vegetables are more precious, do not camp Huawu, do not make good land

Sangu Liupo’s real slut’s slut

Non-mortem servants should not use beautiful wife and swearing

Although the ancestors are far away, they can’t be unfaithful. Although the foolish books cannot be read,

The simple teachings of the residence period must have a righteousness

Don't be greedy for money, don't drink too much alcohol

Take advantage of shoulder trade

See poor neighbors to warm up

Carved into a family, no time to enjoy

Lun often stands up to death

Brothers and uncles must be divided into multiple

Long and young, inside and outside

Listening to a woman’s words, being a husband

Heavy-capital wealth parents are not adults

Marrying a woman to choose a good job

Guiqiu ladies do not count thick

Seeing wealth and being sad is the most shameful

Those who are arrogant in the face of poverty

At home, the lawsuit is final

There are many words in the world.

Awkward forces

Swearing and swearing

It’s a lot of remorse

Sluggish from Ganjiadao is difficult

Abomination will be affected by it for a long time

Qu Zhi Lao is anxious and can be dependent

Listening to the speech, knowing the innocence

When patience, think twice

I don’t know if I am not thinking about it.

Shi Hui’s thoughts are unforgettable

Everything should be reserved when it is left unreasonable

People have a festive jealousy

People have a disaster and cannot be happy.

Seeing good people is not true.

It’s a big evil

Seeing the color and getting kinky in the wife and daughter

Grievance and use the dark arrow to blame the descendants

Home door and smooth

There is also Yu Huanguo’s class early.

That is to say, there is nothing more than fun.

Reading in the sage

For the official heart of the country

Keeping a good time and listening to the day

If you are close to you

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